Home » The Water Cooler – Will Contra Costa Bring Back The Indoor Mask Mandate?

The Water Cooler – Will Contra Costa Bring Back The Indoor Mask Mandate?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: They’re claiming they have no plans to, but do you think Contra Costa County will eventually bring back the indoor mask mandate?

Talk about it….

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Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

After hearing Biden say there will be no vaccine mandates…yeah, nothing surprises me, either. We’ll all be chanting “Liar, liar, pants on fire!” Civil disobedience is our only alternative…

To be honest, I was expecting an announcement today that it was going to be reinstated. I’m happy to hear that they supposedly have no plans to do so at this time, but I’m doubtful that will be the case in the near future.

They’re sure going to try.

This new omicron variant spike is already past the peak and going back down, both here and in Alameda. So it’s the perfect time to implement a useless mask mandate and claim victory for the trajectory that has already started and will continue to go down on its own.

More people have gotten it at my store in the last month than the entire two years prior, combined. They all come back after a one week vacation, describing a sinus infection, for the most part. One coworker has pretty Nad body aches, but they are the exception. There is no stopping it, people need to either stay home and hide, or get over it and go live their lives.

If we let them.

If they have no plans to, they are planing to. They are notorious liars. You’ll see.


I agree..

You can’t believe what liars tell you, it is rarely the truth. That’s why they are called liars.

When a Democrat claims they don’t have a plan, they probably have a host of plans for every possible scenario. They have lied to you before, so expect that they will lie to you again.

@chuckie the troll


End of year school parties abound…. Rate is sure to increase….

I expect there will be more push back this time…. and it will not happen until after next Tuesday….

Yes, probably within a week.

Of course, but jut for the minions.

Even minions can get & spread covid; thanks to those of you who put your masks on; thanks again to those of you who don’t whine about a simple act of community compassion❣️


I love the concept of community compassion.
The Biden administration put the country on lockdown while continuing to import illegals and deposit them all over the states without covid testing. How unbelievably careless they are with our health.
Obviously community compassion does not exist in the current administration.

Don’t kid yourself……this has absolutely nothing to do with compassion.


What you see as a simple act of compassion, I see as useless as wearing a garland of garlic. And there is a lot more evidence that I am right than you are.

Catherine, should I also wear a raincoat so you don’t get wet?

Sorry, its not my job to protect you, or vice versa.

Go pound sand.

Listen you cute little unicorn…it’s not the mask wearing and you miss the point…like every other person who complains about people who won’t wear a mask…We are tired of being told that this is the best when in fact it just isn’t, since most are either worn improperly or are not N95. Here’s what you little rainbow unicorn people need to realize. The government ruined lives, ruined businesses, ruined our children with their lock downs, look how the kids were effected It ruined social structure across the board and you’re sitting with you smug little attitude about compassion…where was the compassion for people who lost everything, kids who have taken to committing suicide, kids who can’t relate to anyone any longer, teen suicide highest it’s ever been. You and your simple act of community compassion. Where’s the simple act of compassion for all of those folks…where’s the governments simple act of compassion in the wake of their destruction?


I won’t be rude and will just point you to a study more or less disproving mask wearing makes a difference. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.04.22272833v1

That means they do. Yikes here we go again. The endless saga…

They’re claiming they have no plans to, but plans have and do change. Besides, I don’t believe anything they say. They’ve been lying to us from the get-go, so why should I believe them now? I threw out my masks, and I don’t intend to buy any more. Masks are for Halloween, bandits, and the Lone Ranger.

Of course it will, and this will happen in the next day or two. Because Democrats.

At this point, does anybody care? Will anybody comply? As long as Covid is still talked about, it will never go away. The media needs something new to focus on because this is getting old. If we have nothing better in our lives to discuss other than Covid, then we are a bunch of losers. There are more important things that should be in the spotlight.

