Home » Contra Costa County Board Of Supervisors Appoints New Health Officer

Contra Costa County Board Of Supervisors Appoints New Health Officer


The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors today appointed Dr. Ori Tzvieli as the county’s new Health Officer.

He fills a vacancy left by Dr. Chris Farnitano, who has stepped down from the role in preparation for retirement.

“Dr. Farnitano will be missed. We are glad Dr. Tzvieli is ready to step into a role that is so crucial for the health and safety of our county residents during the pandemic,” said Board of Supervisors Chair Karen Mitchoff. “Over the past two years, both of them have contributed to one of the finest local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in California.”

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Oh, joy. A new dictator.

yep. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Karen M. has lost touch with reality and refuses to look at any studies that contradict her views. Her statement: ““Over the past two years, both of them have contributed to one of the finest local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in California.” gives me little hope that Dr. Tzvielli will start following the science and be responsible. Dr. Farnitano will go down as one of the most infamous people in Contra Costa History. He did more damage to our county than a thousand viruses. I’m so thankful he is gone!

Good riddance to bad rubbish. What a horrible bunch of people running this county. So very glad to be leaving.

Yep, us too. We are outta here!

Left in 2021. No more of my tax dollars for lunacy. Now that I’ve been gone a while, I have no interest in going back.

Why not stick around and help turn this ship around? You do nobody any good by leaving except yourself. I’m trying to figure out why no one is sticking around to help.

Sorry, don’t like the new guy.

Karen approves of him. That is a SCARY thought.

Karen says he was part of one of the finest local response to COVID in CA.

Sorry, don’t like the guy.

It was unanimous vote for Ori Tzvieli to be appointed our new Health Officer. A public commenter was concerned about the due diligence and proper vetting for this powerful position and noted that he is part of the team for a medical smart glass company, Farense with his father, Arie. These glasses have a myriad of uses…

Could there be a conflict of interest here? You be the judge as you review this website and the 37 US patents already granted…

Facense seems to be an Israeli company with no local presence other than some employees live in the bay area. I doubt there will be much of a conflict of interest other that I would prefer that Dr. Ori Tzvieli devote all of his time to working for Contra Costa county. He’s still listed as a significant member of Facense management.

That said, Facense seems pretty creepy to me. They are eyeglasses that contain various forms of sensors. The company itself seems more of a patent trolling company.

I appreciate your comment. Ponder this: Mask mandate lifted…new Covid-19 variant surge…Dr. Tzvieli institutes new Health Order mandating wearing these “Facense smart glasses that can detect signs and symptoms of Covid-19.”

Mitchoff is delusional if she thinks that the county response was one of the finest in the state. There is too much information out now about the harmful effects of the lockdowns and the adverse reactions and even death caused by the experimental gene therapy. She and Roth need to follow Farnitano and sssslither away. The one thing she probably doesn’t even realize is that she has lost all credibility among thinking people and is seen as a Marxist collaborator, a tool of the corrupt Pelosi mafia, China, Soros Zionists and international leftwing loons.


They take orders from the same people so whoever the health director is does not matter whatsoever since they do not make decisions they’re just the one that puts their name on it.

Hopefully the new person has some sense. This department definitely needs at least one person who has some.

Lol! The clown show continues! This last guy will be going in to the witness protection program!

“Dr. Farnitano will be missed. We are glad Dr. Tzvieli is ready to step into a role that is so crucial for the health and safety of our county residents during the pandemic,” said Board of Supervisors Chair Karen Mitchoff. “Over the past two years, both of them have contributed to one of the finest local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in California.”


I would NEVER believe ANYTHING that came out of Bit (errr….) Mitchoff’s mouth.

Typical blowhard lying self serving democrat politician.

But I repeat myself.

I think my cat could do a better job than anyone appointed by commie costa county.

I will be more than happy to write your cat in on a ballot (if mine ever comes in the mail)

Gone, but not forgotten. At least, by the taxpayers.

Dr. William Walker retired with a $340K pension.

Dr. Farnitano will probably get even more.

It’s good work if you can get it.

Hey! the dude looks like a male Karen.. Just google image his name. He does look like a Karen – male version.

I can’t help but wonder how much money Dr. Tzvieli paid Karen for the job?

I can’t help but wonder how much the medical industry is paying Dr. Tzvieli to keep up the push on the gene therapy drug?

I can’t help but wonder how much Dr. Tzvieli will kick up to Karen as her fair share?

I believe that there is no honest politician in CCC today.

Dr William Walker retired with his pension waited 7-8 months and was back at work at 595 Center Ave the same year making the same money before retirement. Plus kept his pension. Just like Bill Sorrell. The county is a joke.

I believe folks are brought back out of necessity and to act as a bridge. It may be bad planning or succession planning, but I do not think we should assume it’s a lack of character from these public servants.

Mr. Sorrell is a good human and does not deserved to be put down here or elsewhere.

I like the grandstanding by Karen. Typical politician,, “best in the state”, “excellent work”, blah blah.

What was Karen smoking when she made that statement??????????/

Israeli? God no those ppl are jab crazy over there. I didn’t vote for this guy. Enough of these grifters. Step down all of you on that board we need a clean sweep no incumbents and no foreign nationals. I have no confidence in this appointed lackey with questionable loyalties. The most corrupt county in the country. Can we start an investigation on these people already federal prison for all these scammers.

Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss. My advice is “Don’t be fooled again!”.

Anna Roth needs to go away too. People please start fighting in what you believe. No more being held hostage.

The “follow the science “ devotees know nothing about science. It’s all about political control.

Science is meant to be questioned. If it isn’t, then we’d still be sitting around thinking the earth was flat and at the center of the universe.



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