Home » Mount Diablo Unified School District, Teachers Union Reach Tentative Agreement

Mount Diablo Unified School District, Teachers Union Reach Tentative Agreement


A tentative agreement has been reached between the Mount Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and the teachers union (MDEA).

The following is a joint statement from MDEA and the MDUSD:

Both the MDEA and MDUSD Bargaining Teams sincerely appreciate all of the work and time that so many of you have put into supporting these negotiations, and ensuring that a meaningful settlement that supports students, and values the work of educators could be reached.

The MDEA Bargaining Team and the MDUSD Bargaining Team met early, Friday, March 18, 2022, with the fact-finding panel. Both MDEA and the MDUSD bargaining team members presented their cases to the fact-finding panel for its consideration.


After numerous hours of work, and after the state-appointed neutral fact-finding panel chair weighed in, we were able to reach a full tentative agreement.

The agreement includes the following:

Salary Schedule Increases:

  • 2021 – 2022    4% on-schedule effective July 1, 2021
  • 2022 – 2023    4% on-schedule effective July 1, 2022
  • 2023 – 2024    2.5% on-schedule effective July 1, 2023
  • This totals a 10.5% salary increase over the three-year term of the contract.

Retroactive payments will be distributed within 60 days of when the Board approves the agreement.


Prep Time and Class Sizes:

The agreement preserves both the prep time for fourth and fifth grade teachers and the assessment period for secondary SDC teachers assigned to a departmental model.  The agreement also ensures the new state law regarding Transitional Kindergarten staffing ratios will be followed, and it limits class sizes at continuation high schools to 28.

There were many other changes to language which will be shared in the coming days.

Both MDEA and the District believe this settlement is the best agreement possible after discussion with the fact-finding panel, and considering the available up-to-date information.

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Whether you think this good or not…

I seem to remember a similar situation a few years back.
The district and union had a hard time coming to agreement, but did.
Then the county office of education said the district could not afford it, so the board voted no on the agreement.

are we in for déjà vu

S- Is that all you can come back with?

Mr. Langley’s comment has a valid point- if teaching seems like a “great gig”, there are positions available. But you might find it more challenging than you think for a variety of reasons.

You hit the wrong reply button.
Was just offering prospective though.

Seems maybe I hit a nerve…

I”ll allow you the last word.

Their 4% increase for 2021 beats the private sector average of 2.8% for 2021.
Their 4% increase for 2022 beats the private sector expected average of 3.4% for 2022.

And The Potato proposes 4.6% for federal workers.

And you don’t even have to quit your job to get the raise, like in the private sector.

Great gig if you can get it.

Don’t forget their 0% increase for the 2018, 2019, and 2020 years due to a reneged contract.

“Great gig if you can get it.” No worries, you can get it. There is a shortage of teachers in California, especially in Special Education, Math and Science, but across the board there are vacancies. All you have to do is get an appropriate Bachelor Degree and then work a fifth year as a student teacher for no pay. Then get hired for a Temporary Position and hope that it will be for two years while becoming Probationary. During this time you can be “non re-elect” ( terminated with no cause needed) whenever your supervisor wishes. If you become Permanent at t your third year, you would be wise to continue your education to get at least a masters degree to qualify for the furthering education expected. By the way, most Permanent teachers get laid off at least once in their first few years of permanency due to budget uncertainty. Now that you are Permanent, you can continue teaching under the supervision of a Principal who barely has time to sit in on a class or two and determine if you are doing a satisfactory job on an annual basis. Add after hour meetings, lesson preparation and grading, and parent contacts and your workday can easily be ten hours long. So if you are so enamored with the easy Teaching profession, I invite you to sign up now. A word of warning: I once was told by a first year teacher who had retired from a Vice President position in a major corporation that he thought it would be a nice second career, He confessed that teaching turned out to be the hardest job he ever had. The reason teaching looks so easy to the outside observer is that a good teacher prepares and prepares again each day.

Thank you, Mr. Langley! Your explanation is accurate and deservedly “hard-hitting”. I especially like the agreement to have no more than 28 students per classroom.
It might also help if you were to describe what qualifications are required if parents should want to volunteer as teachers’ assistants.

Wasn’t M L a failed board candidate and active unionista?

Langley – I’ve been in the tech sector for 30+ years. The idea of a permanent employee doesn’t exist. If your boss wants you gone, you’re gone. You could be 55 with 20 years at the same company and be shown the door with no recourse.

I’ve been laid-off numerous times and worked 10-20 hours/week of unpaid overtime for decades. That’s the nature of the industry.

There is no union to protect me. In fact, most people in tech don’t want one. It would destroy the industry and send even more jobs to India and China. Unions protect the poor performing employees and would destroy our field.

Tech needs unions like it needs more communists. And why does your union web site still have a BLM banner on the home page? Actually, I already know why.

You getting laid off does not mean there are no permanent positions in IT. Of course a boss can have you leave in a heartbeat, that is work. You not being able to keep a job is on the market and on you. If you work but don’t get paid, then what are you doing?

Your issues with keeping a job in tech has nothing to do with your feelings about the teacher’s union. There are also tech workers who belong to unions, it just depends on where you work. For example, who do think keeps the computers running for the district? They are unionized.

So what was your point? That you get fired? Or that you are incorrect on your assumption of tech workers and “the industry” in general? Cause that came across clearly.

I’m not a fan of MDUSD. They support domestic terrorism (BLM). I’m so glad BLM was finally exposed for what it really is.

We need to clean house at MDUSD and hire teachers who are not woke.

Yep. Most of these teachers don’t deserve anything after the way they treated the kids the past two years. They only follow a liberal agenda. If you ask them about anything, they repeat talking points and can not even engage intelligently on why they think a certain way.

