Home » Contra Costa County Board Of Education Member Calls For July 4th Boycott

Contra Costa County Board Of Education Member Calls For July 4th Boycott


AnaMarie Avila Farias, who currently serves on the Contra Costa County Board of Education, is calling for an Independence Day boycott.

In a Facebook post, Farias claims she hasn’t celebrated the day since 2016.

Farias added, “I am not feeling particularly patriotic. I am especially not interested in celebrating a holiday centered around freedom from oppressive government when that freedom is not a reality for so many people in this country. Lastly, last Friday women’s reproductive rights were taken away! We are not in a place of progress or celebration when human rights are being taken away.”


She also asks, “what do you think?” So – what do you think?

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That’s the year all Progressives lost their mind. This woman is an out cast to her friends and family. She will do anything and say anything to get elected to any position. Remember this name when it comes to voting for her. She will sell out her own kids to get elected. Just think what she’d do to your kids or community. This lady is a miserable person who only wants drama. Check her court cases and personal history. There is proof to back everything up.

As someone with multiple bankruptcies, she should love this country.

Us taxpayers have been bailing out her lazy butt for decades. She’s a toxic human

Cool Ana! With that free time you have from not celebrating living in a free country, maybe you can spend it, um, I don’t know, making our substandard schools better? Haha! I’m sure there’s someone in Somalia who is *totally* feeling your stupid comment right now 👍🏻

You don’t feel patriotic because you don’t like our country. we are a republic, and the choice should be left to the states. Maybe you know that the vast majority of aborted babies are black? but you do….. abortion is also not a HUMAN right. I don’t think a person this uneducated should be on the board of education.

If you don’t waqnt to celebrate the e the 4th of July and all it stands for then I think you need to GET OUT OF THE USA

Well said Keath!! voulfn/t agree more

We will celebrate it. Thankful for this wonderful Nation! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Yes, yes, yes!!!

I think she needs to spend a year living in Syria or Afghanistan and then let us know how she feels about living in America. She’ll be pounding beers and blowing off fireworks every single 4th of July after that memorable experience.

If a person on the board of education is this uneducated I do not believe that they should have their job any longer.

Women’s reproductive rights were not taken away. That is an absurd position. The issue of abortion has merely been moved to the state level.

I fully agree with your comment.
The Supreme Court spent 200 pages describing their decision on abortion. Maybe she should read a few of those pages? Maybe a lot of people should read them?
The states that now have it illegal have it that way because of their voters, not their government. (And just who IS The Government?)

I hope AnaMarie reads this. She really needs to get educated. AnaMarie, your decision making really demonstrates a lack of common sense and practical thinking skills. I really think you would be much happier at the widget making level. I’m shocked that you are involved with people decisions. I would also like to ask her at what point will she “feel” patriotic? When people get more free stuff?
Guess she forgot about the holiday pay she is getting for the 4th.

People like this don’t read. They are too busy frothing at the mouth and doing whatever they are told to do by liberal leaders.

I think that AnaMarie Avila Farias, needs to see how our Republic works, by being removed from office at the next election.
She’s a perfect example of why are children are getting such terrible educations!

She needs to be voted out immediately.

Where are these people coming from? Are they all children of hippies? On the board of Education no less. Hope I didn’t insult hippies.

WOW… Board of Education? Glad I sent my sons to private school.

If you don’t like our country, you should move elsewhere.

As my last post was deleted , I will not say where this person can go and what to do when they get there.

It must have been good.

@…—…we all are thinking it, it is just some of us know what we are thinking is not necessarily ready for primetime, or public consumption, if you know what I mean….

Sounds like she would fit right in with the NY squad.
Hey AOC you got a new member . Well come election time I will put her on the no thanks.
Happy 4th to all.

She’s trash. 100%

Commie scumbag-ess.

