Home » Study Finds Trump’s Support Of COVID Vaccines May Have Swayed Some Vaccine Skeptics

Study Finds Trump’s Support Of COVID Vaccines May Have Swayed Some Vaccine Skeptics


Former President Donald Trump’s endorsement of the COVID-19 vaccine may have spurred some skeptics to get vaccinated, according to a study released Monday by researchers at a quartet of universities, including two from the Bay Area.

Researchers at four universities, including Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, created a 27-second advertisement showcasing Trump’s support for the vaccine and placed it on videos across more than 150,000 YouTube channels in more than 2,000 counties across the country.

The advertisement played between Oct. 14 and Oct. 31, 2021, in 1,083 counties with vaccination rates below 50 percent. Another 1,085 counties did not receive the ad and were included as a control group.

The study analyzed the number of vaccine doses administered in the relevant counties one month before the campaign and one month after and found that 104,036 more shots were administered in counties that received the advertisement than those that didn’t.


That increase, however, was limited to counties in which fewer than 70 percent of voters chose Trump in 2020, as the counties with the most Trump voters showed little movement following the campaign.

According to UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, the researchers spent just under $100,000 on the advertising campaign, amounting to about $1 for each new vaccine dose.

“Creating an intervention that effectively costs about $1 per extra vaccine is remarkably cost-effective, and a small fraction of the cost of other interventions,” said Steven Tadelis, a co-author of the study and a professor of business and public policy at the Haas School.

The team behind the study, which also included researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, set out to determine a potential method of breaking through the partisan divide among those who remain unvaccinated.


According to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, three-fifths of the U.S. residents who were unvaccinated in October identified as Republicans, compared to just 17 percent who identified as Democrats.

That gap has persisted even after Trump and former First Lady Melania Trump got vaccinated privately at the White House in January 2021, shortly after the vaccines became available. Trump said in December 2021 that he had also received a booster vaccine dose.

“We felt like there should be a better way to send a message that would resonate with people on the right,” said Brad Larden, the study’s lead author and an economics professor at Stanford University.

The advertisement included clips of a local news anchor in Salt Lake City, Utah, commenting about the Trumps getting vaccinated.

It also included a portion of an interview between Trump and Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo from March 2021 in which he said “I would recommend (the vaccine) to a lot of people that don’t want to get it, and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.”

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And how much in Federal dollars did these studies cost at the four universities?
Any study done at Berkeley will have a left-wing slant. Who are the two unnamed universities?

Wrong. It is not automatic that a study done at Berkeley would have a left-wing slant. I studied four years and graduated from there. There were plenty of conservative professors…and students.

Not anymore, Concord Guy. They canceled everyone with different beliefs who refused to bend over.

We need another study like we need another hole in our head. Some people just didn’t want the shot. It’s as easy as that. The ones I know that didn’t get it are a mixture of Republicans and democrats.

You can’t make these studies up. What a waste of time and most likely done by students for their thesis. They should put their timer to better use..

Like graduating from college?

Trump’s endorsement and Warp Speed approval of the vaccine was one of his bigger mistakes.

Just heard Deion Sanders – cheerleader for the vaxx had two of his toes amputated due to blood clots. Probably unrelated though.🙄

And the first country to combine a vaccine passport, universal income and social credit score is…..?


Aren’t you glad our tax dollars are going to buy them weapons?

China? Can we keep guessing until we get it right? As the answer obviously isn’t Ukraine.

Brian – Ukraine describes the app as the “world’s first digital passport.” The Diia app will include vaccine info, access to government loans and grants and a certificate of non-criminality among other features.


Trump was rolled by Fauci and Birx and should have stood firm against the lockdowns and vaccination propaganda. Also remember that he put Pence in charge of Project Warp Speed. It is clear now that the mRNA gene therapy is a complete failure and is doing more harm than any good. The HydroQ and InverM bans also were something he should have worked against. India proved that these therapies are effective.
For Dems to try now to pretend to be concerned about Trump supporters during the pandemic is laughable. We were blamed for the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” by Biden on live tv, which was in fact a call to arms for marxists to begin anti Trump supporter pogroms. Disgraceful fascist moment that will never be forgotten.
We are only a few months away from this wretched regime being permanently lame and hand tied.
It is time to consider how to bring to account the leaders of the conspiracy.

The New England Journal of Medicine just proved that Ivermectin is not an effective therapy.

