Home » Reminder: Rattlesnake Safety In The Local Regional Parks

Reminder: Rattlesnake Safety In The Local Regional Parks


East Bay Regional Park District staff and visitors have recently observed the re-emergence of snakes – most notably rattlesnakes – along some regional park trails that make up their natural habitat.

Snakes emerge in warm spring weather to explore their environment, which can lead to more encounters with humans and dogs.

When visiting East Bay Regional Parks at this time of year, visitors are encouraged to keep in mind some snake safety precautions.


What to Do If You See a Rattlesnake

Leave it alone – do not try to capture or harm it. All park wildlife is protected by law. If you see a snake on a trail, wait for it to cross and do not approach. Then move carefully and slowly away.

Safety Tips for Visiting Regional Parks

  1. Avoid hiking alone so you have help in case of emergency.
  2. Scan the ground ahead of you as you walk, jog, or ride. Stay on trails and avoid walking in tall grass.
  3. Look carefully around and under logs and rocks before sitting down.
  4. Avoid placing your hands or feet where you cannot see clearly.
  5. Keep dogs on designated trails and away from snakes if they see one.

What to Do If Bitten by a Snake


  1. If bitten by a rattlesnake, stay calm and send someone to call 911. Remain calm by lying down with the affected limb lower than the heart. Getting medical attention quickly is critical – do not spend time on tourniquets, “sucking,” or snake bite kits. If you are by yourself, walk calmly to the nearest source of help to dial 911. Do not run.
  2. If bitten by any other kind of snake, wash the wound with soap and water or an antiseptic and seek medical attention.
  3. If you are not sure what kind of snake bit you, check the bite for two puncture marks (in rare cases one puncture mark) associated with intense, burning pain. This is typical of a rattlesnake bite. Other snakebites may leave multiple teeth marks without associated burning pain.

Snakes are an important resource in the natural environment. They are prime controlling agents of rodents, insects, and other reptile populations. Enjoy them from afar and leave them where they are found. It is illegal to collect, kill, or remove any plants or animals from the East Bay Regional Park District. Please help us to protect wildlife and their environment for present and future generations.

To learn how to tell the difference between rattlesnakes and gopher snakes, download our Common Snakes brochure or watch our Gopher Snake or Rattlesnake video. Additional information is available at ebparks.org/safety/wildlife-encounters.

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If you are bitten by a Black Mamba bend over backwards and kiss yourself goodby.

Good advice here on Rattlesnakes.

Good thing there are no black mambas in the U.S. then!!! They’re my favorite snake though!

Only saw three up in Shell Ridge today. People would be wise not to let their kids run carelessly ahead of them, or their dogs run free during this time of year. Got called to do a relocate today, but the snake had other plans before I got there and scooted off into a hole!

If you have a snake that needs to find its way back into nature, I can be found on Craigslist, just search “Snake Relocation” under community services. Please do not kill, nor attempt to kill snakes. Also to note, you can be bitten by a completely “dead” snake, so do not handle any venomous snake, dead or alive.

Snake guy. You are mostly right. I have handled snakes and rescued them from the roadway. You can safely handle the tiny ring neck snake. It is considered venomous but harmless to humans. I saved one from the neighbors cat last year

In a survival situation, rattlesnakes are fair game.

I read the snakes can survive on 600 calories a year- basically 1-2 mice. So…I question whether all this “apex predator” stuff holds water. Better to chop them up when you have the chance. save a life. let the bull snakes eat the mice.



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