Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Announces 2022 Congressional App Challenge

Congressman DeSaulnier Announces 2022 Congressional App Challenge


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier will host the eighth annual 2022 Congressional App Challenge (CAC), a coding competition for high school students.

Students who live or attend school in California’s 11th Congressional District are invited to design and submit an original software application (app) for mobile, tablet, or other computing devices to Congressman DeSaulnier’s office from now until November 1, 2022.

“Each year it is a joy to see our students’ ingenuity on display,” said Congressman DeSaulnier. “As coding and STEM experience become increasingly important in the workforce and society, I’m excited to again host this competition and look forward to the creative app designs from students in Contra Costa.”

Students may participate as individuals or in teams of up to four. Submissions must include a registration form, application, demonstration video, and exit questionnaire. To register and submit these materials, please visit https://www.congressionalappchallenge.us/students/student-registration/. All apps must be submitted no later than 8:00 p.m. PT on October 31, 2022.


The winning app will be chosen by a panel of judges and will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building and featured on the House of Representatives’ website.

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All the stuff going on and this doofus is worried about an app contest. SMH.

I don’t know WC, as he and his colleagues are the primary cause of all the stuff going on, perhaps being distracted in finding some demographically suited high schooler to write an app may just limit further damage being done to this nation, or at least ds’s contribution to the damage.

I would encourage some child to come up with an app that makes it easier to get a congressman out of office.

and have them collect Social Security

And be on Medicare.

And watch JJ Walker and get all the benefits he’s entitled to.

The judging panel will all be Democrats and they will be looking for some kind of activist app to help them cheat in November yawn………maybe CCHealth could submit the apps of their little COVID snitches. Remember the snitches were supposed to go out in public and record people who didn’t wear masks. Democrats would love it! So NaZi.

The app must have something to do with pushing “equity” (and we all know what that really means in Democrat speak) in order to be considered.

Any app that does not help to push the narrative will not be considered for a single minute.

Also must be an appropriate minority group. And Asians apparently might not count now!

Why doesn’t this guy stick his head in the sand and leave it there.

He can’t since his head is already up his…!

Inspired by HappyPappy’s earlier comparison of Biden’s popularity to Brussel’s Sprouts, I think an excellent app would provide a daily measure of what animal, fruit, vegetable or house plant most closely resembles Biden’s mental capabilities. For example, “Today, Biden had the mental skillset of an [artichoke]”.


If they can make an app to make him disappear it should be the winning app.



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