Although this is an improvement, their new aircraft holds 4000 gallons a 747s which I have been screaming at them to get holds 19,000 gallons and can fly in the same conditions. They can use gps to automatically drop the load and California has a new GPS operated fire spotting system. The other problem Cal Fire had was not using aircraft soon enough. Sometimes they would wait two days before even sending out a helicopter. Not much better than a bucket brigade at that point. Sounds like the new guy may be smarter than the last guy. Doesn’t sound to me like they are in a big hurry to get the new aircraft fitted out. We will see this summer if they get them done. The whole government moves like the speed of Biden getting out baby formula.
May 14, 2022 - 2:32 PM 2:32 PM
.. they deserve it and more imho
May 15, 2022 - 8:59 AM 8:59 AM
Glad they’re getting more stuff. With Gavin around they’ll need it.
Although this is an improvement, their new aircraft holds 4000 gallons a 747s which I have been screaming at them to get holds 19,000 gallons and can fly in the same conditions. They can use gps to automatically drop the load and California has a new GPS operated fire spotting system. The other problem Cal Fire had was not using aircraft soon enough. Sometimes they would wait two days before even sending out a helicopter. Not much better than a bucket brigade at that point. Sounds like the new guy may be smarter than the last guy. Doesn’t sound to me like they are in a big hurry to get the new aircraft fitted out. We will see this summer if they get them done. The whole government moves like the speed of Biden getting out baby formula.
.. they deserve it and more imho
Glad they’re getting more stuff. With Gavin around they’ll need it.