Home » New COVID-19 Variant BA.2 Showing Up in Contra Costa County Wastewater Samples

New COVID-19 Variant BA.2 Showing Up in Contra Costa County Wastewater Samples


COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are still declining in Contra Costa County, health officials told the county Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, though new strain BA.2 is appearing in greater quantities in county wastewater samples.

“The BA.2 is a subvariant of omicron and we’re still learning about it but, there’s some research suggesting that it’s more contagious than the original omicron that we had here, which was called BA.1,” county health officer Dr. Ori Tzvieli told the board.

“Right now, COVID-19 transmission is down in our county, and we just came out of a surge, but we have some evidence that BA.2 is becoming more prevalent in our county,” Tzvieli said. “Every week it’s a higher percentage of the cases and we are concerned that this may lead to an increase in cases and hospitalizations in the coming weeks, so we are keeping a close eye on it. It’s very hard to predict what will happen.

“But recent wastewater sampling suggests this subvariant is accounting for about half the cases in our county, so far. And we’re also doing whole genome sequencing to monitor the situation,” Tzvieli said.


Deputy director of health Randy Sawyer told the board hospitalizations and new cases have continued to fall the past two weeks, but said “the declines have definitely slowed and are starting to flatten out.”

The average number of new cases per day over the past week is down to 73, which is 13.4 percent lower than the previous week. The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in Contra Costa is at 35, down 24.4 percent from one week ago.

Tzvieli said nearly 81 percent of all county residents are fully vaccinated, but “we have some room for improvement on the booster; only 50.4 percent of those 12 and over have received a booster dose.”

Tzeveli also said that though state and county mask mandates have been lifted, masking “is still strongly recommended in public indoor spaces, particularly for those who are elderly or immune-comprised or high risk.”


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Try to make me put the mask on. I dare you.

CRT. Critical Race Theory. Is this taught in our schools?

Bruh -sooo brave.

Just – No it is not. It is a fake issue to get racist Rupubs all worked up.

We’re all going to die, again.

This is how your leaders see you.

Gullible, dependent, and moronic, even tho’ most aren’t.

Enough with the same old story cut and paste from the last story.


“we’re still learning about it but, there’s some research suggesting that it’s more contagious than the original omicron”

I’m not saying covid isn’t a deadly disease.

I am saying that if our government really cared about the people, ALL medications that helped us fight Covid would be available.

The horse drug has been disproved by a doctors study. You are not drinking urine I hope. .

Remember when they used to treat polio with an iron lung instead of a vaccine?

COVID-19 has killed 50% more Americans in 2 years than were killed in 4 years of combat during WWII. It also has killed more Americans in 2 years than the Spanish Flu did in 3 years, despite a century of advances in modern medicine.

The answer to a question nobody asked.




Always wear your mask and seatbelt.

Really? Even inside? While I am on my couch? That seems pretty hard to war my seatbelt on my couch.

Well look what the cat drug in…


Funny when the Democrats challenge election results it’s said to be reasonable. IE 2016 Trump’s win, 1st Bush…. Democrats called those all rigged and unfair and tried to overturn them. But when a Republican brings up legitimate challenges is dismissed.
Democrats are amazing in their hypocrisy!

Animals received ballots. My sister who died in 2018, got two ballots. And the whole world is on the brink of war because of a rigged election.


Yawn… next, please

Somebody needs a new G-6 …

“only 50% of residents over 12 have received a booster.”

Only? Since it gives basically no benefit to those under 50 (comorbidities aside), this number is totally uninformative. Two full years in and they still can’t speak honestly to the public about risk levels. Pathetic and outrageous.

If you’re over 60 and haven’t had Covid, probably the booster is worth it for you. If you are young and otherwise not at high risk, the case for the booster is weak at best. Particularly if you’ve had Covid before, which most people have by now.

Maybe someday public health experts will give targeted advice about different risk levels for different people. Someday…

Attempting to keep ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ going.

I suggest you do not drink or bath in waste water.



Oh…NO…what should we do Gavin? I’m scared! I’m sheltering in place. Hopefully Joe will lock us down, close the parks and beaches, and the schools. Dr. Fauci needs to ensure we get that 4th and 5th Booster. Stay safe Claycord. We’re all in this together. Please wear your masks.

Hahaha … how did you know it was opposite day?

2 weeks to flatten the curve…oh no another variant said the officials 2 plus years later. Go kick rocks at this point with your hysteria…

More pandemonium peddling from the Party that can not tell you the definition of a woman or when life begins, when under oath!

This was ALWAYS their plan once the public refused to test.
I’ve got news for everyone……there’s AIDS, Epstein Barr, e-coli and things Far worse in the sewage system than CONVID.

Used rubbers!



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