Home » CoCo Superior Court Continues Ban On New Jury Trials Due To COVID-19

CoCo Superior Court Continues Ban On New Jury Trials Due To COVID-19


Contra Costa County Superior Court has announced it will continue suspending new jury trials over an uptick in COVID-19 infections, especially among Court personnel, attorneys, litigants, and other users.

The Court suspended new jury trials on Dec, 27, 2021. The latest suspension is expected to last until Feb. 7, though a spokesman said that could be extended.

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Just ducky! Becton backed by Soros never prosecutes anyway.

The Free The Felons movement just received reinforcements.

What they dont care about but know is when you make someone wait months/years to resolve their criminal case,it causes health problems due to stress and anxiety,and some actually die.And then when it’s time for cases to be heard,so much time has passed the cases are weak,and lack available witnesses and victims.A friend was so screwed around in the courts in the last 2 years he went to court 11 times and got nothing done.The plea deal he suggested at the start that they said”was never going to happen” was then offered to him as if they dreamt it up.The judge,he was told by his public defender”is an emotional hot mess.
Judge Hiramoto,that comes to court with purple hair.Judge you’re a disgrace.Won’t allow anyone to talk and got removed from family court for too many complaints,and put in criminal court where she doesnt want to work.

Judge,you don’t like your job anymore,anyone in a courtroom can see,and the lawyers and PD dred doing anything in your courtroom.If you were any kind of decent person you would resign your position,and get yourself some counseling.You are an example of “the wrong way”You command zero respect from the PD’s and lawyers they just have to be fake and polite in front of you,”or else”.You’re not helping,imo.and not needed.And very unhappy.

Can we please extend this past 02/23/2022? 😉

You are called for the same panel as I am! However, I think I can get out of it because I was on a district court trial less than a year ago. Have fun. Tell them ‘Hi’ for me.

If you’re up for jury duty and don’t want to serve, then basically just do the opposite of FIJA’s tips for getting on a jury.

Also, make sure to prominently hold onto a book like “Jury Nullification: The Evolution of a Doctrine”. You’ll get stricken during voir dire.

Of course, if you read enough stuff by FIJA, then you may want to get on the jury.



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