Tell that to Joe Rogin and the 232 million people in Uttar Pradesh India.
Hint: in today’s info control environment you have to scroll down a bit in your search results to get the non democrat narrative.

Brian – This study is being loudly condemned now that the methodology has been made public. Among other flaws, it seems that the samples were not truly randomized.


Wow, Trump has alot of influence.and power, maybe he should be president again! Stop blaming everyone, grow up! I’m not vaccinated and never gave Trump a thought. I can think for myself. Geesh, you all are unbelievable.

Same here. Trump had nothing to do with our hard pass on the death jabs.

What really nailed the coffin was when 1. “Experts” claimed asymptomatic infection, and 2. when same proclaimed protests and riots don’t spread covid. Those two things made it obvious covid was not a severe threat, thus no rushed, unproven, gene-altering “vaccine” needed.

The sky is falling said the loon suffering from TDS…who cares what this waste of tax payer dollar study concluded.

Hmmmm, it was Kamala Harris who was the Top “anti-vaxxer” as long as Trump was backing the jab.
Then the media claimed that not enough got vaxed because Trump was not supporting the jab.

Finally, there’s a certain percentage of the population who CANNOT be hypnotized.

Of course, the Dr. Strangelove types who were the perpetrators of this jab: Klaus Schwab, Fauci, Bill Gates ARE NOT TRUSTED. They can take their ‘ze great reset’ and shove it.

Oh I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do they?

@Dr. Jellyfinger
Quoting The Who ftw. When music actually meant something.

these folks are playing good cop bad cop.

are we tired of government yet?

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then. Took the fool too long to finally tell his minions that vaccines can help. But don’t let it sway your anti-vax belief, if you still have one. The 2022 Darwin Award has yet to be decided.

Who would take medical advice from a politician?

I agree with that. Guess some people need affirmation from someone the agree with. A friend of mine hesitated to get the vaccine for a long time, but changed her mind after speaking to her physician.

I would have got it if they didn’t push it so hard. I would get it today if I had tangible evidence that it does anything positive and is safe. Trump doesn’t determine what I do. Trump does what I want done around here and upsets all the right people…like Putin. New world order tyrants get no quarter.

Why would you consider getting the jab if you think it was a hoax?

Exactly my point. If they can’t produce tangible evidence then it’s clearly a HOAX. You’re pretty sharp.

Every company has taken COVID HOAX money. Not saying you’re right or wrong about things I don’t know about. Lots of people read comments here. Your contributions are appreciated. It’s all hands on deck right now. I have realized there are no topics that are off limits, I think it’s how I worded things when I haven’t been posted.

Biden said he wouldn’t take Trumps vaccine during campaign but he did.
Biden said if you were vaccinated then you couldn’t get Covid or spread Covid, but you can.
Biden said he would be transparent, but Covid data sealed for 75 years.
Now some Berkeley and Stanford researchers (and I use the term with doubt) have a study which started with their conclusion and worked backwards. If someone asked me who I voted for, I wouldn’t tell them nor do many of my friends so just how did they get the data?
Any real researcher could poke holes in their study at a glance.
My favorite is the Fauci video when asked about the flu vaccine he emphatically states that if you have had it you don’t need the shot.
Let’s spend even more money on useless research, like butter is bad for you paid for by the margarine manufacturers.

The most chilling thing about the 9 pages of Pfizer side effects, having been made public, is that countless people will sign up for the next booster. Even though the non-vaccinated are not dying like Traitor Joe and the democrats had hoped.

Allowing oneself to be influenced by ANY elected official in regards to health care decisions is just plain stupid.

Trump is a moron, but he’s also a coward, thus he took the vaccine because he’s a coward. All talk, no real guts.


Nothing but personal insults about Trump….

1. You have no facts/documentation to support your statements. You therefore have to stoop to childish name calling.
2. Trump isn’t president.
3. Ergo, you’re just another troll with TDS.

Let’s look at slow joe with his cognitive disabilities; or let’s look at Harris the ho the ho who used sex for political gain – which is a violation of PC647(b).

I took mRNA – and cannot continue with further treatment (due to a life threatening reaction). The fact that there is no compassion, no concern, (and continued hateful rhetoric) just underscores how deep we have fallen into an Orwellian future. It’s dehumanizing / and MSM needs to torn down and rebuilt by real journalists (not bought off by the pharmaceutical industry).



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