The number one human right is the right to live a fife, abortion removes that right from an innocent baby. If you sincerely want the freedom from an oppressive government, then never vote for a liberal Democrat. Look at the mandates, lockdowns, and people who lost their jobs, and their livelihoods because they refused the COVID shot. Is that not oppression? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were taken from many Americans by the Democrats.
You are on the board of education, so I would assume that you have some sort of education in American history. Wasn’t it the Democrats who fought for slavery, and wasn’t it the Republicans who fought against it? Ulysses S. Grant was a Republican, and Robert E. Lee was a Democrat. Think about that. While you’re at it, think about all the men and women who were killed or maimed for life in a war fighting for your right to post such an ungrateful and immature Facebook posting.
The United States is not a perfect country, but it is the best country in the world, thanks to the many people from all walks of life who made it the best. We all have the right to vote, not every election turns out the way we may want it, but mature adults do not whine, they wait for the next election.

Well said. She’s a fool. While it is certainly her right, a right that so many have died to protect, I as a. Veteran, get very tired of these people that want to kneel, cry, or complain about anything that does not work to their liking. A democracy represents the will of the people as a whole. It doesn’t just represent what you want to hear. If you don’t like this country Ms. Farias, you are welcome to leave. You see, that’s another great thing about a democracy, you’re not controlled when it comes to where you go. Please don’t think you need to stay in a place you don’t respect. Later Karen (I mean Anna Marie)!

Also there’s a boycott not to buy gas on the 4th. She’s not educated enough to be on the Board because she doesn’t realize that people will be loading up on their 4th food, beer etc by the 3rd so who needs to shop on the 4th.

To gain an appreciation of AMERICA she might try spending the three day weekend down in Venezuela talking with citizens about “freedoms” they enjoy.

Perhaps she should look up definition of Hubris, then glance in a mirror.

Additionally she might take the time to explain WHY graduates of CoCo schools are baffled by checkbook balancing and why almost none can explain difference between simple and compound interest.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
–Vladimir Lenin

AnaMarie Avila Farias can celebrate or not, that’s her freedom of choice.

For her public views, she obviously does not belong on the board of education.

I encourage her to resign immediately.

She is not the person we need in any capacity in any public office or post.


America….love it or leave it!…….don’t let the door hit ya on the ass on the way out!!

Let the door do what it wants.

Then please leave. Please. I’m begging you.

Listen up, deep staters: CA will ban abortion because of the the Supreme Court abortion desicion.

Not. Will NOT ban abortion. Decision. Whew!

What state are you from? Like it or not, CA voters won’t be banning abortion in any of our lifetimes.

CA is trying to make abortion legal up to birth. It is called partial birth abortion. The baby starts the birth, then they take a very sharp instrument and jab it into the baby’s neck at the base of its scull while it is still in the birth canal. Think about that one and have the picture in your head when you go vote for the Dems.

Well you just keep boycotting in your own house the rest of us don’t care how UNAmerican you are, in fact you can probably catch a free flight to Cuba to call home.

I am a centrist Democrat. I could not be prouder to be American. We take our liberties, freedoms, and rights for granted EVERY DAY. Politicians on the left and right have gone rogue and forgotten who they work for- US. Forgotten what country this is- THE USA. It’s time to replace these ridiculous people with competent people who have the interest of their community in mind, not “going viral” or getting “retweets”. I am so disgusted by the state of politics in our country right now.. but I will always celebrate the 4th of July.
Just because our country has a dark past does not mean we ignore all the positivity and strides we’ve made, and how we got where we are today.
Take your BS to Russia or China.

Exactly. Well said!!

It is this administration that has gone rogue to the likes of which have never been seen…..starting with open borders. And you said that we take our liberties, freedoms, and rights for granted every day. That is not true…..I most definitely do not take those for granted.


Then comrade, you have no business being part of an another American institution called public education.

How many more recalls will be required to return our county and state to some degree of common sense?

It’s palpable how crippling Trump Derangement Syndrome is for some of our public servants, particularly those that impact our children.

Not surprising at all. The US education system is full of entitled, ungrateful people who think like this unfortunately.

Sounds like just another Anti American Invader CRYING because they did not get their way……even when their “Party” of Socialism is in Power!

In the old world……these things would have been dealt with by Society.

Ana hasn’t celebrated the 4th since 2016? Is that a veiled reference to Trump’s election?

These “Never-Trumpers” just sound tired and useless. Its 2022, gas is $6 a gallon, real inflation is over 10 percent and we’re engaged in a proxy-war with Russia.

