Home » Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Arrested For DUI

Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Arrested For DUI


Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in Napa County this weekend, according to jail records.

Paul Pelosi, 82, was arrested at 11:44 p.m. on Saturday night and booked into the county jail at approximately 4:13 a.m., records show.

Pelosi was booked on suspicion of two misdemeanors, operating a vehicle while under the influence and driving with a blood alcohol level above .08 percent.

Jail records show that his bail was set at $5,000. He is no longer in custody.


So far there has been no official comment from the Pelosi family.

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Disgusting. As if there isn’t enough people with integrity, values and principles that we can put in positions of office. Only seems that we have the worst of the worst in positions of power.

Do you know any of “those people”? Are you one of them? I urge you to run of you are. Make the change, be the change.

Every politician and their family members are some pigs from both parties.


Throw the book at him.

Let the socialists know that the rules apply to them as well.

If I was married to Nancy Pelosi I would stay drunk all the time!

My thoughts exactly!

That’s funny 😂😂😂 and agree

I’m just thinking what Nancy Pelosi would say it this happened to Donald Trump or a member of his family. I’m sure it would be: impeach, impeach and impeach….forever!

She wouldn’t say anything as it has nothing to do with the country. She and others would impeach him as they did cause he was a corrupt president.

What’s with all the Dems getting busted for DUI lately? And, isn’t 82 a little old to be driving under the influence? I mean, at that age, even driving sober can be a challenge.
I gotta hand it to him though, staying up and partying into the wee hours of the morning is pretty good for 82, but I can’t help but wonder, was Nancy with him, or did he have some little hottie with him?

she was clear across the country…..

but she’ll forgive him; with her being a devout catholic and all….


Good one!

82, probably with poor vision, certainly with poor night vision, driving with a BAC over .08?

He should have just stayed at their winery. He had a place to stay (their winery in St. Helena where he was drinking before the DUI), but chose to drive.

What was so important? The wife was out of town, so…

First, Mayor Lamar Thorpe of Antioch, then Concord Vice-Mayor Laura Hoffmeister and now Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul. Is there a pattern going on here in the Bay Area?

I would say that there is a pattern.

Liberals believe they are better than other people.

I can hear it now…..he was set up….he was framed….Trumps fault!

Husband: At least it was a climate-friendly electric vehicle.
Wife: Be serious, dear. If you were married to her, would you ever want to be sober?
Husband: Well, it beats being married to ____________.
Wife: Really? I’ve heard __________ is pretty hard to swallow.
Husband: Well, at least she doesn’t look like melted wax.
Wife: You’ve got me there, dear.
Husband: Can we just change the subject?
Wife: Sure. I’ll entertain myself reading the upcoming comments on Claycord.

The Rest Home serves alcohol ?

Wiz….Actually they do and it helps alot of elders… Shots of bourbon can be a prescription if you want, just ask your Doc..

They had Happy Hour in the Williamsburg at Manor Care, complete with popcorn a while back. Not sure if Covid killed that or not.

Yes – it is called fermented grape juice!!

ARGHHHHhhhhhh NOOOoooooo Auntie Barb….

Bourbon is to be sipped and savored……

Shot are for scotch, tequila, and other like swill…..


Must be either Trump’s or Putin’s fault

Like I said yesterday, the Democrats are drinking more lately because they see the crumbling effects of their policies and programs, and their falling poll numbers due to the new ‘misery-index’ they’re bringing to the country.

The Pelosi family is scum.

Fits right in with Biden and his criminal family! How about crooked Hillary? And slimy Schumer!?

Nancy’s office has already made it clear she was on the east coast. No report on if he had a passenger with him. Where is Kamala right now?

Regardless, you can bet he wasn’t celebrating Rudy Giuliani’ birthday.

These types of situations are just the ones were they were caught!

Imagine what they have “gotten away with” in the past (or present). That’s what really sucks…

Ive been waiting for this story to appear on claycord so i could go 🤣😂🥳😆🤡😅😄🥰😂🤣😆🤡🤩😂😍💖🤣🤣🤣🥳😂🤡😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

First gruesome getting covid, now this. I can die happy knowing karma is real!

2 time? 3 time? revoke his license – throw the book at him… now watch – he’ll get off so easy

“Nancy is the face on the barroom floor”……………

With apologies to Spike Jones.

Yeah, Spike didn’t deserve that!

Trump doesn’t drink alcohol FYI

It looks like the police waited over 4 hours to book him and perform a blood test? After 4 hours he was still at a .08. Dude must have been hammered. The article doesn’t mention that he ran a stop sign and caused an accident.

Mug shot? Dash cam video?

CHP released this statement: On Saturday, May 28, 2022, at 10:26 pm, Napa Area units responded to a crash that occurred on State Route 29 (SR-29) at Walnut Lane. Upon arrival, the Napa Area units determined the incident to be a two-vehicle non-injury crash. The driver of the Porsche (Party Number 1, Pelosi) was traveling eastbound on Walnut Lane and attempted to cross SR-29, when his Porsche was struck by a party traveling northbound on SR-29 (Party Number 2, Lopez) driving a Jeep. Pelosi was arrested for driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage at 11:44 pm.

At 82 years old he should not be driving at all, much less doing it drunk and late at night.
The old guy is a trizillionaire anyway… why doesn’t he have a chauffeur?

There appears to be a pattern. Lol

He transitioned his Porsche right into an oncoming Jeep.

It was an incredible transition, as nobody was injured this time.
Hopefully, God willing, he will come out stronger.

How long will it take for Mark De S… propose a yuuge bill to pay for chauffeured vehicles FULL TIME for all Senators, Congressmen, and their Spouses/significant others, both in DC and in their home districts?

You know, there’s no limit on spending your money if it can save only ONE life.

I get it, nobody died this time, but didn’t a senator once abandon a young woman under a bridge in his submerged car once upon a time? An idea whose time has come!!!

MADD is silent…WHY!



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