Home » Mt. Diablo Unified Giving Students COVID-19 Tests To Take Before Returning From Spring Break

Mt. Diablo Unified Giving Students COVID-19 Tests To Take Before Returning From Spring Break


The Mt. Diablo Unified School District has distributed rapid response COVID-19 test kits to each school in the district, to be given to students and staff on a first-come, first-served basis before spring break begins with the Cesar Chavez Day holiday March 31.

The district encourages families to use the tests before students come back to school April 11.

The district said Thursday it has enough test kits for every student and staff member. Schools will communicate with parents with details on requesting kits. Once requested, the kits will be sent home with students or can be picked up by March 31.

Each kit contains two tests to be used at home three days (April 8) and one day (April 10) before school resumes on April 11. Any positive test results must be reported to the school office as soon as possible and students testing positive must isolate themselves at home.


The district says students with COVID-19 symptoms must stay home, even if they test negative.

The district will also continue to offer PCR COVID-19 testing at selected school sites. All regular PCR testing sites will be open Monday through Thursday and Saturday during spring break. However, all district PCR testing sites will be closed on April 1 due to the Cesar Chavez holiday and on April 8, due to a districtwide board holiday. The complete testing schedule is at https://mdusd.org/covidtesting.

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Just test the sewer.


The same can be said for you, why do you even care? Are you saving lives with your rhetoric or just virtue signaling?

Because YOU are spreading FEAR & PARANOIA to all of the psychosomatic hypochondriacs.


While there isn’t much harm in this policy, it is also a total waste of time and energy. There is absolutely no stopping Omicron. Every restrictive policy designed to contain or slow it is stupid and nothing more than a lie to make people think authorities are “doing something.” You already have been, or soon will be exposed to it, and nothing the school district or anyone else can do will stop that.

Either get vaccinated or don’t. Either get boosted or don’t. Obtain and wear an N95 or don’t. Those are the only things any individual can do to mitigate their personal risk. There are no other options on the table, everything else is covid theater nonsense.

Amen so true so true.

Might as well test for STDs at the same time …

a better idea


Stupid is as stupid does.

More political posturing by people demanding others to “follow the science.”

You NEVER “follow the science.” You always QUESTION it.

Obviously those making the demands have no clue about science.

I will file those tests with the others if they come home … but my kids will likley not bring them home. We will NOT test someone who looks and feels healthy. We will not test, just to test. They are vaccinated … so we are done with this.

This is the correct attitude to have towards covid from now on. Unless something major changes, like a new vaccine with 100% rate of stopping transmission comes along, we have all the tools we are going to have against covid. People are mounting ever greater expenditures of effort to slow or halt the spread of something that cannot be stopped. Even New Zealand is getting slammed now.

People need to assess their personal risk and risk appetite, and make their decisions accordingly. This is no longer a public policy issue, as there is nothing public policy can do to stop it.

@Wage Slave

Might as well test for bubonic plague, measles, small pox, and the host of deadlier diseases than covid. Considering the fact our southern border is wide open, with NO testing or vaccination requirements for illegals, there is a ton of diseases we have eradicated that could be coming into the country.

If you think covid is bad, you better hope no one comes into the country with small pox or measles.

Bruh, good point!! Let’s just hope it doesn’t go that far.


What another great waste of money. Everyone will get some form of COVID. Live with it and move on. Testing, Contact Tracers, QR Codes, Papers, all this nonsense divides and stifles us. Just look at the Yahoos who still walk and exercise outdoors with useless masks on.

While I roll my eyes at people wearing masks outside, as long as they aren’t Karening anyone else about it, they aren’t hurting anyone. And at least they are getting out and getting exercise, so props to them for that.

I have noticed the percentage of people going maskless in stores increasing. Hopefully the mask spell is wearing off. The we are almost certainly going to get a wave of omicron 2, so I expect the mask is about to make a comeback. Not that it will do anything. Scotland still has strict masking policies in place, and their infection rate is higher than the greater UK with no mask mandate.

You lift the restrictions and then want testing.Isn’t the lifting of the rules saying chances of Covid are low.You bunch of controlling morons make up your minds.

MDUSD just wants the storage space back. Give out these useless tests and clear the space for something else. This way, they can look like they’re caring and concerned instead of just hauling them all to the dump.

Why do they need the storage space?

I hear they don’t buy toilet paper, soap, copy machine paper, pens, pencils, light bulbs, etc…

My fly told me they always bring their own roll of TP, just incase….

A friend did the rapid test during the holiday ($130 and 3hrs of wait time) so he could go “safely” fly to visit his family. You should have seen his face when I said, “So, you’re here at work after being tested, being exposed to a few hundred people, and are going to fly with strangers?”

Shoulda saved his $130 lol. But, this is how people have been programmed to have zero common sense.

With respect to Covid, does anyone know if we can stop washing down our Safeway groceries with a mild bleach and water solution? The skin on my hands no longer heal and I can see the white of the bone on three of my fingers.

To Do List I have NEVER washed down my groceries over the last 2
years and never gotten sick. Stop doing it.

2 – you’re funny!

Can we stop calling it a Vaccine? It’s a treatment because it can’t keep you from getting any of the variants or infecting other vaccinated or unvaccinated. It’s a treatment.

After spring break they should test for STD comment hilarious. But, not a bad idea. STOP the drama already! The gubbament loves the shut down so they can hold everything on zoom with little or zero input from the TAX PAYERS!

Our kids are the Guinea pigs for these idiots.


Wastewater surveillance of Covid-19 shows increase of over 1000% in Contra Costa over last 15 days. See CDC website.Time to get smart about protecting yourself and your loved ones. You don’t want to get this, or if you’ve had it, get it again.

“Time to get smart..”

Newsflash: its been two years – if you aint smart by now its not happening.

You guys still playing this game? We got some crazed individuals in this area. MDUSD is being paid to do this. This is beyond insanity.



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