Home » Mediation Fails Between Mt. Diablo Teachers’ Union And School District

Mediation Fails Between Mt. Diablo Teachers’ Union And School District


Mediation between the Mt. Diablo teachers’ union and school district officials have failed, according to a union announcement.

The Mt. Diablo Education Association and Mt. Diablo Unified School District met with a mediator for three days last week without reaching an agreement, union officials said. The process now moves to a fact-finding stage of unspecified duration.

The union is seeking a salary increase of 12.5 percent over three years, according to the news release, in which union officials said teachers will strike if necessary.

The district serves 29,000 students from Walnut Creek, Concord, Bay Point, Pleasant Hill, Clayton, Pittsburg and Martinez.


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Hmm. People who have been paid to stay home due to CO-19, now want to now strike for a raise. Talk about greed. Let them strike.

Teachers had an agreement pre covid. When covid came the district didn’t follow through.

WC… a strike will not be good for anyone. Teachers will be fairly compensated your poor opinion not withstanding. I am a teacher and hated distance teaching and it was anything but time off. All lessons had to be converted to a distance format and I worked every day of my contract. This is not about greed in any way. I won’t expect you to grasp that. good day

Considering they’ve been WORKING, Not paid to stay home, and been without a contract for about 4 years after MDUSD reneged on an agreement before COVID, I think 12.5% his reasonable.

@BaltB – Your union failed you and the other teachers who were willing to do their jobs. Worse, y’all ALLOWED your unions’ leadership to breach the solemn public duty to our children. Certain professions are simply not conducive to remote work. Police officers, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, transit drivers, sanitation professionals and countless other unionized public employees bravely reported to their posts in the face of an invisible menace. Everyone who limped into an emergency room oozing blood from road rash with multiple fractures underwent a hands on medical exam and received treatment. Countless homes were saved by firefighters IN-PERSON. Thousands of unionized Bay Area cops comforted rape victims and subdued violent mobs.

The teachers abandoned those very same heroes’ CHILDREN during our most vulnerable hour. Educators’ indignant, selfish recalcitrance derailed countless parents’ — mostly mothers — career ambition, imposing devastating hardship on the very same children teachers are paid to educate and nurture. An entire generation of American students will suffer lifelong achievement deficits because of teachers’ union intransigence.

Teachers’ mass abdication was unequivocally the most egregious breach of the social contract during this two year ordeal.

It is utterly unfathomable

@Larry… teachers responded to their situation by working everyday. In your little fantasy about ‘breach of social contract,’ would you imagine teachers show up to an empty school? Teach to empty classrooms? I don’t ever remember being asked about schools closing. I also don’t remember my union making that decision. It was made by the California government in response to an unknown virus. Also, you must really hate the truckers for their current breach of social contract… but I’m sure you’ve managed to make a laundry list of excuses for them.

Teachers working everyday? Not all of them in MDUSD.

MDUSD and MDEA held our kids hostage and refused to open up despite private schools opening up. Teachers wanted to get the vaccine first, and then still refused to go back to the classroom because it was unsafe. So it may have been the state to start the solitary confinement of our children in their bedrooms, but the MDUSD and MDEA certainly extended it beyond anything considered reasonable. And now they want to strike for more money … yeah, …

Mr. BaltB: The time to fix the roof on your house is when the sun is shining, not when it is raining. If the community strongly supported the teachers, those here complaining would instead be advocating for higher salaries for teachers. Perhaps some self-reflection is in order. Do the teachers understand the issues? The thing you said that sticks with me is your quote, “I won’t expect you to grasp that. good day” Those are not the words of someone who cares. Your appeal should be to how great a job you are doing and how you are working with the parents to raise a generation, and not that your yardstick is the Consumer Price Index. You are using the wrong yardstick.

Balt- you are SO wrong. what the teachers did was neglectful and WRONG. It was morally wrong and unethical. You KNOW this. You just don’t care. Shame on you.

