Home » Dental Assistant In Contra Costa County Arrested And Charged With Sexual Acts On A Child Under 10-Years-Old

Dental Assistant In Contra Costa County Arrested And Charged With Sexual Acts On A Child Under 10-Years-Old


San Pablo Police have arrested, and the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office has charged a dental assistant with four counts of sexual acts with a child under 10-years-old.

The suspect is 22-year-old Bonerge Maldonado-Zaldana from Richmond. He worked at the San Pablo Towne Centre Dental Office where the action with a minor allegedly took place on April 5, 2022. Investigators collected evidence and took statements from the victim’s mother, dental office staff, and the suspect on April 6 and determined there was probable cause to arrest Maldonado-Zaldana on April 8.

The Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office filed charged against the suspect April 8, who is currently in the Martinez Detention Facility.

In addition to working at the San Pablo Towne Centre Dental Office Maldonado-Zaldana was formerly employed with Western Dental in El Cerrito. If anyone has further information relating to this investigation, please call Detective Ricky Vasquez at San Pablo Police Department (510) 215-3286.


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Richmond teacher arrested for molesting 10 kids. School is 5-12 year olds.
Yeah…Don’t say gay


A biology teacher, teaching her students biology and making waves.
Ronald Guinto, who also worked at Making Waves, was sentenced to life. I’m wondering if this woman will get life, or will she get a lighter sentence because she’s a woman? $1.2 million bail indicates it’s pretty darn serious, or she has a prior conviction.
Risking prison because they’re horny, it just ain’t worth it.


You mention “don’t say gay.” The article you share indicates that the teacher was a woman and that her victims were boys.

How does this story support Florida’s wacko new bill? Should we look at limiting discussions of heterosexuality in the classroom given the problems it seems to cause?


As for Florida’s “Wacko” bill. I will Parent my K-6th grader. You can keep you gender bread man out of the classroom until high school.

How does maybe 2% (LGBTQRST) of the population have such a large voice ??

No one is oppressed in this country. The democrats have control of the media and have manufactured oppression and racism.

No one is oppressed

Hey Chuq, The Florida bill and what you are referring doesn’t even contain the word gay in it. The bill prohibits teachers from discussing sex with K-3. If you think that is wacko then I would venture to question why you feel you would want to talk to little kids about sex. Hmmm??

Yes. One semester of reproductive health in 5/6 grade science is about the appropriate limit.

Do you have an issue with limiting teachers sex conversations with young children without parental consent? I’m not sure what that’s about, but I hope you’re not around other people’s kids unsupervised.

@SAM The school is grade 5–12. The kids are age 15-16.

If a kid draws a picture in school of their parents standing outside of their house (very common) why is that a situation where we need a new law to tell us whether something inappropriate has occurred?

Every schoolteacher I had who had “Mrs.” in her name was telling her students about her private life. It wasn’t a problem then so why should it be a problem now?

Again the Richmond teacher was heterosexual – should we be limiting the degree to which we acknowledge heterosexuals in classrooms? How do you teach history without ever talking about people being married?

It’s really telling when a certain group of people get offended at a bill meant to stop pedophiles.

Biology is real and natural. Telling boys they can be girls and vice versa is an act of war against a society. As proven in the mental illness of gay and trans people.

Keep going chuq

The party most interested in protecting pedophiles is the Republican party. Or do you have another explanation for why they are currently fighting for bills to protect marriage with 14 and 15 year old children in Missouri and Tennessee?

What’s really telling is the people who use the same tactic they have since the 1950s of calling anyone different from them a pedophile. Your fight to harm children is as obvious as it is expected, Sam. Maybe take care of your own house starting with those Republican elected officials in Missouri and Tennessee who want to be able to marry high school freshmen instead of telling kids they can’t write a story about their family vacation with their two moms. One of those is harmful to children and it’s not the kid with the vacation story.


I see that at least twice now, in two separate threads, you gripe that there is some sort of irony that folks like Sam call out pedos who want to twist little children’s minds but stay silent on pervs allowing 14-15 yr olds to marry in MO and TN. I’ll be the first to clue you in that allowing young kids to marry is in the WRONG column, right along with teaching sex ed to a 6 yr old.

Both are wrong, and wrong is wrong, regardless of who is doing it.

I also have noticed that when you bring up this red herring that you don’t take a stand on little kids marrying, but you seem fine with teaching 6-7 yr olds all about sex. So do you stand with teaching the kids irresponsibly AND ok about teen marriage? Or are you only ok with one form of degeneracy and not the other?

