Home » Concord City Council To Consider Naval Weapons Station Developer’s Request For Delay

Concord City Council To Consider Naval Weapons Station Developer’s Request For Delay


The Concord City Council on Tuesday evening will consider giving Concord First Partners (CFP) — the Seeno/Discovery Homes-owned LLC functioning as the master builder of the former Concord Naval Weapons Station — an extension of its deadline to have a negotiated term sheet in place.

The current deadline is Wednesday.

CFP wants an additional 90 days — to Aug. 23 — to complete a term sheet. They also want to negotiate an early-stage “outline” disposition and development agreement (DDA) before land use planning and environmental review moves forward.

According to the staff report for Tuesday’s meeting, CFP also wants an “enforceable right in the CNWS property in the early-stage outline DDA'” and the council to “reimburse CFP for certain expended costs should the city council fail to approve the future EIR (environmental impact report) and specific plan.”


CFP also wants to extend the timeframe for drafting the specific plan and EIR from 24 months to 36 months, until “approximately August 2025.”

City staff recommends the council deny CFP’s proposed amendment to the agreement as not being in the city’s best interests. Staff said they didn’t get the request until May 10 and haven’t had time to negotiate provisions and language of the amendment.

If the council supports extending the agreement, staff recommends extending it until June 29 while directing staff “to negotiate the ENA amendment to be brought back before council on June 28.”

The Concord City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. at the council chambers at 1950 Parkside Drive, Concord. To watch the meeting online, go to https://bit.ly/31MJ0DA.


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…nope – too much crafty footwork – cut ’em loose

Who didn’t see this coming? Sleazy, crooked, and untrustworthy. Besides, I’m in no hurry to see 11,000 homes plus a bunch of businesses added to our area. We have a drought and a limited water supply, with no end in sight; we’ve been warned about power shortfalls this summer and they’ll keep happening; and the roadways are too often jammed. Existing residents get nothing from this project except more headaches. The City Council sees only $$$$ from the added revenue base. Anyone of them who voted for this land grab does not get my vote, especially Birsan. He’s done nothing for us and now thinks he’s ready to move up to county. Big mistake to vote for him – remember his support of that ridiculous soccer/events stadium downtown? He told me it was all about more jobs for the people along the Monument corridor. What a load! It was all about labor money for his ambitions. Not a thought to the harm done to local residents. Overpopulation is a dangerous thing, Edi, you ignorant fool! Study a little ecology and get back to me.

Lumber is costly. Electricity and water in short supply and they want to build more houses. Turn it into a redwood park. In thirty years it would look like it grew their naturally.

Until all the redwoods die from heat and lack of water. Redwoods grow on the western side of the coastal hills, not the eastern side.

Ever been to Walnut Creek? Go to the back side of Kaiser Shadelands they have great redwoods there. We have perfectly growing redwood groves. My neighbor has one that never gets watered and in twenty years it is at least 70 feet.

Funny I thought the weapons station is on the west side. Silly me.

Concord missed the boat, the cycle is over, construction loans have doubled and will triple. Plus mortgage rates will be 7-8 by next year, but the cost of construction will be higher. So bottom line it wont pan out.

Put in some nice parks. Some solar farms and be done with it.

Even better how about a reservoir!

@Never Enough
You want a reservoir on the weapons station site? And just where is the water coming from to fill this reservoir? The same goes for all those who clamor for more reservoirs; there isn’t enough water for the existing reservoirs, let alone additional ones.
I say leave the land as is, making it parkland/open space. That way it becomes a benefit for all to enjoy, instead of being used by a few.

Did Bay Area construction stop between 1980 and 1985, when the average 30-Year fixed rate mortgage was 15% and peaked at over 18% in 1981?

No, building continued and people snapped up the new homes.

@The Old Goat,

We can fill it with hoses. Duh.

That land actually runs right up to the Bay. If you open it inlet you have all the water you need from the bay during the winter before it goes out and gets lost in the ocean.