The REAL teaching heroes are PRIVATE school teachers. Most were in person this whole time, just like every other essential worker. School Choice for the win so those private teachers can get paid what THEY are worth! Public school teachers? Not worth very much, since they showed that they clearly are the enemy.

@BaltB – Please quit playing the victim.

Alas, this ruinous mass dereliction is no “fantasy.” The NEA and AFT unapologetically opposed efforts to reopen schools. The membership allowed these organizations to not only neglect a critical civil function, but also actively oppose efforts to and make up the missed days in the Summer of 2020, reopen for the Fall 2020 term, or even for the Spring 2020 term. If teachers genuinely cared one iota about nurturing children’s social-emotional development or academic progress, they would have revolted against the nihilistic leadership. You and your colleagues refused to assert your agency. Such deferential proletariat apathy is the anthesis of professionalism.

Very few, though not all, asserted a scintilla of agency. (I applaud the unsung heroes in the special education profession who stepped up last Fall.)

Bona fide educational professionals who genuinely care openly express remorse and regret. Credulous institutionalized automatons feign helplessness or worse, continue to justify their recalcitrance.

Nice try with your tribal “whataboutism.” You may be surprised to learn that we agree: The Canadian anarchists with big rigs absolutely violated the social contract and myriad laws. (“Truckers” deliver goods to market; anarchists with big rigs obstruct commerce.) Like the teachers’ unions, they placed their narrow self interest and political allegiance above their duty to facilitate transnational trade. Worse, their temper tantrum precluded others laboring to feed their families by obstructing a key international port of entry. The consequences of their vile conduct, however, are transitory. They will be (have been?) removed under color of law, and the backlog of goods will eventually clear.

The harm inflicted by teachers’ depraved indifference, on the other hand, will scar an entire generation and, in the case of America’s poorest, most vulnerable families, many generations to come.

The teachers actually had to work harder from home … nice try though

Oh, lol. Seriously. Maybe the 5% that actually gave a crap worked harder and THEY deserve a raise. But, the vast majority phoned it in. They focused on their own kids and barely gave 30 minutes a day of face time/teaching, despite having an agreed-upon number of minutes (that was already inadequate to begin with). It was a JOKE and I will NEVER forgive teachers like that. That is why we LEFT this abysmal district and are now paying for private school. Not only THAT, but I am going around to ensure that School Choice is on the ballot so corrupt child-hating unions FAIL and you all are FINALLY held accountable.

Lol… No they did not. They got caught being so lazy that the state senate had to step in and mandate that teachers could not simply post recordings, and had to do a minimum amount of live teaching. Yet there was still no way to enforce it.

Sorry, the majority of todays teachers are the lazy epitome of “those who can do, those who cant: Teach”

They just want to keep up with the inflation caused by who they voted for president. Funny how that works out.

MDEA is a parasitic mindless union blob and only cares about lining their pockets.


😡😡😡😡 So tired of this BS! You obviously don’t have kids in school.

Yeah, we had kids in school in the MDUSD.

We pulled them out and went to private schools in the area. Best choice we ever made.

They ought to disband the MSUSD. And if you know your kids’ teachers politics, it’s time to fire them.

Yes because teachers are rolling in money. You have no clue what you’re talking about.

It’s interesting. Union would be in a much stronger position in the court of public opinion without all the shenanigans last spring.

Fire all of them greedy money suckers.Enough is enough what happened to we love the kids that’s why we teach.The truth comes out.Make them pay for all there benefits also then they can get a grip on reality.Good by to all of them.

It’s not greedy to expect a livable wage for working a legitimate job. Love for the kids will not pay rent or put food on the table. They already pay personal money to do their job properly. Sad that an “old timer” like you doesn’t get it.

Is it greedy when corporate types get raises? Is it greedy when someone in the public sector (like myself) has their benefits paid for by their company as a part of their compensation?

Teachers work hard and their union is the only way for them to get a fair raise. More power to them.

Chuq – if the corporate types fail to do their jobs, they get FIRED!

If the teachers fail to do their job and decide to indoctrinate kids with their personal politics, they should be fired!

