Home » California Faces Looming Nursing Shortage In Wake Of Pandemic; 40,000 Expected To Retire In Coming Year

California Faces Looming Nursing Shortage In Wake Of Pandemic; 40,000 Expected To Retire In Coming Year


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In wake of government intervention*

Another government created problem.

A 2021 survey of nurses indicates that 22% of nurses intend to leave their jobs within the next year. The top reasons nurses cited for their intention to leave were related to long-term challenges within the work environment, including the following:

Insufficient staffing levels and demanding nature/intensity of workload;
Emotional toll of the job and not feeling listened to or supported at work;
Family needs and/or competing life demands; and,
Insufficient compensation.

Plus, California sucks so bad:


Not “in wake of pandemic” its “unvaccinated nurses were fired”

Remember – vaxxed and testing positive for COVID = legislators pushing to make this standard

Unvaxxed and healthy = you aren’t allowed to work

Oh…and didn’t we confirm that Vaxxed people can still get COVID and can still transmit COVID…yep…this all makes sense

Look at me typing to fast.

Remember – vaxxed and testing positive for COVID = you are required to work, legislators pushing to make this standard

This shortage is reminiscent of the computer programmer “shortage” of the late 1990s. After years of depressed wages, the dotcom boom elevated wages to a level employers could not abide, so they declared a worker shortage and lobbied Congress to modify the H-1B visa program (which was created as a means to bring in very specialized skilled labor) to allow for visas for general computer programmers and to increase the numbers tenfold.

This was shortly after tens of thousands of engineers were laid off as a result of the end of the Cold War and the recession of the early 90s. I remember HP alone let go 40,000 engineers. These people could have easily been retrained to write Javascript and HTML. It would have been a piece of cake for them.

But Big Tech said they were untrainable and that people from a 3rd World nation with no running water and unverifiable degrees were better candidates than American engineers with US tech degrees — the same degrees Indian and Chinese students covet today. Big Tech wanted modern indentured servants and they got it by making huge contributions to the Democrat Party.

Republicans had always supported using the H-1B to bring in masses of cheap labor, but Feinstein was against it and was very vocal about it. At least, until she met with Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and the other heads of Big Tech. And then she was for it. That’s the moment the Democrats (the party of “the worker”) sold their soul to Big Tech.

The writing is on the wall. Expect to see calls for even more foreign nurses. You better learn to speak Tagalog or Swahili if you have a hospital stay planned.

You speak truth. Makes the vaccine conspiracy even more believable. Open borders allow for cheap labor to come in replacing American workers. Manufacture a nursing shortage crisis bringing specialized labor for cheap. All the while all the Americans who were vaccinated will drop in the next 5-10 years. America will be filled with foreigners who are used to and even enjoy being without freedom setting up the stage for the new world order, one world government.

Yes, Nurses in their late 50’s to early 60’s I know are calling it quits in the next few years. Hope there is a bundle of new Nurses coming our way. Sadly, it’s a hard job in many ways. Most I know have back, hip, & knee issues from the job.

A nursing shortage has been going on a very long time.

Well WHEW!!, good thing they’re firing naturally-immune unvaccinated and telling vaccinated/China virus positive nurses they can still work.

There’s a few of you “wear 5 masks, get your 8th booster, 14 years to flatten the curve” zombies who frequent this site…so yeah YOU, make ANY of this make sense, explain it to me like I’m five.

Okay. So maybe they shouldn’t make it almost completely impossible to get accepted into a nursing school.

Not a surprise.

Every time the government gets involved in anything it causes more problems, more catastrophes, and economic ruin.

The government fails at everything.

It can’t even manage itself.

Less government is the answer.

A government of, by and for the people.


Our illustrious Health Department has finally come to their senses and has revoked the vaccination status requirement/negative covid test for indoor dining and gyms! I guess the mid-term elections are having an impact on how tight our nooses are by the powers that be…

I’m guessing that these people are smarter than most and know not to be a guinea pig to the government. get an experimental shot and see what happens. time to move it on down the road. i applaud them, they seem to be smarter than most.



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