Home » The Water Cooler – Surging Gas Prices

The Water Cooler – Surging Gas Prices


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: As of today, the average price for a gallon of regular gas in Contra Costa County is 4.75. Do you think it will hit $5?

Talk about it….

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I just read an analysis of the inflation rate in the U.S. If we were measuring inflation using the same metrics as in 1980 (when Jimmy Carter was President), our inflation rate would be 15%. So gas prices will continue to increase until we have a severe recession, or we become energy-independent again.

Why would it matter if we were energy-independent? Oil is a world market.

Baby Bomber Biden wouldn’t have to beg OPEC to increase production.

I drive an E-bike … Have not bought gas in many many moons.

I thought you car pooled in a very tiny car with 30 of your best friends

Nah … The freekin DMV will not give our tiny car tags to drive on the regular roads … So we can only drive it during the shows … my daily driver is an E-bike ($900 bucks) built in Taiwan called MYLO … folds up so I can drive to the bars after work … get hammered and then throw it in a cab to get home safe & sound.

Of course not. Biden has released the strategic reserves. Problem solved. ( sarcasm font not found )

We get vastly improved roads, combination of fuel between summer and winter blends plus faster code 3 response times.
When we drive, feels like we are floating on air.
Keep increasing the prices, nothing will change

The question should be-“Do you think gasoline will be $6/gallon?” The answer
will be yes. It’s just a matter of time as the Socialist Democrats usually state
that gas is too cheap, and desire European pricing.

Avg gas price in Houston is $3.05. What do they know that we don’t?

They knew not to elect governor tax-happy

Or they don’t let their legislators treat the taxpayers like an ATM. Throw the bums out this fall but also be careful about who you put in.

And they did not implement the CA reformulated gasoline scenario. We are an Island when it comes to gasoline.

Just returned to CA from Hays, Kansas. Paid $2.99 for regular unleaded there!!

When the Russian attacks Ukrainian, price of everything shall go up with the oil price will be the first. So look for gas price to go beyond $6/gal because oil will be needed for the war effort.

I’m getting paranoid that California, with the huge push for EVERYTHING electric, will try to “phase out” gasoline, rather aggressively.

I’m shopping for a gas chugging Dodge right now, knowing it’s a last chance of an era, LOL.

Just hope I can still buy gas here!

I’m waiting for emperor newsome to issue an edict the gas will be if verboten at any time.
He doesn’t care. He’s marching on some other tune from the Green planet outer space.

Their goal is NOT to phase out gasoline. Their goal is to price it out of the market. Then offer LONG duration auto loans to poor people who want a Tesla yet can’t afford one. Sharecroppers in Fresno paying on a ten year auto loan. Newsom’s goal is to prey on the uneducated.

Yep … Counting the days until they criminalize fossil fuels too … mark my words … they gonna try, me thinks.

$4.75 might be the average price for generic gas, but name brand gas is already past five bucks.

I need Super for my fun car…. count your blessings you “regular” folks.

Already has.
We need to ban all fossil fuels. Oil companies have to go electric. Bzzzzz.

Alaska and a whole lot of places in the middle of the continent are going to need a lot of global warming to make electric vehicles feasible year around. Heck, I remember having to remove the car battery and warm it indoors just to be able to start our gasoline powered car on some winter days.

Before you ever see the gas tax at the pump a number of fees and taxes have been added on to the gas in California.

.. where is it $4.75? I’ve only seen higher than that lately! … of course it will hit $5 / gal…. I expect $6 / gal by summer … or sooner.. I know I’m preaching to the choir here but let’s not forget that Newsom had a campaign promise to get underneath the gas price gouging by the oil companies in the Bay Area (and all of Cali) …. did he do it or was it another missed campaign promise??? nooooo just like he said he would stop the high speed rail to nowhere where he’s spending billions of our surplus tax $$… we need to keep bringing up all his empty campaign promises when his re-election comes up again very soon.

Ummmm isn’t Chevron already at $5.00 a gallon? So I think we already at the $5 mark.

Name brand fuel is a SUCKER’S bet. Chevron’s marketing folks owe you folks a kickback for justifying their existence. Seriously people, gasoline is a commodity go generic or quit whining about fuel prices.

@Lamorinda Larry….You obviously know nothing about the process of refining petrochemical products and marketing. Like Samuel Clemens said…”It is better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”.

Spent $4.90 just yesterday.

Make it $7.77 and we’ll all be winners.

I filled up with regular at $4.49. The Italian exotic with premium at $4.72.

It’s fine… Generic or name brand, it’s all the same. And I’m retired so I don’t drive much anymore.
I hold large stock positions in oil and gas companies so thanks to
all you commuters.

I feel bad when I pull up to a pump and realize the previous person just put $12.75 worth of gas in their car – guess how much gas that is? A little over 2 gallons.

I’m ambivalent about whether the mean price exceeds $5 bucks, but I work mostly from home and can walk a couple miles to BART when I must travel to the office. My sympathies lie with those whose work entails driving large, heavy vehicles long distances. Contractors, tradesmen, farmers and freelance truckers take it on the chin, as do low wage workers relegated to dystopian exurbs that drive hundreds of miles weekly to just to squeak by.

Make no mistake, proponents of policies to tax hydrocarbon products and constrain are not “progressive” in any respect. The high-minded underlying principles are inherently regressive.

There’s a place in Fremont where it will……right now they’re at $5.41 a gallon for the expensive stuff.

Mr. Biden is laying the groundwork for this bitter pill he’s forcing us to take, but he’s pinning the blame on Russia.

Don’t fall for it. He proactively shut down the US oil industry and handed our future to other countries. We had achieved energy independence.

Biden who is being led by the nose of those who want to take down the US and redistribute wealth to those who do not want to work and who come into this country to disrupt it by sucking it dry, are the root cause of these issues-inflation, lawlessness, non prosecution of criminals, letting repeat offenders out of prison. . . . the list is to tiring and long to go on. Anyone with common sense knows where I am heading.

Biden screwed us when he turned off gas production in the US and not thinking it through. Electric cars, well what happens to the batteries that are toxic and the vehicles that will become paperweights when they die?
There are little if any provisions in their diatribe about global warming and climate change. What will turn the wind turbines and what about hydro power if their is no rain?

They only talk about a quarter into what they want with no findings or back ups if things go wrong.

They suck big time.



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