Home » PG&E Encouraging Eligible Customers To Sign Up for Monthly Energy Discount Program – More Than 134,000 Eligible Customers Can Enroll In Bill Discount Program

PG&E Encouraging Eligible Customers To Sign Up for Monthly Energy Discount Program – More Than 134,000 Eligible Customers Can Enroll In Bill Discount Program


Thousands of income-eligible customers could save 18% on their monthly electric bill by enrolling in Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program.

The FERA program gives discounts on electricity bills to income-qualified households of three or more individuals, but thousands of eligible customers have not yet signed up for the program, and are missing out on significant savings. PG&E estimates a total of 134,312 households throughout Northern and Central California could save on their monthly bills by enrolling in FERA.

Less than 25% of eligible PG&E households are currently enrolled in the program in Northern and Central California with an estimated 174,219 eligible and only 39,907 enrolled.

Customers who meet income requirements for FERA and CARE may also qualify for the Energy Savings Assistance Program offering free energy-saving improvements to maximize energy efficiency in the home. With recent changes to the federal income guidelines, even more customers are eligible.


For more financial assistance program support visit pge.com/billhelp.

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… another government welfare program.

Let’s jack the rates and then give a discount.


If my pets identify as humans, will I qualify as a household of three?

Blatant discrimination against those who have worked very hard in life to be self sufficient and responsible.

There are probably some who tried and just couldn’t make it or had bad setbacks On the other hand those who chose a different lifestyle and didn’t make are not that easy to subsidize.

Can’t have it both ways folks! Nobody expected the inflation scam we’re seeing now. I guess some of you have fat mattresses unlike many. We expect government to keep life reasonable but what we’re seeing now is genocide. Take every break you can get otherwise it goes into the pockets of the billionaires and we aren’t members of that club. 😉

Guess who pays for this welfare program? I will give you a hint and it’s not PG&E. Look at your next bill where the various taxes are located and there is a line that shows something like income inequality assistance. It’s a % of your total bill. Total B.S. I called PG&E and told them I was not into the whole social engineering thing, but was told we can not opt out from it.

It’s PATHETIC that PG&E doesn’t have a maximum income cap. I’ve witnessed it first hand…….pull up to a home with a Tesla & G-Wagon parked in the driveway and people living Very comfortably. It’s absurd.
It would be like seeing a Bugatti waiting in a line for food hand outs.

But this is typical American Dumbness. ‘IDIOCRACY’.

Part of the EDD fraud …

Leave it up to the democrats to screw things up and push California into the toilet.

Many retired elders with 3 or more living together on lower fixed incomes might qualify. I have seen how these kinds of programs are essential to those who have to choose between food and energy. Thank you Claycord for posting this. I have also seen how this demographic is targeted for scams from “religious” organizations that prey on the elderly. If you see this – notify Adult Protective Services (because it is Elder Abuse).

Must be nice to have others pay for their bills.



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