Hey Bob, I’m confused⁉️.
Talking about covid spreads covid⁉️.
Putting on a mask keeps us from doing necessary work?⁉️
That might surprise those Public Health folks who are just doing their jobs to let us know that virus cases are rising…

So I guess we have a new troll on the board…welcome to the terrordome.

catherine, many have tried. I wish you luck with your colored punctuation. But this here is Ultra Dark MAGA country.

Masks are proven completely useless. This is not following science. You’re in a cult. Get help


I feel bad that you are confused. I believe they still offer critical thinking courses at Diablo Valley College. If you’re local, you may want to look into enrollment, although it might be too late to enroll for the summer semester. If it’s too late for the summer you can always shoot for fall. Courses start in August

Of course you will need to wear a mask to attend the course…..

Do they work?

They had better not! I was all for the mandate during the peak of COVID-19, before vaccines and widespread natural immunity. We are not in a “surge” right now, but a slight blip in cases. Who cares!!?

I hope so. I fell that people who chose not to vaccinate allowed new strains to develop and now even those who are vaccinated are infected by the new strains

You may “feel” the unvaxxed caused the variants but feelings and reality are not always the same.

All the variants we are experiencing now came from outside of the US. They made sure to name them Greek letters so that no one would be able to make that easy connection. Delta came from India. Omicron came from South Africa. I heard exactly nobody in the US covid cult calling for sending vaccines there rather than giving grandpa his tenth dose. Further, they aren’t even sure how Omicron arose, and the leading theory is that it evolved in Mice and jumped back to humans, as there is no record of its existence between the original strain and its appearance in SA at the end of November of last year. Then there is the small problem that the vaccine never prevented most people who got vaccinated from catching covid anyway, leading our orwellian authorities to redefine vaccine go encompass this new not-a-vaccine immunotherapy.

But considering all the lies and propaganda put out by the media to point the finger at skeptics, it’s understandable why you “feel” that way.

this is the dumbest comment on the internet in the last 3 hours.

Sorry, but I was at work.


Sorry but it’s not the unvaxxed, it’s the vaxxed. I work at a school and the only ones getting covid are the ones who are vaxxed with either the 3rd or 4th shot. Us unvaccinated are always negative.


The naming of this disease and virus was made to dodge Chinese responsibility in the first place. Diseases are named after either the researcher who discovered them, or the place they were first discovered in. Hence, Spanish flu.

It should be called the Wuhan Coronavirus, so that everytime mentions their dead great grandma, China is explicitly named and shamed for it.

The WHO, who is quite clearly in China’s pockets and is headed by a literal card carrying Communist, forced a nonsense name for the disease to prevent China from losing face.

You know the morons are just itching to do it.

See the comment above yours….

Touchy-feely beats science every time.

I think they will try … but I think it will depend on how successfuly Alameda County is with their reinstatement of the mask mandate. And I do not mean a reduction in numbers … just how well the civilian population takes the new ‘mandate’.

Only if hospitals are on the verge of being overwhelmed.

If the health officials are smart then no. Of course their intelligence has been questionable.

@ WC and 94521 right on!

Breaking Scandal implicating CA Controller, Betty Ye and a $600 million “no bid” deal to buy masks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4qoQzkVnqo&t=1008s

We should never be mandated to do anything. If donning a mask makes you feel better be my guest. Gosh wear 10 masks if you please. Just don’t tell me what to do. BTW I will be doing my part to fire Ebi and Carlyn and all the other that believe they know what is in my best interest.

Back in March, I was wearing 2 masks. Inside, alone, for two weeks. Went to Safeway (Kirker Pass Road) to get a couple of things… quick trip. 2 days later, slight sore throat. Day 4, SEVERE headache, no temperature, exhausting fatigue, sleeping 20 hours. Tested positive for Covid. I’ve had pneumonia twice, pulmonary embolisms twice, bronchial asthma and was never as sick and miserable as I was with Covid. After surviving Covid, I’d rather accept the alternative to having that virus again. It was THAT bad. I will probably wear a mask in public for the rest of my life. So, if the powers that be say wear a mask to prevent getting sick or being the cause of someone else getting sick and dying, WEAR THE FRIGGING MASK! And remember, these children are watching adults not following the rules and behaving like asses over wearing a mask. They’re learning they don’t have to follow rules and it’s okay to behav like raving lunatics. I’d rather be safe than sorry.

