Home » Apparently We’re All Made Of Money – Push To Make Hwy.37 A Toll Road Passes First Hurdle

Apparently We’re All Made Of Money – Push To Make Hwy.37 A Toll Road Passes First Hurdle


The push to make Highway 37 in the North Bay a toll road passed its first hurdle on Friday when it passed the state Senate, according to Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa).

Highway 37 runs from Mare Island in Vallejo to Sears Point has been fraught with issues for years, from flooding to congestion. As sea levels rise, the frequently water-logged artery is further challenged and could be under water in 20 years, according to Dodd and Caltrans.

Senate Bill 1050 would authorize a toll for the highway that could start as soon as January of 2026. No dollar amount has yet been proposed.

Dodd wants money from the toll plus federal dollars to address the issues facing the stretch, which spans Solano, Sonoma, and Marin Counties. The billions needed could create a raised roadway, widen the existing roadway, and/or create a moving median, similar to that which is on the Golden Gate Bridge.


The bill now moves to the State Assembly for a potential vote.

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To understand any problem in America,
look to who profits from the problem,
NOT who suffers from the problem.

Gavin has almost a $1T budget surplus but we get this. Watch him get reelected in November.

I mean, that surplus isn’t actually a surplus. But, for sure.

Unfortunately Newsom will probably be reelected in November. He’s an absolute unscrupulous politician who’s aiming for the presidency. It’s all about him.
But unfortunately most Californians are stupid. They will fall for his line because he’s going to bring up fear about “Trump republicans” with lies about how they want to roll everything backwards. In so many of the crazy liberals here who love their abortions including the horrible late term abortions will vote for Newsom because he’s for them.
Add to that the transgender gay and lesbian crowd who care nothing about anything else. They don’t care about the economy crime only their special issues. Yeah Newsome will be re-elected but it will not be my vote.

When you are too dumb to make your own money and vote for whoever gives you stuff, we all get Newsom and liberal politicians.

$100 billion is not “almost” a trillion, it’s 1/10 of a trillion.

One trillion is equivalent to one thousand billion
1 percent of 1 trillion is 10 billion ……..and 5% for The Big Guy!

What bunch of miserable Bs. The poor people have been slowed down by that two lane only road forever. It is a morning and night commute nightmare and now they want to make it a toll road. Then they want to make it three lanes so they can have someone moving the median twice a day. Then they have the nerve to say it may be underwater in twenty years. Just make it a four lane raised highway and shut up with your stupid ideas.

You go Ricardoh!!!

Since I don’t believe the “climate warming” nonsense being touted as the excuse du jour these days, I say any toll is superfluous.

If building a better road over that area is too expensive, build a new road where the costs are lower.

In this particular place there is no other place. What is really holding it up is the eco nuts in and out of government just like they are holding up dams and desal plants. They have probable already spent millions on shoving dirt around for ponds.

Your right, does take too much common sense to fix the problem people.

These political criminals are so predictable:

They’ll install the toll equipment first, start charging commuters, and NOT fix or expand the road. The excuse will be they can’t expand the road because of some rare wildlife in the marshlands.

The commute will get worse, and people avoiding 37 will make the highway 80 and 101 commute that much worse. Plus it will disrupt events at the racetrack, which is likely their real goal in their war against internal combustion.

The guy proposing this must have attended the Pete Buttgieg school of transportation science. In other words, no experience necessary. Don’t worry about the disastrous results until there is a huge backlash. Go on maternity leave, and then claim we are in an incredible transition……….

California politicians confiscate your rights then sell them back to you. This doesn’t happen in most other States. Enjoy your climate my Cali friends! The State I live in has no toll roads. 🤪

If the 37 needs more maintenance and so should become a toll road, the 4 is in pretty good shape with low cost maintenance, so I will be expecting a nice fat check from Caltrans every time I drive it to even things out.

If you’re charging a gas tax? Then there should be no toll’s! Vote Dodd and his cronies out of office!

Remember to vote any and all Democrats out this next election. We have all paid for this highway and it is criminal for them to try this. They are destroying our way of life for there own profit

Well, now…. I thought the gas tax was taking care of roads.

Don’t tell me the politicians have been lying to us – again….

The supermajority of democrats wastes no time in shoving another tax/fee down your throats.

You voted for him – you deserved it.

Years ago there was a highway barrier installed between the opposite lanes and work was done on either side of the highway for the preservation of the marshes -at that time I always wondered why they didn’t make the highway two lanes in both directions. A perfect example of how government doesn’t look too far into the future and wastes money.

Put this cash grab right up there with the political ideology that cash cows are needed for a Democratic state. Can’t wait to see how they waste the money grabbed if the toll goes forward. But then we have great examples of CalTrans wastefulness …the exorbitant over runs on the Bay Bridge, and let’s not forget the completed toll plaza on the Benicia-Martinez Bridge that had to be partially destroyed and rebuilt cause someone forgot, and someone didn’t catch, the fact no one realized, that trucks coming thru the toll had to have wider lanes than cars.

They can put the money to good use by sending a team of engineers to the Netherlands to do a study of the dyke system. The Dutch do a wonderful job keeping the water from spilling over. After all, about 1/3 of the country is built below sea level.

@Dawg..….It might be good for someone to remind the CA engineers the story of Hans Brinker about dikes.

Taxpayers paid for the road – we shouldn’t have to pay to use it! Vote all of these idiots out that enables these plans and decisions!

California could be Great again. Fix our elections. Dump the Pelosie clan.
Close the borders.

This is they way Texas does it.

Thank you

Highest gas taxes in the nation, and yet still on a trajectory to make every road a toll road. Kleptofornica is the perfect name for the burnt state.

“Sea level rise”? BS. Go to the Martinez shoreline. By the arched bridge, you can see the ruinous pilings for the an old pier – built 100 yards inland of the current one!

Likewise Martinez marina is a shallow mudhole. It is so shallow that boats can’t leave at low tide. It is the same with many marinas around the Bay. T

These politicians need to stop peeing on my leg and telling me it’s raining.

Apparently, too many of California’s voters are as ignorant as the politicians they keep electing. Take the State back! Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Here is what I find amusing. There are no more democratic areas than Sonoma and Marin counties. They are still building a decent freeway through Petaluma after every place in the state is serviced by freeways, For all their democrat votes they are served last. Now they want to give them a three lane toll road.When I mention this to my democrat relatives in Sonoma Co they walk away from me.

Get Woke = Go broke!

So glad I left the state.
In Hawaii, they don’t tax SS or pension

They say the toll plus Federal dollars will contribute to a raised roadway,,,BUT just like the increased bridge tolls (which only the Bay Area pays) goes into the slush fund (general fund) not a designated Bay Atea Roadway fund.
Funds collected shoukd stay where they’re collected!
Let’s pass that bill!



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