Home » UPDATE: Woman With A Hatchet Tased By Police In North Concord

UPDATE: Woman With A Hatchet Tased By Police In North Concord


A woman with what appeared to be a hatchet was tased by police just after 11 a.m. this morning in North Concord.

We received reports that the woman was holding the weapon in the middle of the intersection of Olivera near Hwy.242.

No other information is currently available.


The following update is from the Concord Police Dept.:

This morning at approximately 11 a.m., CPD Dispatchers received several calls about a woman in the area of Olivera Road and Grant Street, swinging an axe or hatchet at passing vehicles.

Officers began to arrive on scene and located the woman in the middle of the intersection.

Fearing for the safety of the public, officers were able to close off roadways to limit her access to people.


Officers confronted her while she was still armed and tried to de-escalate the situation.

They gave her commands to drop the axe and get on the ground, however the woman was non-compliant.

Officers had already seen her striking a vehicle occupied by a bystander.

A CPD Officer deployed his taser which was successful. They were able to safely take her into custody without any injuries to herself, the public or other officers.

She was booked on several charges, including Assault with a Deadly Weapon and later transported to the county jail.

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Flirtin with disaster

Is her name Molly?

Joe Biden has just announced that all ghost hatchets must have a serial number. We must absolutely stop the illicit manufacturing of assault hatchets……

Guess she wanted to ride the lighting.

Kids….drugs are bad!

Maybe she was gonna go chopping

Yes I hear there’s some price cutting sales:)

Good way to stimulate the funeral industry.

It appears they are now discriminating against hatchet faced people.

Another great job by our Concord Police.

I listened to this on the scanner.

Our PD is the best.

Is her name Lizzie Borden?

OMG…just lost my coffee

… good job LE … it’s more than getting too common with these drugged out wackos / homeless… is this the city to raise a family? … maybe I’m mistaken

Just looking for a dull car that needed whacks?

You’re doing a heckofa job Newscum

My Granny was quite adapt with a hatchet, seeing her with one meant fried chicken for vittles that night.

I see no mention of the alleged community service teams created to handle such situations. Am I mistaken or does Concord have such teams??
I am waiting to read about a team member or team is wasted and then what?

I want to be ninja.


Now if they can just get Her re trained &rehabillated to swing that thing at some firewood rounds needing to be split She could probably have Herself a pretty good career She’s already got the basics down

Is she out yet?

This hatchet violence must stop! We need more hatchet control laws. Even the subway suspect had one. Too much hatchet violence on the streets! Newsom needs to act to keep us safe.

Yet another one of the folks we have to deal with on a daily basis. Bet that Becton let her out already and gave her as many freebies as she could at the cost of hard working tax payers.

Sad Sad Sad.

Vote for Cox in next election or thing will continue to go down the sewer.

If Becton has her way, the woman is already out. Vote for Mary Knox. 108RS

The new woman,,,, as defined by Biden and Harris

Her name isn’t anything but Yolanda she has mental issues it’s not drugs so you people thinking that it’s the homeless drug wackos really need to f****** know your facts

She could just be a Braves fan.



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