A yes answer to either questions earns you a Megan’s Law blue dot in my world.


Hi Professor, the problem with the ridiculous bill in Florida is that it’s not about teaching sex ed to six year olds. Any mention at all of gay or trans people could be prohibited. That’s the problem. “Classroom discussion about sexual orientation” means if a female teacher says “my husband” or “my wife” she is talking to her students about her sexual orientation. Why is that prohibited? What is it your are worried children will learn?

@ Chuq (blue dot)

I asked you a question first:
“I also have noticed that when you bring up this red herring that you don’t take a stand on little kids marrying, but you seem fine with teaching 6-7 yr olds all about sex. So do you stand with teaching the kids irresponsibly AND ok about teen marriage? Or are you only ok with one form of degeneracy and not the other?”

You seem to have forgotten to answer in your reply.

So are you a blue dot or not?

@ Chuq

Don’t worry you have removed all doubt, you are fine with kids being groomed. Your mental gymnastics are pathetic to prove your disgusting & vile point.

BDML: No I’m certainly not OK with kids being groomed. That’s not what the bill is about and I am pretty certain you know it.

Professor: As you can see from my above reply I did note that the bill is not about teaching sex ed to six year olds. It prohibits any discussion of sexual orientation. A teacher telling her students that she and her husband moved to California last year or that George Washington’s wife was named Martha is discussing sexual orientation with her students.

Hey Chud,
You only seem interested in taking things to an absurd conclusion.
Me thinks you protest too much. Why? This is about Parents asserting their rights to teach their kids. You are obfuscating the real issue Parents want to teach their kids about this issue, not have teachers teach something that is diametrically opposed to their views.

@ Chuq

Yes you are a groomer & pointing out that a married woman is addressed as MRS as opposed to Ms hardly is much of an argument on sex life discussion. You are a person I would not want anywhere near my or anyone else’s children unsupervised or at all. Maybe a registry is in your future? What business does a kindergarten teacher have talking about gay or trans to their students? Please do yourself & all a favor, slither back to the cesspool you emerged from ty!

“The article you share indicates that the teacher was a woman and that her victims were boys.”

From the same article:
“In 2017, Ronald Guinto, a math and science teacher at Making Waves Academy’s middle school, was convicted of molesting 15 students, most of them boys ages 11 and 12 who attended the school’s youth program Guinto ran. He is serving a life sentence in prison.”
Had you already fulfilled your big word allotment for the day?

“Open your mouth and say AWWW…”

Life W/O in Gen Pop

If he’s guilty, and I suspect he is, he should be given a short life sentence.

Might be short. Child molesters don’t fare well in prison in connection with other inmates.

Going to the dentist is nerve-wracking enough without having to worry that the dental assistant is a perv. You can bet this wasn’t the first time this assistant fondled the merchandise!

Despicable. Hanging for this or firing squad.

Do these molesters think they are going to get away with this stuff?

This child will be scarred for life going to any dentist, or healthcare provider–no doubt the perpetrator used nitrous oxide to sedate his victim(s).

I find it absolutely amazing since I started to understand how many kids are scarred for life even to go anywhere at all, or to just wake up in the morning. This child hopefully will be provided with the appropriate therapy they will need going forward.


Western Dental. Previous employee, enough said..

I sarcastically told my Dentist one time after a root canal that I would rather go to jail than visit her, but I’ll have to rethink that considering who is behind bars.


You are a sick & twisted individual if you think somebody having Mr or Mrs is equal to some teacher having safe spaces to play pretend dressing up like the opposite sex is ok or the teacher openly discussing transgenderism. Theses subjects should be left up to the parent or guardian. The Florida bill prevents this, you calling it wacko clearly demstrates you either have not read the bill or agree with the grooming of children ages 5-8 years old. Which is it in your case?

@Chuq, How can one person get it so wrong? Oh let me guess your a Biden supporter. Reading more would help with your confusion. That poor child being victimized is shameful. I notice that’s not what has you upset. Hmmmm

First off, I used to vote democrat until they went all vile and stupid. Second, the age of consent is 15 in hawaii, I don’t see you mentioning anything about that. It’s only red states that get you worked up. Third, the very fact that you sit here over and over about children needing to be schooled in gayness, degenerate and dangerous lifestyles and are worried because idiot sickos can’t tell kids what they did on date night with their hormone blocked care bear is all we need to know about you. I never knew a damn thing about my teachers life outside of school. You actually want hands on classroom instruction of sodmey for 5 year olds…This is sick. Your position is foul, you are wrong and that’s it.