Do we really need petty politicians trying to divide and erode the country even more?

And it’s also a lie. That woman decorates her front yard for every single holiday, Fourth of July included. Virtue signaling at its best, and she got the type of attention she wanted.

Abortion is a health care right. Taking this away has stripped women of control of their own bodies. Only in America, where right wing loonies have taken over the courts, could this have happened. We can vote ourselves out of this, but it might take a few decades.

Vandy, l agree with you. Just because someone is critical of the US does not mean they don’t love the country. Those posters who say love it or leave it, complain plenty, they just think as long as you complain about the liberal left you are not being critical of the US, which makes no sense. However l don’t think canceling or not celebrate the 4th is the right thing to do. We celebrate because with whatever faults the US is still a great country. It is the date the US was established this should always be celebrated.

Vandy & Hanne –
Your comments reflect your ignorance on the issue. I could explain the constitutional reasons for the SCOTUS ruling but you wouldn’t believe me.
I strongly advise you to take the time to educate yourselves so you might appear a little less foolish.

Abiding by the US Constitution and leaving abortion law up to individual states to decide for themselves makes SCOTUS “right wing loonies”

Vandy…. you are the loonie… and if you live in California you won’t have to vote yourself out of anything because nothing will change here.
You can still kill your unborn child.

Not trolling but genuinely curious if you think mandating an experimental vaccine in order to keep your job/ livelihood is considered stripping women control of their body as well?


They will never listen….they are not interested in the constitutional reasons for the SCOTUS ruling. It really makes no difference to them what so ever. That much I know.

It’s better than that.
You can file for unemployment for your abortion and receive a tidy debit card refill each month. Your abortion may also receive a check in late October as a gasoline reimbursement. And unbeknownst to you, your abortion will vote for Gavin Newsom.
Want to go to college, yep student loan forgiveness for abortions!

They tell us abortions aren’t human, but they can sure get paid like a human; a real lazy human! Only in California!

What is your position on the left-wing loonies mandating vaccines? You know, forcing women to put poison into their bodies if they want to keep their jobs?

Except health care is NOT a right. Just like housing is NOT a right. But you know what is? Life. The desire for health care (again, not a right) does not trump the baby’s right to life. Wants do not trump needs.

Only in America, where the loonie left have decided that everything under the sun is a freaking right… Please do yourself a favor and brush up on the constitution.

Henne—-She has every right to be critical of US policies, but she is not being critical. Her rant on Facebook is nothing more than a grandstanding, whining tantrum in an attempt to seek approval in an ostentatious manner to attract attention to herself.

Vandy and Hanne …..

Apparently neither of you have read the entire ruling . SCOTUS did not “strip away your rights” but returned it to the states to be handled. You’re nothing more than the screaming libs who whine that SCOTUS is illegitimate….them want to lack the court so you can “get your way.”

Look in the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution). Exactly WHERE is it stated that abortion is a RIGHT? IT DOESN’T EXIST IN THE CONSITUTION!

Educate yourselves before spouting off.

Farias has no business being on the CCCBOE. Kick her uninformed a$$ to the curb!

Of the two kinds of sense, common and academic, this fool is drastically lacking in the former.
Proof AGAIN that an education ain’t no guarantee that you gonna be smart.
If I still resided in CCC, I’d be startin’ some $h!t to get her ignorant @zz fired.
’nuff said!

You assume a lot when you assume she doesn’t lack for actual education as well.

We tried to recall our school board. People here and dumb and complacent.

AnaMarie Avila Farias sounds like a politicized idiot.

…she’s nuts – let her move to Russia, China, Iran or North Korea …. we’re celebrating!

Then leave, there are millions trying to get to this country. I’ll help you pack.

Don’t like it here?
The border’s are open North and South.
Feel free to leave.

What do I think?…..
I think you’re just blowing a lot of hot air.
If you really feel that opposed to the USA you’d move to another country, like Bam! right now.
Now that would show us you really mean it!
Nah…. you’re all talk.

My opinion of her is far less than positive.

Trash – disgusting liberal

Send the commie to North Korea. She will love it there.

