Home » Firefighters Conducting Controlled Burn In Moraga – You Might Smell Smoke In Central Contra Costa County

Firefighters Conducting Controlled Burn In Moraga – You Might Smell Smoke In Central Contra Costa County


Firefighters from the Moraga-Orinda Fire District are doing a controlled burn until 5 p.m. today at John Muir Land Trust property near Moraga Road and Rheem Boulevard.

This project is designed to help train firefighters and reduce the area’s flammable fuels.

The burn is being coordinated with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and fire weather forecasters at the National Weather Service to ensure its size and timing will minimize smoke impacts to homes and other smoke-sensitive sites in the area.

The fire district says if burning conditions change, the project will be canceled. Residents in the area and those driving nearby may see or smell smoke. Closing exterior doors and windows during the day will help to keep smoke from entering homes.


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Don’t you all care about the environment?
Discretionary burns unnecessarily releases CO2 into the air thereby increases global warming…
…Sarcasm intended.

I call “Spare The Air Day”, take that in your face BAAQ

My nose and lungs are not happy!

I sure hope this is sarcasm. . .

let’s see, would I rather practice on a controlled burn or wait until a fire that may erupt into thousands of acres.

Good intentions sometimes have bad outcomes.
These men exhibited bravery in a call for action.
For that, the public should respect them for their effort… and sadly, their unfortunate sacrifice.

Hi friend,

The main reason for prescribed burns is to get rid of excess dead grass and dry vegetation so that, when accidental fires do happen, they are easier to control and they don’t threaten as many houses.

The more you know!



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