Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) announced the introduction the Safe Landings Act (H.R. 6976) to increase aviation safety and avoid near-miss aircraft incidents, like the one that occurred at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) on July 7, 2017, in which over 1,000 passengers were in danger of losing their lives.
By creating a new federal task force to research and identify safety risks, expanding training, and addressing new technology needs, this bill would help reduce human error in aviation and save lives. Congressman DeSaulnier first introduced this legislation in August of 2019.
“With near-miss aviation incidents on the rise, we must take an aggressive and proactive approach to ensuring the safety of every American when they travel by air,” said Congressman DeSaulnier. “By helping to find flaws and risks in flying before they lead to harm, our bill would keep America’s aviation system the safest in the world.”
Specifically, the Safe Landings Act would:
- Require the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to implement systems that would alert both pilots and air traffic controllers if a plane is not properly aligned to land on a runway;
- Require FAA to gather data and issue guidance on the most effective techniques for pilots to electronically verify they are landing on the correct runway;
- Require the “notices to airmen” (NOTAM) system to be harmonized with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards;
- Direct the GAO to conduct a study on the concerns some pilots have with cockpit voice recorders (CVRs)—like inappropriate foreign government use—and provide recommendations to improve CVRs while also protecting pilots;
- Create a Task Force onHuman Factors in Aviation Safety to review and provide recommendations; and
- Require that international rules, regulations, or standards regarding flight crew and maintenance personnel rest and fatigue be studied to ensure worker safety.
Congressman DeSaulnier is a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Aviation Subcommittee.
so happy our congressman is on this. Hopefully next he’ll work to develop a task force that will write legislation that tackles:
paper cuts
lottery tickets that don’t pay
flat tires
lightning strikes
..just to name a few.
Markie is our dedicated johnny-on-the-spot! He has a deep understanding of the most important issues of the day!, Look busy Markie! The boss is watching.
Can’t this guy do something useful.I think air travel is very safe.Take care of crime and traffic in town first you moron.
This gigantic jackass needs to address the problems on the GROUND.
Sounds like some “Friends of Desaulnier” just got a nice consulting gig, compliments of we the taxpayers. And, while I am not familiar with the crisis (that must not go to waste, right Rahm?), errr, incident, it seems perhaps the systems were in place to prevent such situations, as it was a “near miss.” Near miss incidents on the rise? Is the goal of the federal government now to prevent any kind of “near miss?”
What about all those near-miss drive by shootings and near-miss sideshow collisions that we read about almost every day? I guess is no money in it.
The FAA has near misses well under control and has learned from this past event at SFO.
But criminals are all over shooting guns indiscriminately on the freeway and I’m more worried about that. But Democrats don’t worry about that at all. DeSaulnier is in orbit anyway.
It’s like this Fearless Spectator… Markie has already given favorite donor seats to a couple/few “commissions” that are “studying” crime. Those constituents already think he should be embarrassed to use public funds to pay their (snicker, snicker) expenses, much less start another Study Group.
Ukraine – Russia, crime, Hunter Biden, high gas prices, high utility prices.This is what this doofus worries about.
high energy prices are obviously caused by Putin.
High gas prices? Simple solution is to buy a $100K Tesla.
Problem solve.
All his issues are already being addressed by FAA, ALPA, and other industry groups. There is no problem with our air transport system with the issues of runway closures and landing clearance misunderstandings.
Maybe he should focus on the lack of domestic oil extraction and excessive government regulation of that industry.
I can’t believe he said “airmen”. Surely he meant “airpersons of non-specific gender”.
The FAA is in the process of going gender neutral. NOTAM used to stand for Notice To Airmen; it now stands for Notice to Air Missions. Unmanned Aviation is becoming Uncrewed Aviation, Repairman Certificates and the like are going to be renamed. I don’t know what they are going to rename the part of the airplane where the pilots fly the plane from though.
BTW, isn’t a hit also a near-miss?
@ClayDen: it is now called a “flight deck” versus a “cockpit”. Wokeism is reaching all aspects of society’s language. Ridiculous…
Seems to me those are all FAA rules now. There probably have been some closer calls after July 1 2017. That’s flying. The airlines are doing pretty good though and I hope they keep it up. How is Mark connected to flying. I agree with Mouch.
