Home » The Water Cooler – Should The United States Take A Larger Role In The War In Ukraine?

The Water Cooler – Should The United States Take A Larger Role In The War In Ukraine?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

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Today’s question:


Do you think the United States should get involved more than we already have in the war in Ukraine?

Talk about it….

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The US thru NATO should lead to impose an organized economic embargo against Russia. Moreso than leaving it wholly up to the private sector.

NATO should sign quasi-Article 5 agreements with non-member countries that abut Russia to enable their defense against Putin’s new era politburo.


And the United States needs to become energy independent again, as it had become under Trump. This Way We are at the mercy of the bad acting countries in the world. Even Elon musk head of Tesla said the US needs to ramp up his oil production.
I have a feeling that this idiot Democrat leaders still won’t do it.
Oh boy do we need to change election time! Wars, crime, inflation, things are not as good now as they were under trump!

No, or at least not yet. Ukraine is not a part of NATO even thought it seems to be applying for membership now. The US has a contractual duty to its member NATO nations. But not to those that are not now or never had been a part of NATO.

While I don’t know who would step into Putin’s shoes if anything were to happen to him I do rather wish something would.

So should based on that thought, the US should not have become involved in WWI or II since there was no mutual defense agreement with any country in Europe, Africa or Asia at the time.

Absolutely not!!

So true. Haven’t we done enough damage to the people of the Ukraine? If “Toria” hadn’t staged a coup to begin with this would not be happening today. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

If we do democrats can be the first drafted and deployed it’s their war they should fight it.

Not with Biden in charge. Nothing he has said or done has given any confidence that he just wouldn’t make things worse for everyone.

It’s disappointing that so much hatred for Trump (on both sides) led to this ding-ding administration. Anyone who was paying attention could see that neither Biden nor Harris were up for the job.

Praying for all those who are being affected by this horrible war.

Are you suggesting that Trump is up for the job? That is comicle, he owes money to Russia and all of his suggestions so far have involved elementary subterfuge that would absolutely makes things worse.

We need to dismantle our 2-party system. I can’t see anyone feels represented by either side at this point.

Mr. Ineffectual: You suggest Trump is not up for the job, which is kind of a strange comment given he already did that job of being president. And there were no foreign policy disasters with him, unlike with Biden who now screwed up so bad we might be facing the possibility of a two-front war in Ukraine and Taiwan. Meanwhile Biden’s big accomplishment of the day is to issue an executive order to study what this crypocurrency stuff is all about so he can understand it. I’m wondering if the author of those Clifford the Big Red Dog books is still available.

@Danged ineffectual — Thank you for proving my point. You went straight to the anti-Trump argument.

My point (because apparently you missed it) is that all that Trump hate led many of the American people to settle and elect an obviously unqualified duo.

Do you think the Biden administration is doing a good job handling this crisis? Do you feel confident that they can and will protect the United States from Russia? Do you think if needed Biden can go toe to toe with Putin? Do you think Biden has the American people’s best interest at heart with all the challenges we are facing?

I don’t. All I see is a whole lot of finger pointing, innocent people dying, and zero accountability.

Now that’s funny accusing somebody to go straight to the anti Trump argument when that same person’s very first sentence is:”Not with Biden in charge.” If that’s your neutral or pro Biden argument I would really hate to see your anti-Biden argument.

Actually I kind of like Kamala Harris…she reminds me of Miss Mary Ann
from “Romper Room” everytime she explains things like she’s talking to a room full of toddlers. With a little luck she might incorporate a Magic Mirror into her news conferences and say the names of her special Democrat minions…. plus all the cackling and giggling like Smegol from Lord of the Rings…that’s a great image for the Vice President of the United States to project.

I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head.

As a person who fought in a very UNPOPULAR war I think it time for the U S to grow a pair of balls, starting with Joe Biden. I’m not saying to put boots on the ground but I am saying we could be doing a lot more.

@NK32. You just doubled down on the idea that your original statement was about Trump. Yeah, that doesn’t prove your point about Biden.
It also doesn’t prove your point about anti-Trump.

