Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Approve 384-Unit Bay Point Development Near BART

Contra Costa Supervisors Approve 384-Unit Bay Point Development Near BART


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal for a 384-unit residential development on 7 acres in unincorporated Bay Point on Tuesday.

Supervisors signed off on a master development agreement between the county and the developer, Pacific West Communities, on county-owned property, located between state Highway 4, Bailey Road, East Leland and Ambrose Park.

Almost all the units will qualify as either extremely low income with 38 units at 30 percent of area median income, very low with 38 units at 50 percent, or low with 230 units at 60 percent area median income and 74 units at 80 percent.

The project would also include a county-owned library and approximately 11,558 square feet of commercial retail space, built in three phases.


“I know it’s been a long time in the making, but the community awaits it,” said Supervisor Federal Glover, in whose District 5 the development will be built. “Once again, I think the strong tie to the library will be very important to the community.”

The first phase will involve the county selling 3.3 acres of the property for the development of 150 residential rental units and an approximately 20,000-square-foot library as the first phase of the development, which involves a $1,796,875 loan to the developer.

The three phases of land have been assessed at $4.6 million.

The county acquired the property as a housing asset using the former Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency’s Low-and-Moderate-Income Housing Fund (LMIHF), capital tax increment, and capital tax allocation bonds.


The 7-acre site will be developed under the master development agreement assembled by the former Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency, of which the county is the housing successor.

The site is within the Pittsburg/Bay Point BART Station Area Specific Plan and designated as a high-density transit-oriented development.

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Great another easy get away on BART for the repeat thieves that are never prosecuted.

What water shortage? What drought? Build! Build! Build!


We could always demand that the banks and other lenders to put the shadow inventory real estate on the market. They hold these to keep prices high.

yes…a fine example of stupidity and greed and the need to vote them all out of offibe!

That’ll bring the neighborhood up! Ask Antioch how that’s worked out for them!

Of course they approved the project.

The fix has been in for a long time.

Even though there’s not enough water or electricity, I guess we can all suffer more restrictions as long as the county supes add a few more $$$ to their pockets.

It may be “transit-oriented” but once developed, the residents should be polled to obtain figures on how many actually use BART and other public transit.
Does anyone do this? I bet not.

…. over 100,000 new approved housing starts in Cali for this year, wineries, almond & walnut groves get all the water they want (including tens of thousands of newly planted acres) … there must be plenty of water ! right?! otherwise they wouldn’t approve all this new building!

Not true. I know an almond grower in Arbuckle and the growers in the area have been allotted zero water.

With the way the economy is heading, a lot of people will qualify for low income housing.

Start stocking up on canned veggies and other necessary foods. Hyperinflation is coming to a grocery store near you.

Newsom is now threatening his water restrictiion, as he uses more tham anyone. Vote this pansy clown out of office, so we can all breahte again and not live in fear in California!.

Aunt B …. unfortunately we couldn’t even get Newsom recalled.. he’s got so much support from the lenient border policy – all those folks are voting for him

Low income is an individual making $82,200 annually and a family making $117,400 annually. There are a lot of people who don’t realize they’re low income because they bought property before it went to astronomical level.

Want to know if you’re low income? Figure out if you could buy your current residence now with only saving for a down payment for 5 years, no current property to sell and reinvest.

Is this in the area across from Safeway where they forced my grandmother to move from her home of 50+ years to create a travelers hub? Land has sat vacant for 10+ years. Many elderly people were forced out and paid pennies on the dollar. Many had to live their final years in care homes until they died rather than the homes they loved. This still makes me sad. My grandmother loved that house

Yes, that’s the area. Same thing happened in Concord at the corner of Ellis/Clayton with 3 houses. I grew up with the families that lived there and Concord did the same thing. Lot was vacant for at least 15-20 yrs until Habitat for Humanity build cluster homes.

Fear not as the Democratic Party is in charge and they always do the right thing.

And……that’s how it’s Done ~ Get people to pay good money for all of the nearby homes and then bring in the “affordable living” crap. Had those buyers known that…..they would have NEVER purchased homes over there.

Perfect. BART access to Orinda, Walnut Creek and Lafayette for all the criminals. Low income housing always equals crime in the area. I feel for the people who have homes in the area. They are screwed.

Is this a Seeno influenced project?? That’s all we need for within walking distance of BART and having to dodge muggers, purse snatchers, Asian haters, so on!
I thought we were in a very restricted status of conserving energy and H2O! We have plenty of H2O stockpiled and only short on ammo for my 20-mm Gatling gun mounted on our roof.

So they also funded a police sub-station?

Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek have fairly upscale housing near their BART stations, but Pittsburg opts for the lowest of the low near their transit hub.

Those people will never ride BART to work. That is, unless their work is crime.

Why are citizens not allowed to vote for more housing? Our roads are congested enough as it is. This is stupid.

We used to call places like this “the projects”. We all know how that turns out…


Come on this area needs high end homes to balance the low end homes..

Goto Orinda/ Lafayette/ Walnut Creek and put “EXTREMELY” low income housing.. That is balance..

People who are homeowners want the property values to increase not decrease …

Newsome: YOU MUST CONSERVE ENERGY AND WATER!! The government has no other options…


What is going on?!

The politicians have no clue.

Build more housing to increase the tax base. But there’s no infrastructure to support the housing – water, power, roads, schools, etc….

Stupid politicians.

They’re going to put 384 units right on Bailey Road?? It’s a nightmare already!! Un f****ing believable!!

They used to call this types of planning “PROJECTS” it will destroy any hope of the nearby area improvement. Why can’t they divide this into several towns for low income. This wreaks of payoff money. This Supervisor either doesn’t live in the area, doesn’t care, got payed off or just doesn’t understand what this will do to the surrounding area. Something is terribly amiss here. Of course this is all just my personal opinion.



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