Home » Contra Costa County Seeking Applicants For Racial Justice Board

Contra Costa County Seeking Applicants For Racial Justice Board


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is seeking residents interested in serving on its 18-member Racial Justice Oversight Body.

The group has two vacancies, one for a member of a faith-based organization and the other for someone who is either a school-age person or from a community-based organization that provides services to school-age youth.

Appointments to the board are for existing two-year terms that end Dec. 31. The board meets on a quarterly basis and its members also serve on its three subcommittees that each currently meet on a monthly basis.
The application deadline is April 28.

Application forms can be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by calling (925) 655-2000 or by visiting the County webpage for Boards and Commissions at https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/3418/.


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Racial Justice Board You have to be kidding.

Seriously, let’s make everything about Race. I’d rather see a peaceful civilian committee to protect honest hard working civilians from all the criminals (white, black, brown, Asian, etc…)


I won’t argue with anything they plan to do, cause it’s for justice! OMG.

“one for a member of a faith-based organization” seems to me to be a clear violation of the 1st Amendment clause against laws respecting the establishment of religion.

Who got this going? Becton?

18 member? How much taxpayer money is being blown on this idiotic bolshevik trash?

No good could come from this

Yes! Let’s put an end to all the lynching and cross burning in CCC

What is the racial composition of the Racial Justice Board?
Is this the same bunch that said white people need not apply?

@Dr Jellyfinger..…I just might “tuck my hair up under my hat, and go in to ask them why?”

I believe there can be no justice from this board.

Only the racism as spouted by politicians.

Which right now is all against white people.

By mostly white people.

And their asking us about raising taxes to maintain our city and keep people employed?! There’s something you can cut and redirect funds to things we actually need.

Did we vote for our public servants to do this? Did we vote for our tax dollars to buy this?

These people need to stop.

Democrat California politicians, local and statewide, absolutely and completely disregard and ignore the word of hard working honest, law abiding, responsible tax paying citizens.

Nothing shocking …

They desire a member of a faith based organization:
Does the church of Satan count? Asking for a friend.

@The Fearless Spectator…..Tell them Dr. Anton LaVey sent you.

They need an 18-member team to repeat the party line that “white men bad. Cause all problem. Me angry. UNFAIR!!!!” Freakng victimhood as a personality trait gets real old.

Grandstanding, plain and simple, by the local politicians.

Yea , cause that’s what “we the people” want right… All these woke lunatics need to be replaced! Vote them out!!!

Alot of you seem to be under the impression this is something new…. this Racial Justice BS Board has been around since 2018… or was it 2016?
Anyway, it’s not new.

The Democrats are manufacturing oppression and racism.

In my day it was about character over color and personal accountability. Now it’s about manufactured victimhood.

No one is oppressed!

What is racial justice, exactly?

newspeak for anti-white injustice



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