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Face Masks Still Required On BART


A Monday ruling by a federal judge in Florida overturning mask mandates on public transportation doesn’t appear to be immediately changing one local transit agency’s policies.

BART says riders and staff are still required to wear face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at least through May 3, the previous end date for federal mask mandates.

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle of Florida ruled that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is not authorized to enforce the travel and transit mask mandate.

A spokesperson for BART said that the agency is currently figuring out what to do about the sudden change in federal guidelines.


“We haven’t made an official or final determination yet,” said the BART spokesperson. “We are currently touching base with other transit agencies in the Bay Area and looking to see if there is any movement on the local, state or federal level about a mandate. Things moved quickly yesterday and the dust hasn’t settled yet.”

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Suggested correction to your headline …

“Face Masks Still Required On BART for mentaly Ill Riders”

Quick, someone sue the pants of them while it is still unconstitutional. This will probably go the way of the NY school mandate where a judge deems it unconstitutional… Democrats appeal it… judge orders a stay of the ruling while they wait for trial… Dems use the time to force people to suffer until they remove the mandate just before the trial.

Ooooh the mask must hurt so much. The decision was made by an unqualified judge who over-stepped her authority. She had been given a “not qualified” rating by the American Bar Association, based on her limited experience post-law school.

Oooooh, please enlighten us on how this Federal judge overstepped her authority. Please include points and authorities. This should be stunning.

Doh. Really? Your name says it all. She made the right call. CDC NEVER had any right to make that mandate. Come on. Out your common sense hat on.

Level A PPE is the only way I would partake.

Why? If it’s no longer required on planes, then why should it still be required on BART. Shoot, don’t you think everyone is immuned to any disease from riding on BART?

This one’s a Trump appointed judge ruled not qualified to serve as a Federal judge by the American Bar Association (the attorney group, not the liquor group). The fool didn’t drain the swamp, he brought in more alligators and pythons!
Liz Cheney in 2024 – a legitimate conservative American (and not beholden to Putin).

Bitter much?

Not being qualified by the ABA is a plus.

Living rent free in your mind. This is just pathetic, get over it & move on with your life. Glad to see that Liz has all of 1 constituent…

Are you serious? For crying out loud…….most of the lawmakers on Capitol Hill are not qualified to serve ANYONE.

Talking points….Not “Phil’s” own…

Not Qualified? Have you read the letter from the ABA or do you get your info. elsewhere? When yo cannot discuss the facts, then character attack is the way to go. Here is the last paragraph of the ABA report: “Ms. Mizelle has a very keen intellect, a strong work ethic and an impressive resume. She presents as a delightful person and she has many friends who support her nomination. Her integrity and demeanor are not in question. These attributes however simply do not compensate for the short time she has actually practiced law
and her lack of meaningful trial experience.
Randall D. Noel
Chair, Standing Committee
On the Federal Judiciary

My late father was a lawyer. He had nothing good to say about the ABA, This thread is bringing back memories… Yes, he thought they were a fraud and a joke.

phil is an old computer with no operating system. Whatever they stick in the drive is what comes out. Liz chaney 🤣🤣 How about crying Adam Kinzinger and her VP 🤣🤣🤣🤡🌎

Of course they still require the mask. Is anyone really surprised?

I am waiting for the devil incarnate Gruesome Newscum to announce a requirement to wear masks on all public transportation in the Nation of California.

…. nobody enforces it so ….?

Required but not enforced.

Only the government can be that noncommitted.

It’s because no one has paid them what to do next.

As dirty as BART is, everyone should be wearing a HAZMAT suit.

Dear overpaid BART board members. Get a clue.

They are figuring out how to implement the legal ruling or they are going to make up their own rules? I hope it’s the first

What is to figure out? Just take down the mandate signs and all is well. These fools are just incompetent pawns.

Will a clothes pin on the nose suffice, or does the stench of BART penetrate the skin?

Oh, it penetrates.

BART is still trying to figure out what to do about the change?


That tells me that they’re WAAAAY overpaid – regardless of what they’re being paid. If they’re being paid minimum wage, they’re still overpaid.

Pay me $100 and I’ll tell you what to do.

Tugboat +1

They don’t want to upset the Governor. It could jeopardize their state and ultimately federal subsidies. They know where their bread is buttered……

BART is the worst.

I rode it this morning. Without mask. There were a few of us. No enforcement. I say everyone make your own choice and do whatever floats your boat.

Let’s just call it racist, and we can make them repeal it.

“This mandate is meant to muffle, stifle and oppress blacks and people of color, who due to systematic racism, tend to make less money and are forced to ride public transportation. While the wealthy white males are in their $80,000 teslas with no masks, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ men, women, xes and xers, are forced to wear a white oppressor’s mask over their mouths!”

I agree with your commentary, anon–‘truth be told!’

Who honestly rides bart? The homeless & criminals won’t care about the politics nor will they be held accountable for not complying…

Haven’t ridden that rolling Petri dish in years. Masks aren’t enough, you need a hazmat suit…

Go watch a Warrior’s game and no mask in a big crowd .And masks on Bart what is wrong with you stupid politicians?

Sorry, but covid is the LAST thing anyone needs to worry about on BART.

How about an unqualified president that needed the easter bunny to put him in check…

The riders who jump the fare gates, do drugs, pee and poo, and commit crimes on the trains and in the stations love the mask mandates.

Wear one, don’t wear one, it’s your choice……BART has NO standing to compel anyone to wear a mask.



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