The mayor of Antioch confirmed in a social media video that he had been arrested by police for driving under the influence early Saturday morning.
Sitting on a sofa in a dark suit and directly facing the camera, Mayor Lamar Thorpe promised to “grow and learn” from the experience, saying he takes full responsibility.
“Last night, after having dinner with a friend, I was pulled over by a California Highway Patroller and cited for driving under the influence,” Thorpe said in the video posted to social media.
He added, “I hope you can forgive me.”
Thorpe was driving a gray Volvo northbound on Interstate 680 near the Monument Boulevard exit at 1:15 a.m. Saturday when he was pulled over, according to a statement from the CHP.
He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and released from custody at 3:35 a.m., the CHP said.
The statement by CHP Golden Gate Division specified that Thorpe’s arrest was completely unrelated to a crash under investigation in the area.
That’s the first DUI I’ve heard of released a couple hours later. Political class I guess.
Totally wrong KM. Most DUI’s are released to a sober driver who signs a form taking responsibility of the suspect and promises not to let them drive. Depending on how fast the DUI is booked and the sober driver arrives, it can be under an hour if the suspect is cooperative and booking is not swamped. Felony DUI’s are not released. In my 30 years in the business no one got special treatment for a DUI. Just my experience.
Wow, that’s a really late dinner if you were pulled over at 1:15 am. Sorry buddy, you’re one and done in my book!
We have some real winners for politicians don’t we?
Bad judgment driving drunk.
I hope he’s a better mayor.
But then again…
There is no thing as a good politician.
His problems have only just begun…idiot owns a Volvo.
They mayor’s watch was set at 5 o’clock
Dry pavement, good tires and sober.
At 65 MP
Distance Vehicle Travels in ONE SECOND … 95.3 feet
Braking Deceleration Distance … 202 feet
Perception / Reaction Distance … 143 feet
Total Stopping Distance … 345 feet
This is the mayor that is being recalled, right? He must’ve been drinking his sorrows away after learning that the 9,511 signatures required were gathered to finally put the effort on the ballot—forgive me, Antioch constituents!
Good thing he wasn’t hit by one of those poles that swerve all over the road.
Yeah, there’s been a lot in the news about these poles lately.
@ Cellophane bad judgement indeed. Glad no one else was hit nor killed and that he “manned” up by posting a video. His days are numbered. Politics are politics.
Wow, even the Mayor of Antioch while drunk, has sense enough to avoid highway 4. You should also.
The Highway 680 North from PHill connects to the 4 eastbound, d’oh!
As someone who got one DUI 20 years ago i kinda feel sorry for the guy. We all make lapses in judgement sometimes. You just have to understand as a public figure you have to set an example.
I’m just imagining him out to dinner with all of his friends and everyone patting him on the back for being the mayor he probably got on a high no pun intended and decided he felt good enough to drive home. I noticed they didn’t tell us his blood alcohol level
While I really don’t care for this Mayor’s politics, you may have hit it on the head Schmee, to what happened. I can understand that. Thanks.
Glad to see a mayor not getting special treatment and getting arrested. Good for the PD on that. Wonder how late his dinner was if he got released at past 3AM? Sounds like he wasn’t being very forthcoming with the truth if he had dinner at a “normal” time unless he was completely wasted sometime afterwards (which means he should not have been driving at all). But at least to his credit he owned up to it and admitted it versus blaming someone else.
But just another example of the quality of our politicians anymore.
The DA will agree to a lesser charge like wreckless driving.
… racism!
… racial profiling!
… great role model/// guess that’s another reason there’s a recall of him going on…
Interesting how headline initially described the incident:
Lamar Thorpe confirms DUl accusation in video statement. In typical media bias fashion, KTVU (the wokest news outlet in the Bay Area) attempted unsuccessfully to give the mayor a pass with such a disingenuous headline. Later in the day the headline was amended with more accurate reporting:
Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe apologizes after DUl arrest.
Nice try KTVU…such smug journalism.
Part of the video left out of this story: “Although I never felt inhibited by the drink I had with my dinner …” News flash: you weren’t pulled over because you had a drink with dinner! If you’re going to make a video, you’d better at least be honest.
Yeah sure….. You try being in charge of Antioch & staying sober! Good luck.
On the news last night it was said he is already on a recall petition. Seems he is into police reform. Not in a good way. This may get the petition more signatures.
Isn’t this the same Mayor who “pardoned” his brother (in jail) the first five minutes in office?
I’d like to know what he said to the officers when pulled over Did he play the Mayor card?
… imho 95 % probability
He was hoping they’d make a Federal (Glover) case out of it.
If you are out driving around drunk you are putting everyone at risk. What gives you the right to ask for an apology and keep your job as mayor? What a piece of garbage. Resign Now, you can’t be trusted. Having dinner with a friend? You mean getting drunk with a friend. Rules for thee but not for me.
Not much into redemption are you?
@bendavis801—Thers’s a misconception about the meaning of DUI. DUI means driving under the influence, it does not necessarily mean a person is drunk. Anybody with a BAC of .08 or higher is considered under the influence.
It’s difficult to prove a person was drunk at the time of arrest, this is why the law was changed from DWI (driving while intoxicated) to driving under the influence.
If he were smart he would have pulled the race card and claimed he was pulled over because he is black and just happened to also be DUI.
A.) Everyone knows that CHP has been at the 242/680N interchange for the past year.
B.) Somehow this will probably work in Lamar’s favor because getting a DUI for only one drink is “racist”.
What has Lamar done to clean up the city? I still see the streets lined with expired 2018 registration.
The irony is, when I lived there 25 years ago……I had a car IN MY DRIVEWAY get a citation because of one month expired tags……Although the fees were paid, I was still waiting on DMV to mail the stickers. could have fought the expired tags in your driveway… can legally only site if on he street – you could have had a PNO
To err is hunan to forgive divine
Everyone seems to have forgiven our Governor for all his alcohol problems.
He was just rich and spoiled enough to hire a limo whenever he partied like a rock star and cheated
Look at all the bars and clubs back in business post our Covid quarantine. They’re all getting busy again (which is great!). He was just one of many driving home after having a drink or two.
Sorry, but Dinner is between 5pm and 9pm PT. Sounds like he was at a bar or club, or late night elsewhere. Own up to it. Didn’t even know who this guy was before seeing this article but his video testimony is all garbage. Nobody get’s a DUI with one drink at dinner. I call BS. Remove him from service.
He said “after dinner” Are you in a Nursing home DH?
Restaurants close early now,..way too early… but he could have been at a friends house.or one of a few places
that stay open late. ..Gibe him his day in court.without being so suspicious.
Why was he over in this area for dinner. Why didn’t he do dinner in Antioch. I wonder.
Becton will punish the establishment he was at since he on his video message states he only had 1 drink.
Great politicans we can in office. We can do way better than this. Wake up folks. Can you not see what a mess we are in?
I am sorry but a DUI is a serious offense. You don’t get a pass.
Nothing good happens after midnight.