100% Sam, Chuq is a degenerate and now has removed all doubt.

Looks like chuq is a devotee/member of NAMBLA.

Don’t let your kids around him(?)…

Once again:

I am not advocating for any relationships between children and adults. Whereas the Republicans of Missouri are doing exactly that.


Yes you are advocating for the relationship to exist and deflecting as usual. Nobody should let their kids near a groomer like you ever.

If you know the politics of your children’s teachers, it’s time to fire them.

Chuq – maybe you had teachers that told you about their private lives ….but I suspect that’s the exception.

The rest of us grew up learning real stuff, not learning about our teachers’ sexual issues. And that explains plenty about you. You are one sick POS.

None of your teachers went by Mrs? – that’s so strange.

At chuq
What a typical 3rd grade response that is. Have you zero self respect? You whine and argue like a basic issue low IQ democrat. Add groomer sympathizer to that and you pretty much are the embodiment of democrat party in 2022. Congratulations, you are in favor of talking to young children about degenerate dangerous lifestyles. What a loser

What does Mrs have anything to do with an individuals politics? It doesn’t no matter how much mental gymnastics you try. It’s a title like in your case groomer…

@ Blue dot chuq-

Equating the use of Mrs with gender instruction is nothing more than mental gymnastics. Your pathetic arguments show us all that you are the dumbest person on this site not named Popcorn.

You still have not answered my question. I’ll paraphrase and use small words that you should understand.

You are against teens marrying but are ok with exposing 6-7 year old children to deviant sex education?

Answer the question or crawl back under your rock.

Professor, I have answered your question a number of times already on this page but you continue to pretend I have not (Or you are terrible at reading comprehension which says something about your questionable ideas about education).

But let me say it again: the bill does not just address sex education. I don’t know why you don’t understand that, it seems to be willful ignorance on your part.

The statement “Alice is married to Judy” does not contain any information about their sex life though it does tell you about their orientation.

Similarly “Alice is married to Joe” does not contain information about sex though it gives some info about their orientation.

The law in Florida could make it so that teachers could talk about Alice and Joe but not Alice and Judy. Again, not about their sex life but just acknowledging their relationship.

You use the word deviant. If Alice is 30 and Judy is 14 in this story that does seem to be deviant to me. If Alice and Judy are both 18 (the required legal age in California) then no their relationship is not deviant, it is recognized by our state and many institutions (including religious ones).

If Alice and Judy have a child and that child goes to a school and that child’s teacher asks them to write a story about their parents (something I believe we all did as kids) in Florida that may be prohibited. Which is ridiculous. Again (and I just have to keep stressing this with you) no information about the act of sex is being shared in this example. Same-sex relationships are not more “adult” or “sexual” than opposite sex relationships. I don’t believe any first grade classes talk about sex between adults, straight or gay. They DO talk about relationships and marriages. That is normal. It’s not deviant.

Try as you might but we all see you for the groomer that you are. You can construct all the long winded mental gymnastics you want. You are a vile person advocating for grooming of children ages 5-8, so keep coming back with all your grooming wit…you will be called out on it every time.

The word “gender” was created by a child molester. We shouldn’t use the language they created to push degenerate lifestyles. It playing their game to use this word.

No response, Professor?

SAM: this is very easy to Google. “Gender” comes from late Middle English: from Old French gendre (modern genre ), based on Latin genus ‘birth, family, nation’. The earliest meanings were ‘kind, sort, genus’ and ‘type or class of noun, etc.’ (which was also a sense of Latin genus ).

But you knew your claim was a lie.

I know that there are people in your life who are LGBT. And i have to imagine you do not believe they are trying to groom children or I don’t believe they would be in your life. So you know that your claims are false.

I have lived in the bay area for decades and have never met a gay. They are most definitely not in my life. I would not accept my child if they were gay, I would not do business with a gay. I did know a couple girls back in the day who gave up on relationships with guys and said they were gay. But biology kicked in once a month and they always needed some male attention. Sorry, you got me all wrong.

The fact that you would not accept your own child if they came out to you confirms you should not be trusted around anyone else’s children.

That’s great. Unlike you I have zero desire to be around other people’s children. Funny how every post you make digs you deeper into the degenerate category.

John Money is the child molesting sexologist who coined the modern usage of the word gender in 1955…You have no idea you you’re dealing with here do you?



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