You don’t know the difference between business and a quasi-government agency like a school district.

Yeah, us “old-timers “ get it….. as opposed to the “I want it all” and participation trophy crowd now “teaching” the kids.

You want sympathy, look in the dictionary between $hit and $yphilis.

Old timer your comment is ridiculous. What shouldn’t teachers have a decent living wage as professionals? Would you saw the same thing about nurses? Educators are not getting rich being educators, but they deserve to decent salary. I’m

I agree! Fire the ones who taught you to spell!

WC, where have you been? The teachers have not been at home getting paid. They have been working their asses off from home, in an environment that is nothing like a classroom! Most had their own kids at home all trying to use the same internet. Did the district cover those costs? Internet booster, materials purchased to he able to teach from home, not to mention the extra PG&E costs to be at home all day! From what I understand, they haven’t received a raise in over 7 years! If they strike, my kid will not cross that line!
Educate yourself prior to making ignorant statements.

Wow, are you delusional about what happened last year. I feel sorry for people who refuse to see the truth. These teachers lost the support of most parents when they decided to have their union ignore science and keep kids out of school, all why crying about how “hard” remote learning was. SMDH. School Choice. Make public schools accountable.

Waaaa, you think your situation is unique? Many many people in the private sector were in the same situation (kids at home, using home internet and utilities, had to purchase supplies). You most likely saved money in the long run because no commuting (gas, wear and tear) and child care costs. Be truthful and look at the whole picture

We haven’t had a cost of living since 2018. With everything going up in price we need this. I bet you all have had a Raise since 2018. It is well deserved we are teaching the future generation.

Your comment needs a few punctuation marks. Is the word raise a proper noun? Our future generation is in trouble.


“…we are indoctrinating the future generation”.

There, fixed it for you…

Yeah, right.

Obviously you failed remedial English.


So “teaching “ your politics means you “deserve” more?


Don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

This is sickening! Many of us preschool teachers have worked IN PERSON and have been the entire last 2 years. There has been no raises- and a Cost of Living Raise is usually around 3 percent and that’s not every year at all! Get rid of the unions and start paying teachers based on merit- have them start working for the students again!

J – Good luck if you can get rid of the union AND pay based on merit. But I think you’ll get steamrolled by the union supporters.

Good. They deserve the raise. Teachers literally cannot afford to live here otherwise. It’s insane that they’re getting paid so little.

And have the state put back all of the money removed from school budgets.

I’m a yes for the salary increase and no for the strike-bad practice for teachers/government employees. Twelve and a half over three years seems reasonable with the rate of inflation and cost of living increases we’ve been experiencing. Supposedly there is a budget surplus in California.

They are not going to strike….their leadership is too weak

… no way.. let them strike… kids are getting the short end now as it is … maybe fire a few dozen and see if that gets them in shape…

Whether you think teacher worked during the distance joke or not is not relevant. What matters is that the teachers now want to STOP working because they want MORE money. If the teachers strike, they will fit narrative that many people believe about the teachers …

The STUDENTS lost during the distance joke – not the teachers, not the parents, but the CHILDREN! O no, the teachers had to work harder from home, well guess what, you are not the only ones. Other companies, people etc had to readjust how they work because they were not working remotely. They had to cover the additonal PGE etc as well – so teachers, you are NOT the only ones impacted.

You want a raise? You want what you think you deserve? Then find a way to get more kids in the classroom. How many kids are not coming back to the classroom because of the JOKE distance “learning” was or the radical theories some of the teachers are now preaching from their desk? There is NO MORE MONEY. More kids in the schools equates to more money available for your salary … Get rid of the huge salaries that the administration takes .. that could give you more money. But you see, you want to lose the music program and other beneficial programs because you the math/english/science teacher wants more money. So you win, but your coworker loses … guess that is fair in your world.

You have no sympathy from me. None.

Strike and my kids will cross that picket line.