Agreed…..all the teachers are socialist proponents anymore. Our kids deserve better. Exactly why I am a strong believer in privatizing schools and allowing for school vouchers. Teachers should constantly be competing for their jobs and incentivize them to strive for continual improvement just like in a “real” job. The union is at the heart of these problems – get rid of it. Unions have outlived their usefulness for the most part and have extended their influence far beyond what they originally were founded for.

Yes, God forbid we care about black people and make sure our future children don’t grow up bigoted like you, Darwin. Be Blessed!

@Syllables with N
BLM and caring about black people are totally different. For instance, I care about people in general, all colors, etc.; however, I do not care one bit for BLM. Just because Darwin is correct doesn’t make him/her a bigot.

Black people matter.

However, BLM is a racist hypocritical Marxist movement based off the false ideology that the police are hunting them.

The only time a black life matters to BLM is when a nonblack or a police officer kills one of them. Look what happens in minority neighborhoods every weekend.

No one is oppressed in this country.

Syllable you are a brainwashed minion. You must work for MDUSD

The teachers were never going to strike to begin with…….typical waste of time and energy and it was never about the students – it was about the teachers using the kids


That is all they do now. They don’t do anything else except find ways to use the kids. Most do not deserve a raise and should be fired instead. Staring at a blank wall would teach them more effectively than these “teachers.”

Oh I assure you that we definitely were ready to strike. We were organizing and had several leaders at each site who were preparing the teachers. It was definitely going to happen.

Socialist Teacher: Do you know what Socialism is? It is a serious question. Can you name one successful socialist country? Do you not understand that schools are to teach how to think and not what to think?

@ proud socialist teacher – It wasn’t going to happen but nice try on propaganda. Here’s the deal: MDEA announced it was going out on March 28th, a week that only had four school days, Friday, April 1( April Fools Day, how appropriate, is a school holiday). The following week is Spring Break. So, MDEA went through all the Kabuki moves to give the teachers an extra four day vacation and make them think they were accomplishing something. The district and the union had the fact finding panel’s report which was the basis for the settlement. So, everything else was theater. Here’s an idea – get a new supt, a new board, and have MDEA actually represent student interests before CTA’s ideological interests and you would actually improve education in the district. But, don’t hold your breath.

@To Do List

Do you know what socialism is? The US government runs the biggest socialist entity in the world, it’s called the US Military. What is your definition of socialism? Because there are plenty of successful democratic socialist countries, countries with healthy socialist parties. The 2 presidents before Macron in France were socialist.
Governments that are truly for the people do not always fit into clear cut definitions for idealogies. Until I know what you define socialism as, and what you consider successful, I won’t be able to give you an answer.

@ Dangen ineffectual
Many countries have socialist programs but are not socialist. The programs are funded by capitalism

Can you explain to me why people flee socialist countries to live here?

You should watch on YouTube when a person who fled socialism belittles Americans who are in favor of socialism. It leaves them speechless. Too funny.

I agree with Darwin. Anyway, Mr. Ineffectual if you are saying that the US military is a socialist entity then I believe you are already lost. Having the government run something does not make it socialist because every government runs something. Socialism is a description of how an entire economy is organized as far as ownership and purpose. Bernie Sanders keeps referring to various countries in Europe as socialist, and he got so much visibility that senior government officials in Europe even made public statements that they are not socialist and for him to shut up and quit slandering them. One example is: https://tinyurl.com/4hyyazte

The teachers should be very pleased ………

I had a few good teachers growing up in MDUSD … Bob Abeg (Ayers Elm) the TV/Radio broadcast teacher at Pine Hollow (forgot his name), Mr Furlong (also Pine Hollow), Pierre Spetz at CVHS, Mr Fogelstrom (Marine Training), Tom Wilson (KVHS), the English teacher who taught via classic movies (forgot name), and the drama teacher who chaparoned the senior vlass of 1985 in Hawaii … she kept quite a few of us out of jail. I am sure there are still some good teachers out there in MDUSD … but they seem to be more rare with each passing generation.

No one thinks teachers are more heroic than (public school) teachers. Lots of back-patting going on, but not much in the way of actual teaching or results.

Need to turn off the TV!! Stop hating other Americans they are not your enemy, the people that are telling you to hate are the real enemy. I suggest going to your local school and actually seeing for yourself how hard it is to be a teacher these days. Fear for fear sake is never a good look for anyone. It’s kinda of like being scared of the boogie man.

Mr. Minute: About two years ago there was a very memorable pity party attempted here, kind of like Mr. Langley’s. A bunch of people in bad situations explained their lousy work including me and the stories kept getting worse until some veterans mentioned walking around in Afghanistan or Iraq waiting to get shot at. That basically shut us up in embarrassment. I do not have it bad, and neither does Langley.

Just for the record, Mr. Langley is retired, been for nearly ten years. My description of requirements for teaching was in response to the inference that it was an easy gig. Although it is a difficult job, nowhere did I suggest it was easier than military service. I am also a veteran who served for eight years before becoming a teacher. The cute use of the term “active unionista” is a little ironic as my last deployment was in Honduras, working to stop the Sandinistas from spreading their agenda. Yes, I did fail to get elected to the school board, which indicates I am not a politician. Finally, I was a union president who held both teachers and the district to the mutually. agreed upon contract. Enforcement of contracts is one of the keys to commerce and necessary for a Capitalist economy.

Keep up the good work Mr Langley. Many appreciate what you’ve done and continue to do for students and teachers.

seems a union at standard oil in richmond on strike… outcry?




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