If she were my daughter I’d disinvite her to all future Independence Day celebrations.

If she were mine, I would be so embarrassed and question my bad parenting. Her family should be ashamed of her.

I hear Russia is taking applications for citizenship, hon. Putin allows all kinds of freedoms, with only a few limitations (no honest discussions or criticisms of him; no questioning his authority or decisions). I agree the last 6 years have been horrendous, but the future holds promise. Our mini-Putin has been revealed as a gutless tyrant bent only on destruction of the nation and there is hope he and his allies will be punished.

Yes.. The walls are closing in on Trump. For really realz this time. 🤣🤣🤡

Since she’s truly unhappy and unfair here, and thinks that it’s all that bad here, then she should move to someplace like Iraq, or Afghanistan, or North Korea, or Syria,…..

I told you they were America hating communists. Get your kids out of schools.

Farias’s Facebook page doesn’t allow comments even though she asked what you thought about not celebrating the 4th…

I have to wonder if she and the Contra Costa County Board Of Education are prepared for the responses when this gets reported on in the media and gets pickup nationally. . .

Please, please leave!

Politics on the board of education! I am aghast! I am shock!

Just kidding …

On a more serious note, she should be removed from the board immediately. How can a standing member of the board of education provide us an unbiased point of view to help provide an education for a children when the witch will not even support the country she lives in?

She should be free to express her personal opinions on her personal Facebook page without fear of being fired. Cancel culture is a left-wing thing. We on the right should strive to be better than that.

On the other hand, I think she should be voted out when she’s up for reelection, since her views (hopefully) don’t align with those responsible for electing her.

@Chicken Little

If the Left is actively using cancellation to silence dissenting opinions, then the Right playing the moral high ground will be akin to digging your own grave. There is no fair battleground when the opponent is a lying cheat.

What does women’s reproductive rights have to do with America’s yearly celebration of it’s independence from the monarchy of Great Britain?

Not feeling patriotic? What is she doing working for the government? She’s obviously in the wrong line of work. She’s oversees the education that the government pushes onto the future adults of the country. Why would someone who’s angry at the government have this job? Quit already.

Oh she’s mad at rights being taken away? I wonder how she feels about the Second Amendment being repealed especially being a member of the Contra Costa school board.

She’s ok with taking away 2A rights (which are part of the Bill of Rights) but not taking away the “right” to an abortion- which ISN’T in the Bill of Rights.

Stupid POS!

Looked up this gal on Facebook…..had a link to her website……disabled……..had a link to her email……..sent her an email giving my opinion on her thoughts…….came back as undeliverable


is this her 15 minutes and in a month people will say “Who?”.

or will this be her ticket into the big league with people of her ilk?

I really wish that the people who hate this country would just leave already.
They’re a waste of space.
Those that love this country will be celebrating the 4th of July and if you don’t wanna celebrate your freedoms, we don’t care!

Is it any wonder public education in the county is as bad as it is? But while this woman might make excrement smell like roses, she was placed in her position of authority. She reminds me of Becton, but as Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and it is us”.

Better to be assumed a fool and remain quiet, then opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

A career politician who has never lasted more than one term anywhere.

This is her 15 minutes of fame.

She has 49 people following her on Facebook that tells you everything you need to know about this person. Idiot! If you don’t like America please leave! We don’t need your “opinions” or “isms” on our school board.

I miss the days where there was a level of poise and professionalism that went along with serving on a School Board. Now look what we have.

How many personal bankruptcies have you had? Like 3…that sounds like great leadership!

this anti-America, ignorant dolt (how do I really feel?) is on the board until December 2024. The level of ignorance is stunning. I would also note that on the Contra Costa County Board of Education site, the current goals of the board listed are from 2019-2020. In 2022. Nice to see these elected “representatives” are on top of things. What an insult these people have become. Go ahead and boycott dimwit. We don’t need, nor want you around to celebrate our country’s date of Independence. You are rather antithetical to the celebration of America anyway.

Sign the petition to remove her. Pass it on.


She’s clearly a hyper-woke idiot. Shame on her…

I don’t take the lead from the education board. They have destoyed our childrens future. They support the destruction of our country.



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