Home » Contra Costa County Launching Four “Test To Treat” Sites To Increase Access To COVID Medication

Contra Costa County Launching Four “Test To Treat” Sites To Increase Access To COVID Medication


Contra Costa County is opening four COVID-19 testing sites this week that will also make prescription medication available for those who test positive, the county said Wednesday.

The ‘test to treat’ sites in Antioch, Brentwood, San Pablo and Pleasant Hill are located at testing sites operated by OptumServe Federal Health Services and had only offered COVID testing services until this week.

People who test positive at one of the four locations will consult with a physician who, if they determine it is medically necessary, will prescribe antiviral medication like Paxlovid or Molnupiravir that can reduce the chance of becoming seriously ill.

Both medications must be taken within five days of the start of symptoms to be effective and are available to everyone age 12 and up regardless of vaccination status.


“These additional test to treat locations, most of which are in areas hardest hit by the pandemic, will provide a big boost to our efforts to eliminate preventable deaths from COVID in Contra Costa County,” county Health Director Anna Roth said.

The county has three other test to treat locations in Walnut Creek and San Ramon, but all three are located at CVS pharmacies.

Last week, state officials said they plan to work with OptumServe to launch nearly 150 test and treat sites across the state.

“Supplies of these drugs are plentiful right now,” said Dr. Sofe Mekuria, the county’s deputy health officer. “That’s why we have been encouraging doctors to more liberally prescribe these medications, which are incredibly effective tools in our fight against severe disease from COVID.”


Information about COVID testing, vaccination and treatments in Contra Costa County can be found at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org.

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It’s time to stop all this covid baloney.

Everyone is going to get covid, one way or another.

Everyone who wants a shot has probably already got one.

The current medical professionals can take care of this.

The county can back off all it’s spending and phony scare tactics and give it all a rest.

Close the borders.

Haven’t been near one of these facilities and never will be…if I am sick I will stay home until better just like always. Why anyone wants to be part of pumping up the numbers or be exposed to sick I don’t get. If you have to do it to return to work that is one thing…

These Covid Clowns have been trying to get the band back together for a few months now.

Actually getting the medication is a good idea.

Interesting, because we have said for two years that one could Easily treat themselves within the first 7 days with:
Vitamin D, C and Zinc.
This health dept puts the gas in gaslighting…..what a joke!

I learned years ago how to treat cold and flu like symptoms with vitamin supplements and herbs. I can knock those symptoms out in an hour. I certainly don’t like to deal with a cold and especially the flu though I haven’t had either in ages.

Get used to it folks … they are a clever lot … buy off the media … buy off big tech … buy off 99.9% of all federal and state governments … buy off everybody and everything … and guys like Willy Gates & Co. have accomplished their goal of ruling the world … they have done it … and quite brilliantly I may add.

We have lost … let’s go drink and be happy before we are killed by the Kabalas of the world … Sighhhhhh

Yep, Because the vaccines work so well.

But make sure you get all your boosters. 🙄



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