As a frequent flyer, I share Mark’s concern with near misses at airports.
My first concern is that all previous rules and regulations are being followed to the letter and if they are, there very well may need to be a task force.
If all previous rules and regulations are not being followed then why aren’t they?
Following the rules may be the solution.
I’m a bit more worried about the economy, the war, and the state of our Republics’ leadership in DC. All of which appear to be failing rapidly.
I wonder if Mark could do something to help with any of the more pressing issues?
This is a step up from voting on hair style discrimination laws. This dude is a total clown.
It’s funny how they twiddle around with innocent little projects until they are called upon to vote for the most vile, repulsive, racist, legislation when the dirty dem party wants. People who vote for this sheep in wolves clothing don’t even know what he’s about. They think he just does do nothing work but really he’s an agent of pelosi and “the party” every step up the way.
This is important legislation, and I hope it will pass.
Political jabs and snarky “whataboutisms” simply have no place in a discussion of air safety. We need to bring our systems in the USA back up to “state of the art” in the world.
Air travel is already the safest way to travel, so this legislation is not needed. Really, when was the last time there was an air tragedy in the US? A bill looking for a reason to exist!
Who replaced this jerk’s batteries … ???
I suspect he mugged that bunny with a drum
I love the way he acts like the FAA is doing nothing. As January 2020. All aircraft flying within 30 nautical miles of airports like SFO have to have a
gps based transponder that tells the controllers your position. For years they been saying the runways at SFO are to close but nothing been done.
I’d rather have this moron work on reducing the size of the Federal Government as well as the greed and corruption in DC. He should have first hand knowledge…
Only problem is that he’d create a vast new federal bureaucracy and task force to study the reduction to death.
I will never fly again after bing groped for no reason by TSA.
Sounds like Mark wants to add more electronics to the plane and control towers. I used to know a commercial pilot who said the planes especially Airbus planes are way too automated already. Not my words, it’s those of the actual person flying. Does Mark know how to fly? Are the pilots asking for this or some vendor selling stuff?
Of course, mark knows how to fly. He’s a legislator and therefore knows everything.
Just ask him, he’ll ignore you.
I’d like to know if Mark or his staff ever read the comments on this Claycord site?
As one sided as the comments always are they are thoughts of residents of this area. There seems to be a feeling out there that Mark is just a follower of the left and along for the ride.
I know myself that I am a bit jaded.
I have sent Mark at least two emails in past years and never heard a word back from him (his office).
I did get a response from Feinstein years back and it was pretty generic but it was at least an answer.
I’m just a nameless individual who has worked my whole boring life by paying my share and never getting arrested. I get to sit back and watch it get dished out to others who are screaming for it while our politicians try to satisfy them and shut them up ( so they scream louder). Even my dog has learned that one. There’s a happy medium somewhere but I don’t think we are anywhere near it. Mark, how about starting with making your district a Drug Free Zone (with enforcement) instead of playing with the airplanes? That might save lives, lower crime and homelessness. Healthy people make healthy choices!
Here’s one for you… “The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.”
Yeah, the last time he (?) responded to any of my emails was early in his “career” as a California legislator.
He only picks the easy inconsequential stuff to make it look like he’s doing something productive.
Just inventing work.
Never answered any of mine.
I thought this guy had passed on. It must be an election year when the dead have been known to rise.
Oh well……fingers crossed.
Today a Chinese 737 take a thirty thousand foot nose dive. 132 peeps gone.
DeSaulnier is bucking fpr Buttiegig’s job when Trump resumes office and boots all these worthless cabinet assignments by Biden!! DeSaulnier, Mayorkas, Bonta, Garland and Blinken should all go! I pray to God that the SF citizens(?) will not vote Pelosi back into office. She needs to go – Feinstein had enough sense to bail out while she was somewhat on top!!
BTW – “Antler” what do you know about air safety? It is a given fact the millions of passengers and billions of miles flown has no comparison to the high rates of fatalities with auto accidents. How about good ole CHCG, OAK, and ATLN shooting stats??
The MAN doesn’t you want you owning your own gyrocopter ALA the gyrocaptain in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.
The MAN needs to take a hike!