Home » Senate Passes Bill To Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent

Senate Passes Bill To Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent


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No, not DLS. That’s not normal regular time like PST is.
Would be way too dark in the mornings.
Unsafe for kids to go to school.

So change the school hours. There has been a push in recent years to do just that, since kids supposedly can’t think before 8:30 in the morning, or something like that.

@Roz….”Unsafe for kids to go to school”….yeah, like the one in twenty students that don’t get a ride to school….Let me tell you, I walked 5 miles to and back from school….uphill both ways….in the snow….with no shoes…carrying my little sister……….

@ Chicken Little….O.K. that could work. Didn’t know that was something that would be considered.

…. Yes, I too walked to/from school and use a bicycle for college, since my Dad didn’t want me to go to college. Educating women to him was like taking a job away for a man. My brothers (3) were lucky…Dad let them use a car.

To be fair Roz, if you want your daughter to not have children or to have only one, the best way to ensure that is to send her to college. College educated women have less than half the fertility rate of women with high school diplomas.

@ anon~ Yes! Our Daughter has attended College since she was 18yrs old. and at 40yrs old is going for another degree. Happily married and has given us 3 Grand Critter, LOL!

I’m from Missouri.

This is great news, and it’s about time. Californians overwhelmingly chose permanent Daylight Saving Time, but the legislature ignored them. I’ll be very happy to stop changing my clocks twice a year.

I don’t care one way or the other, but for all of you out there in Claycordland that want year round DST, I’m happy for you.

I just looked it up and there are 70 countries that use daylight savings time and only three industrialized countries that do not. Either way think of what it would be like 2 months ago if we didn’t change time

I’m so tired of the whining crybabies that don’t like to turn their clocks back or ahead one hour twice a year. BooHoo! What is the big deal? So once a year you lose one hour of sleep. Don’t tell me that you have never stayed up three hours past your bedtime for a party or to finish a good book? There are so many people in this country that just want to change something just because. How pathetic! Enjoy that extra one hour of sleep that you get every year while kids are walking to school in December in the dark.

You sound like the whining cry baby.

DST or Standard time, I don’t care! Just don’t have it switch anymore!!

Just stick with UTC.

I have more use for sunlight in the early evening than I do from 5-7 AM.



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