Home » City Of Concord To Test Pop-Up Bike Lane And Crosswalk On Pine Hollow Rd. On April 27

City Of Concord To Test Pop-Up Bike Lane And Crosswalk On Pine Hollow Rd. On April 27


The City of Concord, jointly with the City of Clayton, is conducting a Complete Streets Study to examine the current transportation challenges for all users along Pine Hollow Road.

The goal is to develop a set of proposed improvements to enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety, auto circulation, trail connectivity, and residential and school access.

As a part of the final outreach, a one-day demonstration event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 27 between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. It will highlight some of the identified improvements for Pine Hollow Road.


The demonstration will include a pop-up bike lane and crosswalk with temporary installations near Pine Hollow Middle School and Highlands Elementary School.

Come ride the temporary pop-up bike lane on April 27 and share your feedback with the project team.

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Will this be equitable?

As someone who likes to go on family bike rides in this area, this would be fantastic. Pine Hollow is not very bike friendly as is.

What “pops up” pray tell?

Those vertical white poles I suspect.

It’s a temporary lane instead that was easy to put in that “pops up” quickly. The final lane design is much better.

@Winston….Oh yeah, that answers my question, you sound like our illustrious VP with her “word salads”….it’s as clear as mud.

That preview pic shows kids riding in the wrong direction, on the wrong side of the road. What gives?!

Actually no. The safe way for kids to be riding is to be faxing the oncoming traffic so they see the vehicles coming, instead of acxide tally swerving too wide when a vehicle.is trying to pass from behind. It’s avoiding an accident.

I noticed that too…

It’s a bidirectional path on one side of the street.

That is illegal, even for kids.

The California vehicle code requires bicycles to travel in the same direction as traffic. They are riding in the wrong side of the road.

You WALK facing traffic.

Read the CVC.

Use that money to fix the potholes in our streets. If bicyclists want special bike lanes, then every bike owner over the age of 16 should be required to register their bike with the DMV and pay their fair share of taxes.

Yes, bikeways! I’ve been saying this for years and registration and fees required from the cyclists. Much safer and many cyclists love the idea. Might be a problem finding trails for this though.

Dawg, you do know that people who ride bikes pay taxes too, right? That they have to pay their “fair share” of taxes just like the rest of us. Are you under some kind of delusion that if you own a bike that you don’t have to pay taxes?

Seginus, I am under no delusion. I realize bike owners pay taxes, everybody pays taxes. I’m talking about taxes that are collected specifically for road repair and maintenance, and the majority of those taxes are collected at the fuel pump, and at the DMV.

Bikes DO NOT pay taxes for roads. Gas tax and vehicle registration does. Stay off the streets, they are mine because I pay for them period.

City streets are mostly paid for by property taxes which are paid for by cyclists and drivers alike. The reason we register cars is that they are super dangerous and expensive to provide infrastructure for in exactly the way that bikes are not.

I agree with you there Dawg, the state and federal taxes at the pump and the fees at the DMV ought to go towards limited access roads for cars and the like. Stuff like the interstate and highways where bikes are explicitly banned. That’s fair.


Call the city. This is our city pushing mask propaganda into the future. The mask is next step in declaring humans a virus. We create C02 when we exhale. This war on humans is called genocide. Depopulation is the goal. Curb all human activity, kill slowly. They need to get the bike lanes sorted out because you won’t be having cars when energy shortages hit.

…. only in Cali ….. too many rules – not enough common sense – no state leadership with everybody in mind, not just the favored project few

Bad idea, too dangerous.

Dividing bicyclists from cars is always a good idea. You don’t really need rollercoasters or sports cars or anything dangerously exciting in your life if you just commute by bike next to cars once a week. Having cars pass within 2 inches of your handlebar at 65mph is excitement enough.

If they do anything for bicycle riders is make it mandatory for them to wear bright yellow vests and have headlights and taillights.

I hope it’s safe. Unfortunately Pine Hollow is a raceway for all the rich Clayton people trying to get back and forth, and their kids they bought drag racer cars for. Nobody ever stops at the 4-way stop sign on Washington and Pine Hollow. I’d prefer they invest in a cop that sits their all day.

@DH – There are few, if any “rich” people in Clayton. They’re just less poor than most families in concord.

Whatever it takes. The roads are completely unsafe and unacceptable.

west bound there is a protruding curb, painted red, that sticks out into the “bike lane”, right side of the road, It is dangerous, as acknowledged by the red paint, and contributes to radical vehicle movements to avoid crashing. that endagers autos as well as bikes. It is between 1/2 way and the E end of the street.
Fix this first.

The whitel pop ups are an eyesore and a danger to drivers. Look at Bancroft Rd. and how many people have crashed into them. Bikers are next!
Bad ugly idea.

See CVC 21200 and CVC 21650. Bicycles are required to be ridden on the right side of the road (ie, with traffic). You walk FACING traffic.

The picture shows a violation.

Someone explained to me why these kids are illegally riding their bicycle on the wrong side of the road.

Where the police they need to cite these kids and also Concord should put out warnings about how to safely ride a bicycle.

It did seem like their effort was put in to putting a mask on the kid to hide their identity.



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