Every single day we have a new record.
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas in California is now $6.07, which is $1.48 more than the National average, according to AAA.
Contra Costa County’s average price is now $6.17 a gallon.
In Mono County (near Yosemite), the average price is $6.93 a gallon.
The cheapest gas in the United States can be found in Oklahoma, at $4.10 a gallon.
If you would like to keep track of DEM’ push for electric vehicles or to see how much groceries will be going up in price.
Diesel $6.836
Price increase from a month ago $0.235
Price increase from a year ago $2.60
https://tinyurl.com/6ut442mc bookmark for reference later.
Voting DEM has consequences.
Biden’s ‘incredible transition’ is bullsh*t
There are brainwashed ignorants out there actually blaming Putin. I have one response – Under Trump, we were energy independent and actually exporting energy for the first time in decades.
Voting ignorant and/or emotionally has its consequences.
100% True!
And we have yet to see most the fallout from its domino effect into food and product prices
And Newsom is AWOL.
He doesn’t want the gas tax repealed nor do a majority of his minions. He wants you to borrow money to buy an electric car.
Just don’t make it a Tesla, those are tainted now. With Musk coming out as a conservative, a Tesla is now the rolling equivalent of hate speech.
LET’S GO BRANDON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Biden’s transition is a transition to nowhere. There is no there there. The guy is just a babbling fool. An empty shell. If Republicans take over in November they have to vote to reopen all oil sources and have enough votes to override the Geezer. If the oil problem goes away most of the economic problems will get better. What a fargin mess. The left is better organized for what they are doing than when Obama pretended to be the president. This is going to be a tough fight.
Let’s Go Brandon!
Gee thank you Gavin… where’s the $400 checks you promised 3 months ago? 🙁
He’ll probably have those checks cut just before election time in November!
He’s one of the most crafty & manipulative politicians out there!
Biden: ” I did that!”
Joe did that.
I identify as NonBidenary!
Get woke = Go Broke!!!
I remember when a certain California Attorney General was going to hold hearings regarding “big oil” and price gouging……..and then she decided she wanted to run for POTUS. Funny how that works.
To quote John Kennedy:
“The Biden Energy plan relies on Wind, Solar, and Wishful Thinking”.
Follow the science………..