The reservoir whould be filled during the wet years . then we can ues the water for dry years . It’s very simple and it will work .


If the City Council has been appropriately compensated they’ll reject this entire request.

I’m betting that the City Council approves the request, or at least most of it.

Seeno’s smart and they don’t do anything unless it means income, lots of income.

I don’t blame Senno for any of this. They are in business to make money.

The inept City Council, on the other hand…

Concord city council chose a historically corrupt company.

What’s to consider? Seeno by any corporate name just wants to do things his own way and the Council is suppose to bow down and … (fill in your own blanks). Just say no and go with someone else.

As “Amy” stated Seeno is historically corrupt!! Now if the Concord city leaders are weak, Seeno will just walk over and by them.
Pittsburg stood up to Seeno and put it on a city ballot and it was soundly approved against Seeno!

It is VERY important that Concord residents GO to the meeting tonight. It’s the only way these leaders understand we care about their shenanigans and back door deals that eminently threaten our quality of life, and our entire way of life here. They need to SEE us to know we are watching them.

Keep in mind, Seeno is more skilled at lawsuits than building.

This is how Seeno rolls… over politicians and taxpayers. Frankly, I wouldn’t trust Seeno or the City Council. All I can say is “So long and thanks for all the fish!”.

Seeno is absolutely the WORST developer out there.
Concord will be totally screwed dealing with Seeno.
Mark… my …. words.

As soon as the city council picked Seeno it was obvious that he would try to change the terms of the deal. His request isn’t just for a delay but for a property interest in the site that would allow him to build whatever he wants (since the city won’t have any leverage on him). This will allow them to build the same crappy development on the NWS that they built in Pittsburg. It’s better that nothing be built here than that they extend the agreement.

How Seeno got this far is a joke. Seeno needs to go. And so do members of Concord’s City Council if they let Seeno continue to roll over them.

Making a cool well-calculated fat-cat taxpayer-funded generation-long career off his planned “errors and omissions.”
One word … Bjerke

Ask yourself why all the speakers are part of the labor who will work on the project. Also, ask yourself if the project leader and his boss would survive in their jobs in the real world . . . Amazing what a beer with “friends” will do!

I don’t believe ANYONE in the Concord council or employment rolls is even HALF qualified to be making these decisions. Citizens saw the Seeno problems years ago… so… the tail wags the dog.

Besides, they need this time off. Seeno is busy suing the Park District … not gonna be a good neighbor no matter how much you give in to them. Lets ask the people who bought at other huge scale Seeno build-outs how their houses are holding up after 12-15 years.

Just the normal BS to allow Seeno to keep paying off folks to get their way.

Sick and tired of this crap! Every elected official and those who supposedly are in public office must be forced to disclose their payola from every source. End of story. Oh, but the greenies-socialist folks will not allow that they are to busy finding new ways to screw us and over tax us.

Careful, Seeno group wants the CNWS reuse project to be theirs alone. They were supposed to have a term sheet to present last night. Instead they presented new demands. The City Council only gave them an extension to Jan. 31, 2023 to present their term sheet because they want to keep this going. The city must make sure the city is in control.. Do Not Even consider their outrageous amendment at any point that gives them the right to buy the land first – this is their goal. This is not typical developer tactics. They said last night they will negotiate to see if there is some way to do this without buying the land first (stripping the city of any power) and without lessoning the the 25% affordable housing commitment and keeping their all-union commitment. Nothing said about community benefits which they had promised. They also want help with infrastructure costs and and want to be reimbursed for any upfront preparation cost if it doesn’t work out – Lennar shelled out 14 million without repayment. We shall see what transpires in 8 mos. My advice – no givebacks. I say to Seeno’s group: get different investors.or accept less profit. Remember Concord First! The residents do not want to pay higher taxes for any of this.

Look at the upside this delay gives us time to recall the city council. Use this time wisely!!!!



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