Home » UPDATE: Walnut Creek Police Arrest Oakland Man On Gun, Narcotics Charges

UPDATE: Walnut Creek Police Arrest Oakland Man On Gun, Narcotics Charges


Earlier today, the Walnut Creek Police Department responded to multiple phone calls of a man seen with a gun inside a medical building in the 2600 block of Shadelands Drive.

The calls came in around 10:15 a.m., with one caller indicating the man was seen running north through a parking lot towards Mitchell Drive.

The Police Department immediately put two nearby schools, Contra Costa School for the Performing Arts and Valle Verde, into lockdown out of an abundance of caution.

Patrol officers and detectives located the man and detained him in the parking lot of Springfield Montessori at 2780 Mitchell Drive. He was in possession of narcotics, but no firearm was found.


The person, who is on parole, was taken into custody.

Two K9 teams were called to the scene to assist in locating the gun. Police dogs, with their keen sense of smell, have specialized training that includes searching for articles related to a crime scenes. K9 Remus alerted his handler to some nearby bushes along the path the man had taken before his arrest. Officers searched the bushes and located a loaded Glock pistol.

The name of the suspect is Alexander Guerrero, a 29-year-old male from Oakland, according to police. He has been arrested for narcotics charges and for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

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Barnes & Noble is returning to Downtown Walnut Creek where Forever 21 used to be at Olympic Blvd. & Locust St.

1 block from the original 2-story location.

How do you know this? If true that is great news.

Way to go, K9 Remus!!! Treat that officer to some Milkbones or a T-bone.

++1 ~ Agree with the treat too.
Great job on K9 Remus part.

Can you please just stay on your side of the tunnel.

Thank you WCPD! Thank you Mayor for alerting the community of this criminal and his criminal activity. Hoping our DA locks up Alexander Guerrero but won’t count on it which is another crime itself…

Endless danger when in public from the mentally deranged, drugged out, and criminally inclined. No safe harbors.

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Good jon WCPD & Remus!

Being soft on crime doesn’t work.

I believe that a convicted and incarcerated criminal should have to prove that he’s reformed before he is released.

A person’s actions tell more about him than any words can.

@Cellophane – So, you believe that convicted felons should remain incarcerated indefinitely until they prove they’re “reformed.”

Let’s unpack that high-minded belief.

Assuming your use of the word “reformed” means “having relinquished an immoral, criminal, or self-destructive lifestyle,” how would an inmate “prove” that he has indeed relinquished his criminal proclivities (i.e., what particular factual showings could plausibly establish that an incarcerated individual has actually reformed himself whilst imprisoned)?

To whose satisfaction must an inmate establish that he has in fact “reformed” himself? His victim(s)? Yours? Mine? A judge? The DA? A jury?

What evidentiary standard should apply?

Would the burden of proof rest with the inmate to make an affirmative showing that he has reformed himself to your satisfaction, or would the burden rest with the prosecution to show that the convict has not “reformed” himself?

Released? A convicted felon should NEVER be released. Lock ’em up and throw away the key!

Another felon out on the streets…. Good boy Remus!

I thought it was against the law for a felon to have guns. Maybe the gun was someone else’s.

Seems like felons have no problem getting guns in spite of all ofthe laws in place. Things like universal background checks I keep hearing anti-gun people yelling that we need. Even if it were someone else’s gun, felons aren’t supposed to be in possession of guns and ammunition at all. How’s that law working out?

Yes, He borrowed someone else pants and forgot to check the pockets…..

Animals are great !! Nice job WCPD.

Do you actually think that a felon will follow the law?

And they make it literally impossible for law abiding citizens to acquire guns. Much less carry them like they can in most of free America.

So charge him with improper storage also. I would be.

Arrested to just be released. What’s even the point anymore?!

Gee, I can’t imagine what he may have desperately been lookin for..

Good doggie!

Dogs are better chasers and sniffers – what a good partner.

Being a felon in possession of a firearm and narcotics. Our DA will let them bargain it to a misdemeanor. The same bargaining Gascon is allowing with those SF smash and grab robbers in SF. They probably even bought them replacement crow bars……..



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