MzMoe. You sound like a a hypochondriac. Likely you made yourself sick by hysteria, stress from isolation, mass consumption of fear porn/news, over-masking and slathering yourself with hand sanitizer.

Can nothing be done to convince you that you have a mind-virus?

Sorry for your illness. I am of the opinion that children should not be made to wear masks. It is detrimental to their physiological and psychological development. This may also apply to adults who’s ability to rationalize has been marginalized by various sources of information.

I call BS, like major BS…the incubation period on avg. is 5.6 days and not 48 hours, most showing symptoms by 12 days later. Me thinks someone had Covid before they self imprisoned themselves. If you’re going to spin a tall tale make sure that people can’t google the incubation period for Covid… I don’t doubt you being sick but clearly you want to really punch it up. Clearly you were out other places prior to your 2 week lock down…and who, in their right mind, wears 2 masks indoors by themselves and what made you do this extreme measure? who gets locked away from other people by themselves and again wears 2 masks…the virus does “float” around. I’d punch more holes in your story but clearly you were looking to entertain the masses. maybe right a scary children’s book next time

Wait a second here…. so you’re telling me that you were super cautious and wore 2 masks and still got Covid?

Did both of your masks have gaping holes in them? I’ve been listening to our health officials and they told me that the masks work. You should sue the mask manufacturer!!!!

Maybe Covid is spreading because we all have defective masks!!!!!


If wearing an N95 style mask makes you unable to breath you should probably be placed on oxygen

They will. After voting ends tho.

Good thing school is out. That should help slow the down the spread.

I wouldn’t mind it. I just want to warn others about using the disposable paper masks. Because of my work – I was required to wear mask all day long – the end result was that all off my front teeth rotted at the roots. My dentist suggested cloth masks – and changing it every few hours. I also read that micro plastics are getting lodged in peoples lungs from wearing these “paper” disposable masks.

Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave!

Yes, on August 1st at the absolute latest. However, there is much less compliance with the Alameda County mask mandate than I anticipated. I’m hoping they pull a Philly-like pivet and get rid of the mandate within a week.

It should’ve never been lifted!!! Lmao its the middle of a pandemic and people STILL don’t get it! 🤦🏻‍♂️ this mask mandate should not have been lifted so prematurely. This is not over yet!

@Gio, it will never be over. Covid is never, ever going away. It is here FOREVER. What then?

@thefearlessexpectator Do the Illegals bring it?! Hmmm so your people, I mean the ones whining about wearing a mask do not contribute to this numbers going up?! Hmmm a Mexican here working in healthcare, and working with COVID patients directly I can assure you, they are not the “illegals” that carry it but the ones you so blindly seem to pretend to not see as the major carrying group. 🤦🏻‍♂️ but its Biden and the “illegals” fault. Wow you want to sound smart and throwing the race card when it’s not even remotly relevant.

@Gio….I’m not going to waste my time with a long diatribe but, FYI there are still outbreaks of smallpox, ebola and polio around the world in undeveloped countries. People from those countries are some of the illegal aliens coming into the US. I’ll save my diatribe about your chosen career peers that barely speak or understand the English language that I’ve dealt with the last couple of years.

The Biden administration plays the race card in combination with spending incontinence. Politics first.
Human health? A minor consideration.

Perhaps I have been too subtle: If the administration had even a mild concern over Covid, they would not bus untested people all over the states.

Yes there are two races: The tested and the untested.
Can’t tell by the color………..better try again………

The un-vaccinated are NOT dying, nor are they spreading anything in greater numbers than the vaccinated.
The Left wants you to care so much about “feelings” that you willingly deny objective truth and show compliance in service to them. Because the Left knows your “feelings” are easy to manipulate.
So go on and behave like a lemming, but your triggers are your problems. It’s not the world’s responsibility to tiptoe around you.

Happy Pappy, Very well said.



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