Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Plan To Watch The Winter Olympics?

The Water Cooler – Do You Plan To Watch The Winter Olympics?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you plan to watch the Winter Olympics?

Talk about it….

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Don’t plan to watch.

When they are being held in the country that is the number one enemy of all free people? Nope.

I’m not watching…not enthusiastic about what is happening in the world and the Olympic Games are innately political.


If ever there was an Olympics to be boycotted, this is the one!!!




No, I don’t watch any sports period. Which is funny because I come from a sports oriented family. My dad went to college to become a coach but the Great Depression put an end to that.

YES! I love the Olympics! Olympics have always been political. I just enjoy the games. If you let politics control you, you’ve lost control of yourself.

It goes beyond politics!!


I agree if l enjoy and get pleasure out of watching something, that is really all l care about. Could be Olympics, movies or music, l don’t let politics dictate what l watch or listen to.

So why have any principals?
If it feels good, do it!
Slavery, rape, murder…. who cares?

Nah! I don’t watch where a country makes their athletes lie about their age. Remember what happened during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing where under age girls were performing gymnastics competition? The age requirement was 16. As it turned out, those girls were younger than 16.


No should have boycotted the whole thing

My mother, now quite old, asked me the same question yesterday. My initial response was “When do they begin?”. But then I told her that I wasn’t going to watch, no matter what.

Genocide, religious persecution, slave labor, massive domestic and foreign surveillance, continuous threats to neighbors… any one of these is boycott-worthy, but to be committing all of them at the same time should make anyone with integrity tune out. S, when you see the ratings, you’ll get an idea of how many people in America still have integrity.

no… should have boycotted it and not have any coverage here

Ahh…, no.

I always forget it’s on and end up missing it.

No. And China should never been chosen as a host country.


No. A pox on the IOC for selecting China (again) to host the games.

Hell No !

A network other than NBC should cover the Olympics. NBC’s had it since 1988.
It’s dangerous to have 1 network maintain a monopoly over something when delivering information to the People.

NBC has done the same thing with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It’s just an expanded version of The Today Show.
The Thanksgiving Parade used to rotate between networks & celebrities from all the different networks would join together & be embedded along the parade route while broadcasting.

Competition makes a better product…. in this case – show.

CBS had the Winter Olympics from 1992-1998.

Leo – Was that your takeaway from everything I wrote?

Absolutely not, if your against slavery, genocide, killing someone’s family members because they didn’t do what they want, Years of forcing abortion under the one child law. And still watch the Olympics, you are two faced and don’t stand by your beliefs and have no integrity. They should be boycotted

No. The Olympic Games used to be something special. Not any more. Too political now, and too much BS woke cr.p. Besides, China hates us. That’s reason enough.

I once dated an Olympic gold medalist from Claycord. Only once lol.

What year did he compete?

We’ll watch some. While I am uncomfortable with the hosting country, the athletes have worked so hard to be there, they deserve an audience. We avoided the opening ceremony so that assuages my conscience a bit.

Yeah, you’re only supporting slave labor & genocide just a little bit.

I agree. The athletes devote their life to their sport. To be the best in the world. To punish them for the evil deeds of politicians is just as evil. Everyone knows how horrible china is, the athletes have nothing to do with it. I will watch the games for the right reasons. I’m sick of politics. It won’t make any difference if we watch or not.

You’re wrong, Pepe……not watching the Olympics IS NOT just as evil as murder.


Ah, no….can’t take the whiny cretins who are trotted out as Analysts these days, the overt political snarlings and the insipid “back stories”. Maybe if there was a C-Span type broadcast,

I will not watch. The Olympics should not be in China. The USA didn’t send the very best athletes for every sport. And the Olympic committee is cancelling some of the original Olympic game sports.

Watching the Olympics in no way supports the government of China!

You have no clue what’s happening in China . If you did you would not compare the Olympics to other sports. If you think this is normal Olympics politics, you have no clue what’s happening. Our country is in a very sad place that people think boycotting the Olympics has to do with the actual games.

I won’t watch any of it. But, to be fair, it has nothing to do with any kind of political protest. I never watch the Olympics because I simply don’t give a you-know-what about them.

Never have watched them. But from whatever it on here I guess I should so I probably will.

You’re right about that…you do not have one!


Lost interest years ago. Remember the 1994 Lillehammer Olympics. Was really caught up in the Dan Jansen speed skating story. Also loved figure skating, but have to know the personalities, such as Victor Petrenko, Oksana Bauil, Torville and Dean skating to Ravel’s Bolero, poetry in motion.


From what I’ve read, the Olympics were more entertaining when they were held in Ancient Greece.

@Dawg…..Yeah, I guess, if you like to watch swingin’ wieners.

I’m torn: I want to support the Olympics and especially our US athletes, but I don’t want to support China.

The figure skating is my favorite part….. so beautiful. Finally an Olympic committee has refused to allow tacky advertisements to be plastered around the ice rink’s side barriers. The skaters perform against a beautiful background of snow and distant bluish-grey mountain ranges, therefore their athletic and artistic precision shows up incredibly well. And….. AND….. there is no tacky, time-consuming throwing of teddy bears, flowers, etc., onto the ice after each skater performs!

Friday night’s Opening Ceremony choreography of spring sprouts amidst snow and snowflake motifs, music, and special effects was as lovely as I have ever seen (both artistically and electronically/technically). The vocal and dance performances by Chinese youth were astounding. And especially if you happen to be a person who appreciates the visual of fireworks (except with the volume turned down), you would have liked the display after the Olympic torch had been raised into position.

And then of course the parade of Olympic-qualifying athletes: Each country has famous sportswear companies designing its uniforms. So this Olympiads “Antler Fashion Awards” go equally to:
Finland (a study in gray with a touch of dignified historic context),
France (used their flag’s colors in a striking abstract design),
Norway (find a picture),
Great Britain (semi-Beefeater)
and two others….. DANG…. better check on Kazakhstan… and also one of the African countries…. sorry, should have written them down.
[Unfortunately, our own country’s uniform looked like something the committee had double-parked and run in to Old Navy’s to get off the rack. The orangish-red part didn’t remotely look like the red in our flag.]

Nope, not watching the Genocide Games.

the genocide Olympics? nope, never

I am not really interested in the Olympics this year. However, I did hear, that the USA bobsled team named their sled, “Biden” ;because, America is going downhill fast!

Here’s an interesting bit of history for you sports fans.




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