But you were responding to the topic of US involvement in Ukraine with a fldedensenof Trump? Yeah, I’m the one who is hung up

Do I think Biden….? I followed up by griping about our 2-party system. The rest of of your response is buzzwords that I don’t think you understand the meaning of. Toe-to-toe? Putin is coming out of hiding to dual. And as far a face-to-face, Trump didn’t exactly come out on too. Praising someone isn’t exactly constructive, nor owning.

The fact you think 1 country should be holding another accountable is a non-reality. Accountable to whose standards? The UN?

Keep praying, it’s all you really have.

@To Do List

Yes, I am suggesting that Trump is not up for the job. In this contact, “job” would be referring to the military conflict going on in Ukraine. Not the job of President in the general sense as you have suggested.
There were foreign policy disasters under Trump, with holding aid that had been allocated by Congress for Ukraine in defense of Russia anexxing Crimea. That was a disaster.

What else you got? Cause I doubt you write at the caliber of Norman Bridwell on your best days.

Your assumptions are a joke, your understanding of how our foreign policy has been guided by the same people who were shocked when Trump couldn’t speak to the President of Puerto Rico.

The Crimea invasion was under Obama so I have no idea what you mean on that. Anyway, both Trump and Biden were presidents but you prefer Biden because he has more experience with disasters. Its kind of like if you wanted to take a twin-engine Cessna to Tahoe for a ski weekend but insisted on a pilot who has crashed several times because he has more experience with disasters. Got it. I would prefer a pilot who never crashed, but that’s just crazy me.

Absolutely not. Because of the wests refusal to accept Putin’s demands people are dying. Millions have left their homes with just one bag. Hospitals, schools, homes, and roads are being destroyed. So here is the answer to those who think I sound like Chamberlin. If we agreed he probably wouldn’t have attacked and if he did attack we are in the same place we are now. The only thing is we would have greater pressure on him if we could say, “we gave you what you wanted”. As far as what he wanted not one thing was already in place. There were no offensive missiles in former eastern block countries and Ukraine was in existence for over thirty years without being in NATO. Finally if he wins the Ukraine is gone because we are not going to risk a nuclear war.

Putin was given what he wanted, all of Ukraine’s nukes and access to their ports at Sebastopol. Try again.

Ricardoh you dolt.
Nobody and I mean NOBODY should ever give into Putin’s demands.
Are you so ignorant that you can’t see what he is doing. Do you really think he will stop with Ukraine. If you do you aren’t very bright.

So he demands the US give Alaska back? What then? We can’t take him on as our military is worn out and depleted from an asinine 20 year war in Afghanistan that accomplished nothing. So do we give in and just give it back?
Where the west scewed up is not eliminating Vlady when he invaded Georgia or Crimea. He and his minions should have been blown to bits when that happened. As my family in Zilna say “the only good Russian is a dead Russian”. But I can be content with a dead Vlady and dead Vlady minions

Well Folks
I guess that means you are going over to the Ukraine and give them a helping hand. You and Danged ineffectual seem to be pretty free to get other people killed and countries destroyed. Then there is always the chance that Putin will win and then where will your bravado take you. It and five bucks will get you a cup of coffee at 7 11. Don’t call me a dolt.

… we are already supplying “weapons of war” … Javelins & Stingers…. I wouldn’t say an expanded role – I’d say enough of a role to stop the massacre of innocent civilians daily by the Russians who are committing war crimes with impunity. No-fly zone, drones, etc. more Javelins, Stingers, small arms, ammo, etc. to get Putin to stop … sanctions aren’t working obviously. Why not label Russia as a terrorist state as Iran has been as Russia has more sanctions against it than any other country. Are we afraid of what Putin might think? The rest of the world has taken not of our weak response following our running away from the Taliban in the Afghanistan debacle. China has a path to take Taiwan for sure now.. Iran will be nuclear capable soon , No. Korea already is or will be soon. We need to be the strength of NATO, Poland is willing to step up to the table & we won’t? We have another Hitler on our hands… remember the “lend-lease” act from our history books?