Teachers don’t want to stop working but they haven’t had a cost of living increase in over 4-5 years. Pretty sure if you’re employer was supposed to increase wages to match COL you would be singing a different tune. The negative perceptions many of you have of teachers suggest they aren’t allowed to stand up for themselves and strike – b/c it would be negative for the students. So with that kind of thinking – it wouldn’t matter if they were paid pennies… they would just have to accept whatever you judgmental and clueless people feel if fair wages for them.


I am not clueless when it comes to teaching, COL or anything like, so you should be carefull throwing out those terms when you do not know who you speak too. For all you know, I am not only a parent in this district, but quite possibly a teacher. (Hint, I would not teach in this district … for this union)

As it has already been pointed out in these responses of an average MDUSD teacher, is over 70K a year. That is not pennies.

If my company was not making a profit, I would expect no raises. Unfortunatley for our district, we are not making any money because teachers and administrators have demonstrated that they are not there for the children. They are showing that they are there for the money. They did not rise up and speak out when they ‘taught’ from home. Instead they argued that it was more work and they should be paid more. I did not hear of other professions demanding more money and less work because they were now working from home.
The teachers argued that they should be able to indoctrinate our children with whatever political or religious agenda they had, because they are teachers. Their union fought for ther right.

As a result, parents have pulled their children out of the district. The district now does not have the money. No more COVID money coming in … and now the teachers want more money.

Where does this money come from?

Now I got a raise. But I have no pension. I can be fired. I have no gaurantee of a job when I reach tenure. Sounds like teachers chose a profession where they may get less money today, but have a guaranteed income when they retire. Me, I am not so lucky … I have to depend on my 401K and retirement funds.

I mean, have they really been working anyways? Having a strike won’t make much of a difference. MDUSD is a joke, along with what is being taught. Teachers put on YouTube now. They barely teach anyways.

When negotiating with the teachers union all you need is two words.

“School Choice”

With out their monopoly they have nothing.

Parent- My response was to WC and it was relevant to his/her post.

The teachers that I have spoken to don’t want to strike, they want to work. If there is a way to avoid striking, I’m all for it. However, even before this “JOKE” you mention, they were not given Cost of Living Raises. They spend hours a day with our children and deserve to be compensated adequately. I also don’t think teachers want to lose Music and other beneficial programs. Those teachers should receive the same raise. The DISTRICT wants to make that excuse.

If they strike, your kids will be taught by subs aka babysitters, and I’m pretty sure thats all you want anyway.


My kids should not be babysat while they are in school. I pay for them to learn, to be educated, to think openly and be exposed to the world around them. Homeschooling is an option, but homeschooling can seriously impact a student socially and emotionally – not always. If you think that all a teacher should do is babysit, you are in the wrong field of study.

Distance learning was a joke! No homework. Many teachers were in the virtual classroom for the bare minimum of 10-15 mintues because that was all they were required to do. Students were given a passing grade despite NOT doing the work.

Cost of living wages, you want an increase, EARN it. That is the way it works in the real world.

Show us, parents, a reason that our kids should be in YOUR classroom. If you are presenting your personal, political and religious beliefs in the classroom, you are not educating the youth, you are indoctrinating them. I was in one of my kids classroom recently and every poster in the classroom was black lives matter … it was a MATH class. Tell me what BLM has to do with math … that teacher is trying to indoctrinate children, not teach them – yep, I told the principal.

If the teacher does not want to strike, then remove the leadership at MDEA that want to. If the leadership demands a strike anyways, cross the picket line.

You blame the district .. I blame the teachers for losing students in the classroom and electing union leaders that are no longer interested in a childs education. I blame them for passing students that should not have passed.



Parent’s got it right. Most parents know what’s really going on.

Cry me a river. How about the kids go on strike for the Mask mandate. How many people did you see wear a mask at the Super Bowl yesterday. How many Liberal Politicians don’t follow the rules for the mask mandate. I say give the Teachers a 1.5% pay raise. If they want a livable wage. Don’t vote for a Democratic politician. They raise taxes to keep people in poverty.

