Home » Contra Costa Health Officials Say COVID-19 On The Rise Again

Contra Costa Health Officials Say COVID-19 On The Rise Again


Contra Costa County health officials told the county Board of Supervisors Tuesday that COVID-19 numbers are on the rise.

“We are seeing a rise in cases widely across the Bay Area,” county health director Anna Roth told the board. “The Bay Area health officers, as well as the health officials, last week updated again and reiterated their strong, strong recommendation — not an order, but a strong recommendation — to please mask when you’re going indoors. Please stay home if you’re not feeling well. And if you have any symptoms, test early and test often.”

Contra Costa County had 50 people hospitalized with COVID-19 on May 11. By Tuesday, that number had grown to 72 people.

Roth said the county’s vaccination sites have wide capacity across the county.


“If you test positive, there are options for you,” Roth said. “You can call your health provider, or you can call the Contra Costa Health Plan advice line and request a medical evaluation and explore the medical options available to you.”

For vaccines and tests, call (833) 829-2626. For treatment, call (877) 661-6230.

Boosters for children ages 5 to 11 are now available at county sites, and tests are available at all county health sites. Free tests are also available at Covid.us.gov.

For more information, go to https://cchealth.org/.


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Fake news.
Covid fear-mongering is alive and well.

Close the borders

“Not an order” that’s funny, they think they have constitutional authority to give orders. Not how this republic works Mrs. Roth. You recommend, not order.

Civil war is the only solution.

Contra Costa County health officials and the Contra Cost Board of Supervisors can pound sand.


A pox on all their monkeys

The county ‘health’ department should all go read the story about the boy who cried wolf.

They should then look into how to rebuild their perception and reputation. I personally think they cannot recover from the self-inflicted harm they have done, but I am sure they will spend money trying anyways. I mean, I remember the ‘how to have sex during Covid’ campaign they spent money on … LOL

There are a ton more infections right now than the stats show. Most people are using at-home tests and then staying home for whatever the recommended time is now. That info doesn’t get reported to health authorities at the rate it was when most testing was done at central locations. I can say in my retail setting, more people iave gotten covid in the last three or so weeks than the entire 2 plus years of covid prior.

All of those people are also just getting regular old sick, not dying in hospitals, too. It’s basically a bad flu season, with milder symptoms.

I’d say based on the number of cases in our stores, we are already past the peak of this particular wave (BA5 I think).

What makes you think that there are ton more infections right now? Do you have any stats that you can share or just an opinion? Believing anything coming out of the county state or feds regarding Covid is like asking a mafia accountant if the books are in order…2 weeks to flatten the curve remember that one? I sure do…

Get Vaxed and boosted. Wear your mask even at home or while driving with passengers. Be smart and safe!

Yes, and always wear your seatbelt even when walking.

Why test?

If you get sick, stay home until you feel better. I’m sure the Covid numbers are exponentially higher than what they’re reporting, since any normal human being will feel sick, stay home, get better and go back to work or school.

You won’t catch me testing for Covid.

While I agree that most testing is completely unnecessary, some people have to have a positive test to get off work or school.

Mask will come back soon?

Masks are still here, Paul, you do you and I do me…if you choose to wear it, so be it.

Do you want the masks to come back Paul? If so why? They have flip flopped so many times but 1 thing has not changed the size of the virus particle which passes right most masks as if nothing is on your face…

I believe we are done here.
Best move on to the monkey crisis.

They’re still cool with thousands of people jammed together protesting though, right? Ok, just checking.


People are Sick because they have destroyed their Natural immunity by injecting Experimental foreign stuff into their bodies. And the “monkey pox” is none other than Super shingles……..a side effect of the jim Jones miracle vaxx.

I’m sure the local health “officials” will be thrilled once the World Health Organization votes to take over America’s Sovereignty.

Anon You have hit the nail on the head.

I think the WHO’s leader Tedros is delusional if he thinks the WHO should run the world. And ol’ Klaus Schwab may have something to say about that too as he probably wants to run the world. And then we have Dementia Joe…

The health nazis are coming for your civil liberties.

Had all four shots .Done Had to fire an attorney today for the BS. This I’m done with too.

I’m older & vulnerable so reluctantly took all four jabs because yes, I do fear the virus more than the shots.

That however, does not mean I believe anything from the government or am a patsy to their propaganda. Just choosing between the lesser of two evils.

Like most Americans, I realize the biggest enemy we have is government itself.

Go pound sand Roth

KAREN ALERT! Rhee! Rhee! Rhee!

Anna Roth and her employees at CCHealth should return to their primary function; counting cockroaches and mice droppings at third world restaurants in Contra Costa County.

Why are all my vaccinated friends getting Covid?

Because you are a super spreader!

Because the vaccine is TRASH



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