You are 100% correct with everything you said

I think USA should drop a MOAB on Putin’s head.

+1 … maybe Moussad pay him a visit… Biden doesn’t have the chutzpah

I’ve been saying for several days a Mossad assassin needs to take care of Vlady. The Brits would have to broker there deal as we have to many blabber mouths like Lindsey Frahan in the government that would blow the deal.
Remember the only good vlady is a dead Vlady

At this point, based on my limited understanding, no, and for a number of reasons. First, as everything done under biden is a complete failure, I would hate for any involvement that he has his hands on. He is viewed as weak by, I would venture, every world leader. The ineptitude his leadership in these kind of conflicts would be on display and thus would invite every dictator and tyrant to do whatever they please. to quote a fool, “It’s no joke!” Second, I fear that should we enter this incursion, limitations on how to fight (like the absurd “rules of engagement” we had to follow while our enemies were as brutal as could be) would hamper any kind of effectiveness our military could have.

Look at biden now. Today he stated we (the US) should be energy independent. Sad, because on January 19, 2021, we were energy independent. Now, he is begging our enemies (in Iran) and friends of our enemies Russia/China to drill for more oil, but not asking we Americans (in Texas) to. This is how biden is battling Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, 7 days late and a billion dollars short. He is an absolute fool. God help us Americans.

It is the democrats attack on Trump for meeting with Putin that caused them to not make an arrangement with Putin to stay out of Ukraine. They couldn’t destroy their image by making any agreement with Putin. This is really sick stuff.


Really? The last post was at 3:24 PM …. this site has not been updated for nearly 3 1/2 hours?
This happens all the time…. but maybe I’m posting too much or spending too much time online anyway… sure, I could say “I don’t have a problem…. I can stop whenever I want! But I’d only be fooling myself.
Go ahead & let the hours go by without refreshing a thing…. it’s my problem, I’ll deal with it…. I can always pop over to MeWe, Rumble….or the Muscle Car site if I can’t wait it out…. deep breaths… ok…

@Dr Jelly…muscle car site? oh, do tell!

Oh yeah… all kinds of car groups on MeWe. Photos and comments from all over.

The USA needs to stop being the worlds police force.
NATO needs to take the lead

Who is NATO?

… and the main lead in NATO is……… ?

NATO= North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Which consists of 30 countries

Dude…who is NATO?

For once jwb makes sense. I won’t get used to it.

No, I think Putin has irrevocably damaged Russia’s brand and the Russians will figure out a way to deal with him themselves.

While Putin was building his forces around Ukraine, the West should have quietly built a much larger force along his western border, posing a threat of a two-front war. If his troops crossed into Ukraine, those forces should have driven hard and fast into Russia with the single aim of annihilating the Trump-supported autocrat and his followers. Tactical nukes? The West has them too. Tit for tat, I say.
Personally, I blame Truman for all the world’s troubles these days. He should never have allowed Stalin to hold onto eastern Europe – the SOB had a damned pact with Hitler to divvy up Europe! We had the bomb technology; he didn’t. A small arsenal would have addressed control of the Soviet Union in a heartbeat. And MacArthur would have dealt with China during the Korean War. That haberdasher was a real tool – he sacrificed world domination for about 5 years of uneasy peace. No Spartan blood in his veins!

We should keep our nose out of it, and not be involved at all. Russia has not been our enemy since the end of the Cold War. So why are we still at odds with them? The USSR no longer exists. It’s no longer a contest between communism and democracy, freedom, and capitalism. Russia has its serious flaws, but is it any of our business? The conflict between the US and Russia has been going on way too long, and is a testament to our need to have an enemy. It’s great to have an enemy, that way we can focus on how evil that enemy is. The Russians don’t allow freedom of speech! They don’t have fair elections! Putin is pure evil! Therefore, we are the virtuous good guys.
There is too much lying and false information about the battle between Russia and Ukraine coming out of the media. They are telling us that civilians are dying, they show us pictures on TV. Some or all of it might be true, or it could be a lie. Some pictures and interviews with Ukrainians could be staged, I have no way of verifying it. They lied about COVID, and they are probably lying about this war.