The Avg salary in MDUSD is 76,000. I think that’s
A fair wage for most. Google it.
Distance learning was a joke. If teachers worked harder
Then I have no idea doing what. My child was doing
Online 1 1/2 hours with breaks for rest and lunch.
No homework or self learning work was assigned.
My question has always been what were the teachers
Doing the rest of the time? Not to mention the issue
With teachers saying they wanted to jump the vaccine
Line to come back. Once vaccinated they would not come back.
This was a waste of basically 2 school years for our kids
Many lost wages during this time. Many are still out of work
Or working in a job they do not like for a wage not of their worth.



I feel for the teachers and I don’t discount the time and effort they put forth, but the teachers union is out for themselves and so is the district. It’s time parents and teachers join forces to end the mask mandates, fairly compensate teachers, and stop the ridiculous spending. It also would also help if Californians would stop voting in these awful politicians who think excessive taxing and expecting kids to sacrifice (with mask wearing, forgoing music programs, etc) is the answer.

Teachers are NOT on our side. They FOUGHT to stay at home. I will NEVER forgive them. They can rot.

According to the teachers I spoke with in all three levels being Elementary, Middle and High School most were more stressed out because of the level of cheating, distractions, and inability to control certain situations. I blame one again the politicians and not the teachers. Currently rate of inflation is not 7.5% but more like 11 or 12% overall. They are asking for 12%. Once interest rates begin rising next month and a National Deficit that went over $30T this month, good luck.

I believe the School Board is the biggest problem here.

MDUSD has been poorly managed for 30 years.

Recall this corrupt and ineffective School Board and elect people who put the value of education before their personal and political agenda.

The people need to be heard, not demeaned and ignored.

Although I have very little respect for the MDUSD board as a whole, they’re personally in a tough spot in terms of responding to the public comments. They can’t respond to anything not properly noticed and agendized, so they must sit there behind their masks looking completely disinterested. I don’t believe they are, as they’re parents, teachers, grandparents and likely decent human beings. I don’t think they’re malicious, just ineffective and in over their capabilities. Seems there’s more concern for looking socially aware than there is for managing the affairs of the district. Did you know that at the beginning of every board meeting the President feels the need to state that the meeting is being held on what was once former tribal land and names the tribes that walked across the dirt beneath the multi use room hundreds of years ago? Where does it end?

Their hands are tied in terms of explaining their positions to the public, so it looks like they’re just smugly taking fire and moving on. I’d like to believe that’s not the case, but the optics are not in their favor with the meeting rules and masking.

Keep in mind…if they get the 12.5% there will be MAJOR layoffs which is what happens in every district in similar financial challenges. Look at the last Oakland contract..tons of support staff and new teachers were let go to pay the raises requested. When 85% of your budget is salaries and wages, guess what happens when the revenue isn’t there…mass layoffs. I suspect it will get worse when the state stops giving the districts COVID money…enrollment is down…it’s going to get worse. Schools will need to be closed to achieve savings once many are laid off.

Looking forward to this district falling apart. Maybe they can build back better and make better choices. But, it really does have to fail first.

What the headlines don’t mention, they are asking 12 percent OVER 3 YEARS. So that averages out to 4% a year. They have not had a raise in 4/5 years. I don’t think it’s asking much. IMO If you don’t pay them what they can get at another district, what is going to keep the good teachers from leaving?

I appreciate teachers and hope the school district can find a way to meet their requests.

The unfortunate truth is the bad teachers get the same raise as the great ones. Nothing you can do about that but lets not chase out the good ones. If they leave it is all over but the crying. Give them the raise.

I’m old enough to remember when the union was given two choices by the district. Take a percentage pay increase or take a better healthcare package.

The teachers foolishly and greedily grabbed the cash instead of the healthcare package. Within a year or two, healthcare costs shot up, and the teachers were left with a pay increase that didn’t cover their healthcare costs. D’OH!

Guess what they did? Threatened to strike if the district didn’t give them better healthcare.

I don’t have much sympathy for the teachers. Unfortunately there are probably good ones out there, but since the union is comprised of teachers and the union has no interest in what’s best for the students, until and unless the teachers start standing up to their union I have to assume they’re in on the grift too. So, it’s a beautiful thing that the MDUSD has the union and the union has the MDUSD, they deserve each other.

