Home » The Water Cooler – Valentine’s Day

The Water Cooler – Valentine’s Day


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you go anywhere, or do anything for Valentine’s Day?

Talk about it….

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Staying home entertaining the grand kids.Happy Valentines Day Roz. Hope you have a great day

You Too Simonpure!
Hugs for the Grand Kids,… 🙂

We don’t go out Valentine’s Day, since it’s too busy out there for an outing.
We will do something next weekend. Maybe grill some nice steaks, Yum!

Bah Humbug 😀

We usually have a nice steak dinner with a good bottle of red wine…stopped going out to eat on Valentine’s Day even prior to this pandemic because it’s crowded, and quite frankly, we’ve been disappointed with the quality of our steaks (Harris Ranch is the exception). Happy Valentine’s Day!

After handling necessary business this morning, not going to a restaurant or elsewhere today, I’ll use Valentine’s Day to prioritize connecting with a close friend via text. She and I like to text so…

As I made the choice a few months back to end a long-distant relationship, it’s not a day I look forward to. I decided between everything, to do something kind and compassionate for myself. Sitting down and handwriting myself a love letter at my antique letter desk I got two years back. Thanking my mind and body for all they do for me and my quality of life and reminding myself it’s just one day and it will be done shortly. Then later, I’ll pick one thing I will do for myself that’s unique or special to me.

Self-love is to be celebrated! And sounds like a great use for such a fantastic desk.

Breakfast in bed, half a box of oreos with milk, watched a few classic movies and dinner for two. Eating two dinners, not such a good idea.

Nothing. I have natural immunity from mass marketing and the programming of society.

I was going to celebrate this year but Newsomilini decided that tomorrow was the day to lift the mask and vax requirement mandates so we are stuck at home.

I could order from Chili’s and eat it at home with my gf but then I would miss out on the baby back ribs song and the sizzling plate of fajitas.

Screw that business.

We went out to eat and shopping this year. Light crowd where we went.

Woke up this morning an asked what the flowers were for!🤦🏼‍♀️😂

We engage in full length body slaps.

Going to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day was a nightmare even during the best of times (though I’m glad my 20-something self did it).

We’ll exchange cards, make dinner and cocktails and watch a romantic movie.

That sounds perfect… 🙂

Love stinks

Happy V.D. !

Why so cynical? As l get older l cherish memories of past love affair, and relationships, even those that didn’t work out, they are sweet memories none the less.

@Chuq- Yes it is! Makes me smile reading your words. Self Love can mean different things for different people and be a process. It is a fantastic desk and I will be using a Feather Pen with my Feather-Pen Ink on my special paper. When done, I will sign it, fold it and put in the special envelope and keep it in my beautiful Antique Writing Desk and even though the old key doesn’t work anymore, I have it. Amazing desk. I can feel the worries lifting away already. So, I better get started.

@ Bella~
A friend of mine had ended a long-distant relationship 2 years ago and is very much a hopeless romantic. She wasn’t looking but found a great guy Summer of last year, 2021. Self Love is like a magnet. People are drawn to you. 🙂

Sat in my garden patio watching the show … Parade of suckers walking with their dates all gussied up for dinner dates … I live on Vietnam’s equivalent of Rodeo Drive in HCMC … and there are several high end restaurants/bars next door … So I bought a fresh pack of smokes (Thanh Long is my brand) and a few cold Tiger beers and a small bottle of Han Noi vodka … whipped up some Asian boilermakers and listened to Elvis songs on my ipad … was quite relaxing … I think I may have even dozed off for a few minutes … that’s how peaceful it was not to have the pressure of doing a proper “Valentine date” routine … let the other guys run that game … Not for me.

I was going the take the wife down to Mr. Steak on Clayton Road but she told me they’re not there anymore. Oh well maybe next year…

worked for most of the day, ordered in some lunch, and that is about it. Every day is Valentine’s Day when you are married (or should be).

No, probably not gonna do anything special today.

J. and the boys had a few great songs, this being one of them…

Not anymore, three kids make it hard to dip out for a romantic dinner, I did get take out and some gifts though.



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