” The Russians don’t allow freedom of speech! They don’t have fair elections!”

And we do?

Dr Jelly—Ironic, isn’t it?

NO, we have no business over there just like we had no business being in Afghanistan. Keep our boys & girls home & fix our own problems…

….remember 9/11? ….we reach out and touch the terrorists 🙂

… remember 9/11? we reach out and touch terrorists 🙂

We had a cause for war in Afghanistan. Iraq is a better comparison of “regime change” launched for trumped up reasons poorly based in fact.

Russia taking over Ukraine will reveal the corruption of the American Government.

The sad thing is the horrors of war are being endured by the innocent civilians of Ukraine.

Needless death and destruction of a nation for the ego’s and corruption of worthless politicians.

No, the US needn’t be involved.

Had the US had real leadership and a strong military this war might not have happened.

Whoever leads America now is a sorry excuse for failure.

And does not represent patriotic Americans.


I especially agree with your last three points.

Yes, with the whole world distracted with Ukraine, the US should invade Mexico and Canada in order to obtain their oil reserves and subjugate their peoples.

Take care of our own problems at home. One of them is Biden’s non working brain..

Just in my lifetime. Do we never learn? Yes, the U.S. needs to take on a role to help protect those whose countries have been devastated through rogue rulers especially when the invade others for unjust reasons. However, use of sanctions, supplying weapons to counter aggression, and diplomacy should always forefront.

So much disinformation. If Ukraine would have implemented the 13 points agreed upon at the Minsk Agreements in 2015, none of this would be happening. I blame Zelensky and his government for flipping the finger at Russia.

The U.S. is the warmonger (Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Nicaragua, to name a few…).

If the U.S. would have stuck their nose out of this instead of fanned the flames, I don’t believe we would be at the current economic situation.

Now, we are leading the way to extreme sanctions on Russia (reminds me of reparations on Germany that lead to WW2).

One more thing. When the Russians tell you that something is going to happen, they follow through.

This is from someone that is American, Russian, Ukrainian, German, and Swedish with immediate family in Russia and the Ukraine.

My opinion is that the world has failed Ukraine.



Biden is no CIC! Neither would Kamala Harris be a strong anything!

The US should not get any deeper into this morass without a commit from NATO or other Western nations! As I have stated in a previous posting, every world war have occurred under a Democratic president!

Seems like an eternity since George Herbert Walker put together an intelligent, hugely successful international coalition with exceedingly competent military and diplomatic resources. With the clown-show we have in washington now…🙊🙉🙈


Yes. Send obama’s rainbow brigade. They are magical. 🌈🇺🇦👍🏼

No no and no we have major issues here to deal with. However thanks a lot democrats you truly ride the yellow bus all of you. Thanks for the 6 dollar gallon of gas soon to be 10 and everything else going up because hey guess what gas is needed to deliver everything. Thanks for focusing on race and sex for the past 60 years your some deep thinkers. Bravo bravo and like another poster said all you democrats can go toe to toe with the Russians im sure your up to the task with all that outdoors and weapons training your kind are known for.

@jwb You make a lot of assumptions. I would love for Biden to succeed in de-escalating or ending this crisis. Anyone with a heart feels that way no matter their political party. I simply do not think he is capable. Do you? Are the steps he’s taking working? Is he doing all he can do with the resources he has? Does he consider he American people’s needs above his own agenda? If you think so, explain to me why.

is Biden perfect? No, nobody ever is perfect. Is he an improvement over the last administration? It’s not even close, the last administration was the worst we have ever seen in modern times.

Jwb – and inflation is the worst it’s been in 40 years.

Gas prices were rising well before the Russia invasion.

And Biden has been in office for nearly 50 years and hasn’t done $hit…and neither has his cohort Harris the ho.

