Home » Firefighters Stop Forward Progress Of Marsh Fire

Firefighters Stop Forward Progress Of Marsh Fire


Contra Costa County firefighters stopped the “forward progress” of the Marsh Fire in Pittsburg early Saturday evening.

A Contra Costa County Fire Protection District spokesperson said firefighters will remain on scene overnight to mop up numerous hot spots.

The vegetation fire, which has been smoldering since it first started a month ago, has scorched 200 acres. The smoldering fire flared up early Saturday afternoon, creating a huge, dark cloud of smoke that was seen throughout the eastern portion of the county.

No structures were affected by Saturday’s flare-up. There were no injuries to firefighters or civilians.


During the afternoon, Cal Fire air support was brought in to assist, dropping thousands of gallons of water on the flames from three large, heavy-lift helicopters that carry a massive capacity of water and fire retardant.

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We’re threatened with fines anytime we have the nerve to use our fireplace during the winter time due to muh “Air Quality Standards.”

Whether this is state land, county land, or private space; fine the owner daily for violating air standards. Make the fine payable to the nearby residents. Citing individuals for using a fire place while letting this property owner get away with letting this burn, meh it’ll burn out, shows everyone that it’s not really about standards. It’s about power and ability to cite people. Pass the cost of fighting the fire in a bill to the property owner.

The comments by Man Bear Pig were right on the money. The fact that this fire have been allowed to burn and smolder for over a month shows the great dereliction of duty by the following:
1. Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors: Its your county as elected officials your duty is to protect the residents and the property in all the areas effected by the horrific smoke that has been belching from the disaster for a month. (And Getting Worse by the Day)
2. Cal Fire: There is no reason that they should not have put the man power and equipment on this fire a month ago, when it was more manageable and put it out.
3. Contra Costa County Fire District: What the H— are you doing? How can you let something like this get out of hand. The Air Quality of The City of Pittsburg has been horribly damaged by the lack of action and negligence of the aforementioned agencies.
4. The City of Pittsburg: Our city has felt the brunt of the damage from this fire and as of tonight at 10;06 PM on July 11th, the air quality and the quality of life in your city for the residents is in a deplorable condition due to your lack of action,
Here is a Solution for you all
1; Get off your chairs and get on the phone and address this problem NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t go putting the blame on others. You, as Public Officials are all responsible for the safety and quality of life for the residents of the City of Pittsburg and the surrounding cities. Let’s see if any of you have the courage to respond to this email and address the aforementioned issues for the residents of our community.
I am looking forward to your response
Michael B
10 year resident in the City of Pittsburg

They’ve stopped the forward progress. Now they have to stop the backward progress.

No…… They didn’t!



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