Home » The Water Cooler – What’s The First Thing That Goes Through Your Mind When You Feel An Earthquake?

The Water Cooler – What’s The First Thing That Goes Through Your Mind When You Feel An Earthquake?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What’s the first thing that goes through your mind when you start to feel an earthquake?

Talk about it….

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“I’m back in California!”. Then I wake up and it’s OK.

Get in a doorway or under a big table with my dogs.

make sure you stop drop and roll too if a volcano goes off or if a tsunami is approaching you can never be too safe!

Hmm, is this going to get stronger?

Exactly this.

I agree! I always think how long is this going to last and will the shaking get stronger.


I’m usually still pondering over taking cover when it stops.

This morning at 5:07 a.m. I woke up to a slight vibration, the thought in my mind at that moment was, “hmph! It’s an earthquake.” two seconds later, I was back in dreamland.
Growing up in San Francisco, we experienced earthquakes 4 or 5 time a year for about 10 years, I got so used to them that they don’t even faze me anymore. Even the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 didn’t worry me too much. I was more bothered by the heavy traffic on the drive home through the Caldecott tunnel.

I have a VHS tape that I believe KRON put out about the Loma Prieta earthquake. It is very interesting.

Is this the big one?And it wasn’t so I went back to sleep.

Takes a bit more then that one to wake me. If I’m not asleep I may feel a 4.1 but it wouldn’t be much worse than a large and heavy truck going by.

My 1st thoughts when the earthquake woke me up this morning was to listen for broken glass or things falling off the walls, 2nd, am I prepared if the electricity goes out?

“earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, it’s an earthquake” “we’re experience an earthquake please” “got an earthquake, still happening”

It must have been something I ate.

Hope the big TV is OK.

My children

Yes! Our Daughter & Son -in-Law were living in Alaska with the 7.1 earthquake that happened in November of 2018. They were O.K.
The thing about Alaska it’s the Bears & Moose that can get you.

Hope it stops fast. Had turned in my chair, stayed still. Had a table to get under, never thought that far ahead..Then took a look inside all the rooms, floor corners ceilings all good.

Here we go again!

Is this the big one!?

First thing that goes through my mind is why is the dog still sleeping? Aren’t they supposed to sense these rumblings ahead of time? Second thing I wonder about is did I get a faulty dog?

Ditto here. Faulty dog for sure.

I always freeze, as if by my example the ground should take notice that it is not supposed to be moving. Seems to work most of the time.

Get my masks on and check my vax card.


It’s 1:45 p.m. and l’m at work at Sun Valley the power just went out at my store and l think the mall, any info.

7000 in P Hill lost power. No cause yet.

So far with all the earthquakes I’ve been through in my 64 yrs (age too) of life here in California, the only thing I worry about if it gets strong enough to break the gas lines, bridges…. stuff like that. Otherwise, I could live with if something falls and breaks.

Was that an impact tremor?!!!
(too many dinosaur movies)

First thing into mind … Where is my computer? Gotta log in to the USGS site and find out how and where was it centered.

Damn…. That coffee’s HOT

It’s happening!

How long will it last and I hope it’s not the Hayward. Then tune in to KCBS 740 on the radio. .And check Claycord, of course!

“It’s an earthquake.”

USGS site set to Claycord, worth bookmarking.

I hope we survive, then I hope the parrot doesn’t freak out.

Get under a doorway. Get under a doorway. Under a doorway.

My first thought I guess is whether or not it is going to keep going….and if it’ll get stronger I suppose.

Within a second of feeling the EQ, I always ask myself; will this get stronger? How long will it last?

Even though we may feel or experience a small/mild EQ, it still could be a huge quake, just far away…

40 years in a refinery, I’m just happy I made it out w/o a large quake killing me… Bad place to be

The 6.8 is the first thing that springs to mind.

What’s the best spot to take cover?

Then I realize how insignificant this is in comparison to that one.

I’m going to sleep again.

The very 1st thought that goes through my mind every single time that we have an earthquake is, where is it centered?! If this little rattle that I just felt was centered in LA we’re in BIG trouble!!! Glad this one was only a 4.1 & it was centered pretty darn close by.

If the building collapses, I feel bad for those who live in the units below mine.


Check to see if my wife is ok, she get scared when the house shakes too much if there is an earthquake.

“O.J. is not guilty.”

Stop, drop and roll!

Oh wait, that’s if you’re on fire ..

Please…. Retrain your thoughts and prior knowledge…

Doorways and the Triangle of Life are not safe….



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