You do know that Biden and Obama tied for 2nd mist admires presidents ? The flip side is that all the rest tied for first place.

F*** Biden.

The current administration has soundly demonstrated they are ill equipped to manage literally any problem here in the US. With a track record like that why would any other country on earth be interested in assistance from the US? The Biden kiss of death has given the US the equivalent of ”kooties”….hopefully he only threatens to send Kamala out to countries that need threatening……

The Biden administration should stay out of Ukraine and focus on more important issues, like gender identity studies and the manipulation of voting machinery. And maybe speculating on the importance of climate change in a post nuclear global economy and how it may affect people of color.
Death by stupidity……..

We need a Convention of States now more than ever before.

Establish a Constitutional Amendment allowing for popular vote recall of ANY federal office-holder.

Anyone that thinks Russia is not the enemy of the free world is insane, The minute Putin seized power Russia, once again became the enemy, The Putin regime is an absolute fascist totalitarian terrorist state

And do you really think he will stop with Ukraine? If you do you are insane. He want to revive or recreate the former Soviet Union with all the satellite countries and won’t stop until he succeeds or is destroyed. Anyone thinking Putin is justified in these action is a fascist just like Vlady and his minions. You are just like the idiots that ignored and gave justification to Hitler invading the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia & Poland.
And remember Alaska was part of Russia. The biggest issue is our military is depleted and worn out from 20 years in Afghanistan so by ourselves we will be no match for him. This is why now, this minute, the west needs to blow a giant hole in Russia and eliminate Vlady by any means necessary.


+1 +2 +3

Randy & Cellophane
I have cousins who are my contemporaries in Zilna & Presor Slovakia and Ostrava, Czech Republic. There grandparents (a couple of which were my grandparents siblings) lived through Austro-Hugarian occupation, Nazi Occupation and Soviet occupation/puppet government. Their parents (my mother’s cousins) lived through Nazi and Soviet occupation and my cousins lived through Soviet occupation. Hearing points and perspectives from them paints a striking picture. Russia might have fought off the Nazi on their land but then they stayed. That is what Russia does. Putin is not Yelsin who wanted a peaceful existence with the world, Putin wants domination and he’s just getting started

Please separate the “Russian people” from the “Putin groupies”!

If NATO signatories overfly Ukraine and/or Russia ….. whether or not the object might be to stop only Putin….. we would only be compounding the devastation which Putin is causing right now. He is the extreme sort of egocentric sociopath who would either drop a nuclear device somewhere over Europe, or else onto the nuclear reactor plants in Ukraine, or else fly them across his own airspace to hit our oil fields in Alaska/or “wherever else” here.

World War 2 strategy is no longer applicable. It would guarantee the destruction of exponentially greater numbers of innocents, including ourselves.

Oh, for minds as searingly perceptive as those of Dr. Kissinger,
Dr. Madeline Albright, and Dr. Maya Angelou to forge a way through this madness and help us to attain a ceasefire and withdrawal!

The west is dealing with an unhinged lunatic that’s threatened to launch a nuclear weapon if we interfere and send troops or have our military involved, so the sanctions the US and NATO have imposed and the financial aid we’ve sent have been the option our country And others have chosen.
I personally don’t believe it’s going to be the only option very soon. I don’t see how we’re going to sit by and watch that madman continue to commit the war crimes he’s committed and not send in a fighting force.
Crossing the border into Ukraine was bad enough.Shelling a nuclear facility was enough but the bombing of a neonatal hospital should have been the last straw. When he murdered the first newborn infant we should have had fully loaded fighter jets in the air and troops on the ground in Ukraine.

