Home » Vehicle Collision Cleared From Intersection Of Concord Blvd. And Galindo St. In Concord

Vehicle Collision Cleared From Intersection Of Concord Blvd. And Galindo St. In Concord


An injury collision has been cleared from the intersection of Concord Blvd. and Galindo St. in Concord.

The crash occurred around 2:30 p.m. today.


The cause of the crash is under investigation.

The extend of the person’s injuries is unknown at this time, however, the injuries are believed to be non-life-threatening.

This collision occurred just one block away from the deadly crash that killed a 16-year-old Concord boy who was riding his bicycle home from school on Friday.

Thanks to the anonymous Claycordian for the photos.


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I don’t know what happened that caused this collision.



red-light running.

and not paying attention to driving

are very likely causes.

There is no excuse for driving irresponsibly.

But…the laws of physics remain unbroken

Thank you Captain Obvious..

Healing prayers to people injured.

Life is a precious thing and some people take it for granted.

There are accidents at those two intersections all the time.

+1 …. bet someone was looking at their cellphone

There have been quite a few wrecks in or near Downtown Concord lately. I observed two last week – not counting the bicyclist fatality.

Concord’s traffic engineers should review their circulation design and signal timing. If that is all square, then there are too many idiots behind the wheel.

red lights are for the other guy

Oh look it! Another accident at that same intersection! And a truck is involved! Color me not impressed!
So, what is CPD doing about the uptick of accidents happening at this intersection? Nothing, I assume, since I frequently see people driving erratically in front of the police department despite police presence. Drivers know that they can’t get away with driving dangerously and the police won’t do anything, besides telling drivers to notify their insurance and go from there.

Correction: Drivers KNOW that they CAN get away with driving dangerously.

I don’t want my cars $&@!ed up, so there’s enough incentive for me to not drive like a jerk, and to, not take stupid risks. Oh well, at least I can always blame the other drivers.

In December Two blocks away from that intersection someone ran a red light after My light had been green for for 4 seconds. They T boned me and I got a broken neck. Always wear your seatbelt.

I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that injury. I’m hoping you’re able to heal from it.

Same thing happened to us…but luckily we were uninjured. People need to slow down and red light running needs to be prosecuted more aggressively.

Crackdown on red light runners by using camera data.
The same thing with speeders. 2 things to do – let’s do it.
We are losing lives.

Que Oprah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You get a license,,,, You get a license ! free candy out there everyone. going in the crapper everyday for quite a while peeps. stop the madness already ! we want our laws back for a better world. fricken idiots running this country.

Several years ago I remember a police car was stationed on the Galindo side watching for red light runners. I guess he got de-funded. I hope they bring him back.

I’ve worked in downtown Concord for 21 years. A week doesn’t go by when there is an intersection accident in the downtown area. I can hear (and sometimes witness) the accidents, followed by sirens. There are way too many speeders and red light runners. And every time I’m walking and come across a motorcycle police officer, I thank him (or her).

Quite simply, people need to slow down.

What a coincidence this is continuing to happen so close to the PD building.

Stop the flipping insanity that allows people to drive like reckless, selfish idiots that they are. Fine big time, take away their right to drive-cut the sob story BS from them that everyone seems to have these days, prosecute and jail them.

How is that for a start???????



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