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The Water Cooler – Mental Health During COVID-19


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Did you or someone you know suffer any mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Talk about it….

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I have been dealing with mental health issues my whole life. It gave me quite a nice “toolbox” to pull from and we faired pretty well.

I don’t things would have been like this without my prior life experience.

Well, towards the end of the lockdown, I was startin’ to get a serious case of cabin fever. I was at home just about 2 days shy of 2 months. I felt like the walls were closin’ in on me. If it had lasted any longer I would have needed some Xanax.

Who told you that?…I’m fine, really, just fine…what ever they told you is pure BS….I want to know their name…. people been messing with me all the time now, damn Shadow People lurking in the bushes at night is the worse…I’m tired of it, I’m fine….really!

Funny! 🙂

Yes, I lost a friend to suicide. It was directly related to depression suffered as a result of covid.

I little depression now and then.

I’d have to say Causal Inference because of the event of my dear family member in ICU and preparing my mind for another possibility of death of a loved one. During the Pandemic, felt no sadness, just adapted and did what I had to do best possible in a horrible circumstance. After the family member was released, I observed much fatigue in them and some mental health concerns previously appeared to change temporarily. After many days of back to back consultations during that time and nightly discussions with a family member that was in field of Psychology, I entered Therapy, but found I had a great deal of residual sadness I had not expected. That has now changed for the better. That’s been my experience so far. I throw myself into business not personal relationships. My survival technique.

I feel your pain Bella … Time heals all

Because of my optimistic attitude, I’m a pretty healthy guy, mentally and physically. I don’t let things bother me that I have no control over. I have my opinions about the big COVID scare, but that’s all they are…opinions. I don’t dwell on them. Furthermore, I don’t believe anything the so-called health experts are telling us about COVID, and I certainly don’t trust the government.
I live my life and go about my business without giving COVID any thought whatsoever. The only time I’m reminded of COVID is when I see people wearing a mask, or when I read or watch the news, and they’re talking about it. Soon after that, the thoughts are completely gone, and out of my head.
I don’t know anybody that has suffered any mental health issues due to the pandemic. Most people I know are pretty well-adjusted, some are taking extra precautions, but they seem to be doing just fine.

That depends…would I be elegible for a check if I said yes?

The absolute gall of the state medical authority to take over the noon news broadcasts on all channels to give mask updates for Covid-19. Like we are not allowed to hear about other news in the State, Covid is all that matters. They need to get a grip on their egos, they are way out of line at this point.

Sure. I do. I have personally taken care of over 20 people who ultimately died of Covid. It’s been very difficult for us.

Yes, I lost 3 friends from Covid and a few people I knew got the virus more than once, even after being vaccinated.

I don’t know anybody who got COVID and I never had as much as a sniffle during the whole sad psyop. What I see are a bunch of democrat politicians and bureaucrats following instructions of the WEF controlled Marxist news media. The psyop has now shifted to Russia, Russia, Russia again and it’s sickening. The Biden regime is illegitimate and so are all the corrupt democrats that flow downstream from it such as Mitchoff and Roth. We have real problems here that they refuse to address like vote fraud from illegal immigrants and black crime, deadly in some cases. We must rid ourselves of the global zionists in government before the nation can begin to recover.


Not really, although it was hard not seeing my grandson born in April 2020, until he was 6 months old. Fortunately we have videos. Other than that went when staying home got too much, l would take a drive either to the ocean or a river. I have one friend in Denmark, who got very depressed, her and her husband use to travel a lot, and she couldn’t do some activities that she was use to. However, she was dealing with some health issues before COVID, and her husband as well. So not sure they could have traveled anyway. I think it was a combination of things, with COVID being the last straw

I did wish certain individuals would drop dead, (still do) but I didn’t let the hoax stop me from doing anything except going to the gym. Can’t workout wearing that G.D. stupid useless mask. The simpleton weenies there were in panic mode and running amok with fear.

A couple come to mind
Toe to Toe Joe
Kackling Kamala
I shall pause here…

For me, not really unless you want to count “annoyance” at an unnecessary situation but I wouldn’t count that as a mental health issue. I did see a number of masked people who did seem to be in a state of depression the last couple years. I hope they are able to snap out of it.

Now you may go back to worrying about “the bomb”. I even had a military copter fly right over the house a while ago. Noisy beast.

I had no (new) mental health issues (although, missed holidays with our dear friends), nor do I personally know anyone who had issues. My kids were bummed about the lack of a social life, but managed to hang with friends anyway.


This horrific covid fiasco has done too much damage to the people.

Everyone in government who has supported lockdowns and facemasks should be held accountable.

The charge is accessory to murder.

Happy pappy and lgnatz, You really have no qualms wishing public figures dead, just because you don’t agree with their politics? Disgusting, certainly individuals are so evil that wishing them death is warranted, such as Hitler, Stalin, Osama bin Laden, but to wish death on US public figures is beyond the pale. As much as l might disagree with certain politicians it would never occur to wish them I’ll, other than loosing an election

Where in my post does it say that?

I’m sorry you got triggered…

Clearly you’re not bothered by corruption, lying, spying on citizens, spying on a US President, creating hoaxes, human trafficking, running guns to Mexican cartels, child abuse……..and the list goes on and on.
They do bother me though and I wish those nice folks would drop dead.

Even though Baby Bomber Biden’s bungling has gotten many soldiers & innocent civilians killed and twisted our own country into some kind of Socialist circus, I do not wish death upon him…. having him committed to an asylum would do.

so…….then how ’bout all crooked swamp-scum politicians, oligarchs, purveyors of twisted facts, half-truths and outright lies AKA mainstream media.
Would go along with that?

Hubby & I were fine and no covid …yet. I knew a few people who were not dealing with it well and spent many phone calls with them to ease their minds. I did get a bit down when I got sick in September 2021 with nerve damage. Hoping I will recover 100%, which can take 2 years. 75% better now 🙂

Totally! All the drivers I encounter on the road are suffering from mental health issues. Drivers are maniacs and narcissistic! Look at all the accounts happening everywhere.
I feel that the pandemic and the results of it have brought out the worst in most people.

As an introvert I would say I thrived under the social restrictions-getting to focus on my work, household duties, spend time with my dogs, and immediate family without excessive outside social obligations was good and refreshing for my soul. I had a built in excuse to not do social things. I’ve also always preferred to watch Church on TV then that became the norm.

No problem here. I kept myself busy and productive as usual.
Others? Everyone we know is generally quite resilient. We adjusted, we overcame, and we are moving forward.

Is there any support for locals to support the Ukrainian fight? Food Drive, Clothing, $$, etc.?

Jeff the other one;. Totally agree
I mean I’m homeless and I have all the shots plus boosters and every once in a while when I don’t have food I go into garbage cans and eat food never got sick never had covid just got out of the hospital yesterday because of a low blood sugar I was at 55 and dropping so the ambulance came I got sugared up balanced and I am good to go now and I don’t understand why there’s all these people who are hypochondriacs to covid I’m Jewish and here’s a joke for everyone why is it called covets covid-19 because stocks and prices Johnson & Johnson went down so now we have to covid covenant are inoculations so stocks will go higher lol soory I make jokes about anything I’m not a conformist I have my own personalty which is eccentric kind of like Jim Carrey Ron White and Larry the Cable Guy mixed in



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