Home » Pick-N-Pull Auto Dismantlers To Pay $2.5 Million For Environmental Violations

Pick-N-Pull Auto Dismantlers To Pay $2.5 Million For Environmental Violations


Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton announced the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office, together with 13 other California District Attorneys have agreed to a $2.5 million dollar settlement with Pick-N-Pull over the company’s illegal disposal of hazardous waste and storm-water pollution issues.

Pick-N-Pull operates 21 facilities in Northern California and is a subsidiary of Schnitzer Steel, Inc.

The company buys end-of-life vehicles, sells their parts, and recycles the remaining steel. Contra Costa County joined forces with Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Alameda, and Solano counties to do a series of unannounced waste inspections. The investigation revealed that Pick-N-Pull facilities routinely and illegally disposed of automobile fluids, aerosols, batteries, and electronic devices.

“It is a priority to protect our environment and especially our water ways from harmful pollutants,” said District Attorney Diana Becton. “When contacted by prosecutors, Pick-N-Pull promptly implemented improved training procedures and practices relating to their hazardous waste disposal.”


The judgment provides for $1,850,000 in civil penalties, $350,000 in costs of enforcement, injunctive provisions requiring the implementation of compliance assurance measures as well as $350,000 to environmental projects, which includes the Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund.

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Sure glad the DA’s doing something.

Wish she’d prosecute some criminals too.

It’s virtually impossible to comply with all of California’s environmental regulations. This is just a way to shake down the companies with deep pockets. Meanwhile, real criminals go free because the DA is too busy prosecuting environmental “offenders”.

The toxic materials that automotive scrap yards dump illegally are super dangerous to everyone’s health that goes double for children. My advice to those that think otherwise? Education is needed.

I love how much time she and her office has to mess with businesses and prosecute cops.

Meanwhile, people that rob, shoot, and murder people just get probation or go free.


The judgment provides for $1,850,000 in civil penalties, $350,000 in costs of enforcement, injunctive provisions requiring the implementation of compliance assurance measures as well as $350,000 to environmental projects, which includes the Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund.

In other words social programs.

Diana Becton says it’s a priority to protect our environment, and especially our waterways from harmful pollutants. I can’t help but wonder why it isn’t a priority to protect our law-abiding citizens from harmful criminals.

+1 its easier for her to go after a junkyard than criminals… always the easy lazy way

The homeless also pollute our waterways and our environment, plus many are criminals and she does nothing. UGH!

../ why is it when I go to one of the yards even shortly after they’ve dropped a vehicle – the good stuff is gone?

The workers get first dibs, then sell the stiff to their friends. McHugh Auto Wrecking on Arnold Industrial Way usually have decent parts.

@Dawg….Back in the day my Uncle was “drinking and card playing” friends with John McHugh, always got good deals there. I run across 60s and 70s parts stashed away in my shed that I got in the 80s and 90s from John. Nothing like OEM parts, Chinese cheapo-repos suck!

That’s nothing. Wait until all these lithium battery electric cars start piling up in wrecking yards.

I know this is a stretch: Perhaps people who visit auto dismantlers are people who can’t afford to have their vehicle fixed by a shop. They scrounge the parts themselves, and fix their car so they can go to work on Monday.

So Diana busts the auto wreckers and they pay large fines. Obviosly they will be forced to pass this additional cost on to their clients. Therefore, as usual, the woke DA injures the very people she claims to prefer.

That is a stretch and filled with wrong assumptions. I make a six-figure salary. Some visit PnP to arbitrage parts.

Parts I buy at PnP are up to 90 percent less than retail. Some parts are obscure and no longer carried by stores or the dealership system.

I go to Pick & Pull a lot. They run a tight ship from what I see. They are a great resource for things I like to do. California is just anti-vehicle! Our politicians would like to see us all on mass transit. -No thank you.


I too frequent Pick N Pull.

It’s more environmentally friendly to repair older vehicle with salvage parts instead of buying a new vehicle every five ot six years. I have several old vehicles and recycled parts are the way to go.

CA is anti-business and anti-gasoline powered vehicles

It’s great now that you can go online and find out what is in their yards pretty much in real time. Remember the “good” old days trudging around Martinez Auto Dismantlers or McHughes in the mud and grime or climbing in and around tittering cars stacked 3 or 4 high?


Anyone remember the mom-pop small wrecking yards around Gertrude in Richmond, circa 70’s?

@Glen…..I remember going to a wrecking yard near Pt. Richmond back in the 90s on a quest looking for some kind of Mopar rarity. I don’t remember the name but I do remember there being a lot of small yards over there. I lived in the Foothills (off Hwy 49) for a few years and was surprised that there were literally 100s of wrecking yards dotted all over the hills, it was great fun just to scout those yards out….lots of scary people deep in the woods running those places too (glad I don’t have “a purty mouth”)….cue the banjo.

Pick-N-Pull no doubt just jacked their prices up to pay for it.

Next time they need some cash they’ll go after one of the oil companies (again), who in turn will jack their prices to pay for it.

It’s a big con game.

So who exactly is responding for the toxic non biodegradable EV batteries that are going into our landfills and leeching carcinogens? Or the windmill and solar parts that are expired and discarded and are TOXIC too. Who is responsible?????

Flowers & rainbows … ???



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