And how about we have a school board where all the members recite the Pledge of Allegiance at board meetings? Nzewi and the student trustee refuse to face the flag or recite the pledge, and one of them adds a “someday” after the end of the pledge. They’re an embarrassment to the district.

+ 1,000

It’s trash from the board to the union to most of the teachers.

Time for school vouchers.

Time to get rid of MDUSD and the union

A for a raise for teachers, hmmm. Commensurate with inflation and a bit beyond. Fine. I think we could pay teachers even more if they showed talent or a willingness’s to work hard or we’re rewarded for such. Most don’t, and give the rest a bad name. Largely a lazy lot. My daughters third grade teacher has terrible grammar. For third grade where grammar and spelling is important, I think it’s terrible. She is born, raised and educated in our community. She deserves no raise. Several teachers have been laid off this year that were wonderful. Lack of seniority. Public education seems to be broken.
Mt. Diablo Elementary Parent

A for a raise for teachers, hmmm. Commensurate with inflation and a bit beyond…Fine. I think we could pay teachers even more if they showed talent or a willingness’s to work hard. Most don’t, and give the rest a bad name. Largely a lazy lot. My daughters third grade teacher has terrible grammar. For third grade where grammar and spelling is important, I think it’s terrible. The teacher was born, raised and educated in our community. She deserves no raise. Several teachers have been laid off this year that were wonderful. Lack of seniority. Public education seems to be broken.
Mt. Diablo Elementary Parent

Go ahead and strike – and that will PROVE what the teachers are really out for.

Abolish the district.

Maybe there is some integrity amongst most teachers??? Maybe not???

My fly tells me a shop steward shared that the bargaining team fears there is not enough support within the rank and file to vote yes on a strike.

It’s better than Peyton Place…

I don’t agree with the anti teacher sentiment here, they have a tough job and we are blessed to have most of them. That being said, MDUSD has been fiscally mismanaged for years, and COVID and all the attention to school board meetings has brought that into the spotlight. The board has refused to make difficult decisions and that has snowballed to the situation they are in now, choosing between giving raises to some teachers and laying off others while our kids continue to lose programs like art and music and classroom time. It’s a disgrace and our kids and community deserve better than MDUSD.

Yes! Now if they strike maybe the impact will be so catastrophic that we will see unions outlawed for public service entities. Then we just need to remove the governments power to lord control over education as well. School choice quickly becomes inevitable. The best answer being a private school with no district ties that is able to entice families to bring their school voucher money with them. The power can only be in the hands of the people anymore. There is too much greed for every other entity. Especially in public service.

Let them strike. The kids wont notice that their gone.

If teachers want to get paid more; then they should be held accountable for their horrific job performance.

All teachers do is blame the students for poor educational standards. They need to look in the mirror.

Go ahead and strike, its a great time to be a substitute teacher right now.
Lets open up those classrooms to a new generation of teachers. Strike or not the quality of the education right now will remain the same…

Teachers are asking for a 12.5% raise that would take place over the next 3 years – not all at once. It would actually be a 12.5% raise over a 7 year period since our last salary increase was in 2017. That equates to less than 2% a year – that’s far less than the annual cost of living increase.
Teachers do not want any teachers to lose their jobs. The superintendent is the one who mentioned eliminating jobs and programs. However, he did not mention any cuts at the district office. He also did not mention that the district gets the annual cost of living increase that they do not pass onto the teachers.
Teachers ARE here for our students. We are in the classroom with the students every day (last year aside). None of us ever planned to get rich in this profession, but we should earn a decent wage for the work we do. Those in the district office do not work with the students. They sit in their offices doing who knows what, taking home more money than the average teacher.
Aren’t the students what school is about? Shouldn’t those who work with the students be compensated more than those who don’t? Rather than blaming the teachers for wanting to make a decent living, maybe we should look to see what the district is actually spending its money on.



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