Home » If It Can Happen In SF, It Can Happen Anywhere! Voters Say “Yes” To Recalling 3 School Board Commissioners

If It Can Happen In SF, It Can Happen Anywhere! Voters Say “Yes” To Recalling 3 School Board Commissioners


San Francisco voters overwhelmingly recalled all three Board of Education commissioners on the ballot during Tuesday’s election, according to preliminary results.

Initial results released by the San Francisco Department of Elections show 79 percent of voters agreed to recall Commissioner Alison Collins; 75 percent of voters agreed to recall Board President Gabriela Lopez; and 72 percent agreed to recall Board Vice President Faauuga Moliga.

Once the final election results are confirmed, Mayor Breed would be tasked with appointing replacements to serve the remaining respective terms of the recalled commissioners.

The recall was organized by the group Recall School Board Members Lopez, Collins, and Moliga — made up of more than 1,000 volunteers that include parents, educators, and other residents. The group gathered nearly 80,000 signatures, well above the amount needed to make the ballot.


The group gained support, in part, due to dissatisfaction with the prolonged closure of San Francisco Unified School District schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although elementary schools reopened in April 2021, middle schools and high schools remained closed for in-person learning for the entire school year and reopened in the Fall 2021.

According to recall organizers, commissioners Lopez, Moliga, and Collins were the only commissioners eligible for recall because they have been sitting on the board the longest, not including commissioners who’ve won recent reelections.

The recall comes as the district is facing a budget shortfall of more than $100 million for the next fiscal year, prompting intervention by the California Department of Education.


Ricardoh February 16, 2022 - 2:05 PM - 2:05 PM

They didn’t get recalled they got RECALLED.

vindex February 16, 2022 - 9:42 PM - 9:42 PM

Recall the MDUSD board members along with the leadership of MDEA (teachers union). They both are acting like children right now (in negotiations) and they both kept our schools closed WAY TOO LONG!

Ricardoh February 16, 2022 - 2:08 PM - 2:08 PM

How come Chasa Bodine was not on the recall ballot? I am waiting for that one. The red diaper doper baby as Mike Savage would say.

redrazor February 16, 2022 - 5:12 PM - 5:12 PM

Mike Savage also “coined” the phrase “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”
I really miss his daily radio show; but get to listen to his podcast once in a great while. The Very Best !!

miguel February 16, 2022 - 6:43 PM - 6:43 PM

Boudin is up for recall on June 7.

Ricardoh February 17, 2022 - 9:33 AM - 9:33 AM

Thank you Miguel I didn’t know.

redrazor Years ago when I was working the only talk shows to listen to were sports or the liberal KGO. I drove around listening to them and every once in awhile I had to turn the radio off and drive in silence.. It was many years before Limbaugh or Savage got on the air.

Roz February 16, 2022 - 2:19 PM - 2:19 PM

Well, this is a bit of refreshing News.
Maybe some other Cities will follow suit soon.
People are fed-up with how things are going.

Exit 12A February 16, 2022 - 2:21 PM - 2:21 PM

.. recalled because of misplaced priorities.
The SFUSD board would rather rename schools for political correctness and “wokeness” instead of delivering a quality education.

Cyn February 16, 2022 - 2:42 PM - 2:42 PM

Exit 12A

Bruh February 16, 2022 - 2:36 PM - 2:36 PM

The church of Woke is on notice. Unfortunately for them we’re only getting started.

Randy February 16, 2022 - 2:41 PM - 2:41 PM

… too bad Newsom’s name wasn’t in there

Tsa February 16, 2022 - 3:05 PM - 3:05 PM

Don’t get your hopes up that SF has finally seen the light. Any City that supports Pelosi and Wiener, has a long, long way to go…

Gruesome Newsom February 16, 2022 - 3:55 PM - 3:55 PM

Only reason this happened is because the school board messed around with the asian kids education (Lowell HS). You think middle aged white liberal women will vote recall here? Not likely. They’ll continue to carry the woke torch because of their white guilt and reeeeeeee about white supremacy.

Nutcreek Frontier February 16, 2022 - 4:17 PM - 4:17 PM

Gives MDUSD parents, weary of indoctrination, union politics, and sub-par education, some hope. Now, all we need are some Board candidates who are interested in actually educating children versus pushing their own political agendas. Until then, as always, there are excellent private schools in our area.

Randy February 16, 2022 - 5:18 PM - 5:18 PM
Oh, please February 16, 2022 - 8:22 PM - 8:22 PM

We tried. However, no one else stepped up. A handful of people cannot do it all. So, I put my kids in private school. All the do-nothings can have their kids fail now.

Cellophane February 16, 2022 - 4:48 PM - 4:48 PM

I believe that if 25% of all the parents with children in school showed up at a board meeting and demanded that the board resign, the board would ignore them.

If 50% showed up, they might get the message but ask for federal troops to be called in and protect them.

The board is not in place to do the bidding of the people.

It is in place to enrich the board and follow the approved indoctrination of students.

Now, with a Soros plant on the board, there is no recourse but to recall the entire board.

Oh, please February 16, 2022 - 8:23 PM - 8:23 PM

Oh, she is the worst. But her moronic sycophants have their heads up her butt.

Anonymous February 16, 2022 - 5:24 PM - 5:24 PM

Also interesting is San Francisco ranks dead last in percentage of residents under age 18. Only 13.4% of their population is under age 18. Fresno ranks #1 in the US, with 28.2% of residents under age 18. We all know why.

Tsa February 16, 2022 - 6:32 PM - 6:32 PM
Bulldog February 17, 2022 - 1:41 PM - 1:41 PM


inmotion February 16, 2022 - 5:26 PM - 5:26 PM

We got a look at the new battle grounds going forward, school boards.

Plinko February 16, 2022 - 6:36 PM - 6:36 PM

You must go now.
So good.

No Excuses February 17, 2022 - 12:38 AM - 12:38 AM

I found myself feeling very annoyed by London Breed’s long– drawn– out– Motherly talk… It seemed to me to be much in the same vein as the old sit down with Papa Cuomo talks to the New York audiences… Fatherly/Motherly…. “I didn’t do it… it was not my fault… I am on your side… you are all correct, my children…, come to mama… and I will protect you and yours. and …………. on an on.”
Theatre at its best.

Tod February 17, 2022 - 6:27 AM - 6:27 AM

Cancelling George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? Paul Revere? Seriously? So tired of the crazy woke, so out of touch with reality. Especially that nutball Alison Collins, the worst of the lot. The AOC of the SF school board.

Frank February 17, 2022 - 7:50 AM - 7:50 AM

“The recall comes as the district is facing a budget shortfall of more than $100 million for the next fiscal year, prompting intervention by the California Department of Education.” So will someone please explain this? With no schooling going on and large relief grants from Uncle Sleepy Joe where have all the funds gone???

parent February 17, 2022 - 11:19 AM - 11:19 AM
Deb Shay February 19, 2022 - 6:20 AM - 6:20 AM

Good for this school district and especially for the students 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.

It will never happen here. Commie Costa county has its nose way too far up newsome”s butt to stand up for science and children.

KING6 February 18, 2022 - 12:29 PM - 12:29 PM


LOL i love the savage nation, thank god for the podcasts rite?

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