…. whose in charge here in the US? …certainly Biden isn’t sitting up to the task right now

I always felt that the US was the worst choice to be the defacto NATO leader. Always felt the Brits should have been given the job. They are part of Europe, key defenders of Europe in 2 wars and just have this “will not quit” spirit and attitude which stretches through the population. Americans don’t have that attitude. Part is because we’ve never dealt with a foreign county invading us and part is we are worn down from useless wars like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. I think it’s time to had the baton to a more capable leader in the region

Absolutely … Sleepy Joe show eat a crow sandwich, pick up the phone and ask the Don to help … I know it’s a pipe dream … but if I was him, that’s what I’d do … ask him to set up a summit … get all parties concerned together and talk … communiation and understanding is the way to resolve conflict. There is slways a peaceful solution … it’s usually a matter of setting the egos aside for the greater good of the people they purportedly are leading and responsible to. There could be a great deal that both sides could feel good about. Sigh

As Dave Smith put it, “Call me crazy but I don’t think the butcherers of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen are in any position to save the people of Ukraine.”

+1 .. just for those that don’t know … Harris was having an affair with the Mayor of SF at the time (Willie Brown) and Newsom (when he was mayor of SF) had an affair with his best friends wife and that’s who he is currently married to… see what responsible leaders you voted in – I didn’t… Don’t complain if you voted against the Newsom recall

Newsome’s best friend was also his campaign manager.

The best answer, but far from the perfect one, would be to deploy a U.N. Peacekeeping Force to restore order. This is a global issue, not a regional one, and should be dealt with as such.

How about letting Europe clean up it’s own backyard for a change?

Why must America be the Little Red Hen for every occasion?

Give him his damn jets now! Biden is a spineless jellyfish.

Add to the list of spineless people like Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz, Tom Kennedy, Lauren Bobert, Marjorie Taylor Green and all the other fascistke ultra right. They all love Vlady, think he is justified and their uneducated followers are in goose step with them. A fascistke is a fascistke and we have a bunch in our government.

Well Folks
Stop being a drama Queen. No one in this country thinks Putin is even likable. The fact of the matter is if anything this is a problem for Europe not the US in spite of what you hear and it certainly is not worth a war with Russia over.

The Wizard
The Ukrainian air force has over two hundred jets in Western Ukraine of their own and I haven’t heard one thing about them using them. They need to use what they have.

It’s actually the educated people who didn’t take the jabs and know that NATO is trying to militarize the Russian border.

The old “uneducated” insult is pathetic when history is very clear. You can do better than that.

And add the imbecile fascistke Cawthorne to the list. Who voted for this fascistke idiot
He’s not just physically challenged but mentally challenged as well

The military industrial complex pretty much runs our foreign affairs. This was a preventable war. You can have all of your theories and opinions but this war was preventable. Politics and the MIC gets people killed every day. You out there reading this are the cannon fodder like the Russian conscripts who thought they were going to the Ukraine to fight Nazis. It is all politics and when you have leaders who are stupid you have war.

Anyone… ANYONE… who thinks the Cold War ended with the fall of the Soviet Union needs to look into the global situation more closely. The “spy vs. spy, military build-up” aspect of the Cold War morphed into a war of economics. Russia abandoned Communism for Capitalism which they mismanaged among the oligarchs. China is Communism in name only as they became “Capitalism on steroids”. Ditto Vietnam which is the World’s second largest producer of coffee. Putin has heated things up again with his senseless invasion of Ukraine. He should have spent the last 20 years fostering a partnership with his neighbor, instead fostering dreams of the mid 20th Century.

and he was drunk everynight and picking up women at his Balboa Cafe!
Feeding wine to underage hostesses he would pick up as he walked out of other restaurants , not to mention his cocaine habits at Pacific Heights parties!

Barb who are you referring to.

Why hasn’t the media mentioned the 1994 Budapest agreement between Ukraine, Great Britain, USA, and Russia that stated: first, Ukraine will give-up its Soviet era nuclear weapons, and in return, Great Britain, USA, and Russia will respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine. I bet Ukraine wished it hadn’t signed that agreement and would love to have its nuclear weapons back as a deterrent. Furthermore, which country would ever sign a similar agreement with USA – because it is a worthless document.

OK you all, bite me Biden won’t do anything because Russians,China, others have nasty pics and dirty money on Biden, hunter and other family members.
And they took that to the bank!!

I agree! Biden won;t do anything. We need to stand firm against Russia!



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