Home » California Employment Development Department Flooded With More Fraud Attempts

California Employment Development Department Flooded With More Fraud Attempts


By Emily Hoeven – CalMatters

Two years into the pandemic, fraudsters continue to target California’s unemployment department.

The Employment Development Department, which last month froze about 345,000 disability insurance claims it flagged as suspicious, announced Thursday that it suspects that a whopping 98 percent of the 27,000 medical providers associated with those claims are fraudulent. So far, EDD said, only 485 providers have managed to verify their identity. The agency couldn’t say how much money it might have paid for those scam claims.

Although EDD has made progress on key reforms after paying at least $20 billion worth of fraudulent claims amid the pandemic, challenges remain.


The agency noted Thursday that some legitimate providers and claimants were ensnared in the mass freeze and will have to go through additional verification procedures before payments can resume.

One such claimant is Erick Robles, 35, a Hollister resident and contractor who went on disability this fall. His payments were stopped in December, he told the San Francisco Chronicle, and he said that EDD told him “there’s nothing we can do.”

Robles said, “This is like an unfair science experiment.”

EDD is also requiring 1.4 million recipients of federal pandemic unemployment benefits to retroactively prove their eligibility or repay the money plus a hefty fine — but 1.1 million cases remain unresolved.


And Daniela Urban, executive director of the Center for Workers’ Rights, told the Chronicle that “it’s clear EDD does not have a standardized process of reviewing these documents.”

In one case, she said, husband-and-wife street vendors submitted identical eligibility information to EDD, which accepted the wife’s documents but rejected the husband’s.

Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that Rita Saenz, EDD director since 2020, is stepping down and that he is appointing Nancy Farias, the chief deputy director of external affairs, legislation and policy since 2020, to take over. Saenz “spearheaded important reforms at the Department to better serve working Californians, prevent fraud and hold bad actors to account,” the governor said in a statement.

Another looming challenge for the state: Its growing unemployment insurance debt. As of Jan. 25, California had borrowed nearly $20 billion from the federal government to pay jobless claims, accounting for 49 percent of all outstanding debt owed by states, according to the California Budget and Policy Center. Though Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed paying down $3 billion of that debt, business groups, which finance the state’s unemployment insurance fund, say it’s not enough. Other advocates say it’s time to overhaul how the fund is structured.

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I’ve said on here many times that the government can’t even manage itself.

Here’s proof positive.

And the government wants to tell people and businesses how to manage themselves.

$20Billion of our tax dollars gone.

Yet they still have no clue.

Yea I got a 1099 from EDD for $13,000. I only took $2400 from them this year because I got a new job in late February.. so much fraud..

Finally!! Let us hope that they will clean-up the fraud and those that are honest will get the money they need.

… so who is surprised? not me…. another Newsom failure… and voters wanted to keep him in?? …. omg Cali going down……

Is anyone surprised?
I think not.
This state is rife with fraud… Just look at the politicians and bureaucrats who run the government.
… and illegal immigrants steal resources from you and me every day.
The madness continues…

Well good for them! I only worry for the inconvenience they may be causing to the legitimate applicants waiting for their legitimate disability.
(They did that to a lot of legitimate unemployment claims in the last 2 years, while paying out to the fraudsters instead)
Frankly, Gavin Newsom should have been fired over this! it’s all under his watch.

That;s what happens when you open your boders for a free for all, Dems!

Over hall starting with the useless Governor.

Yes, our elected officials are doing a great job. Let’s elect more Demo rats

No surprise.

Democrat are fiscally illiterate and have no business handling money.

Yet you continue to re-elect those idiots to the point wheee they hold a super-majority.

We deserve what we voted for.

Fraud? These people learned it from their government.

In other new, Go Rams!

Fraudulent claimants should be prosecuted, imprisoned, and fined.
Oh never mind… this is California where felonies are misdemeanors because of weak and spineless prosecutors.

As Gomer Pyle would say, “Surprise, surprise, surprise.” Even Gomer had more sense than Gavin and anyone that voted for him.
What happened to the imaginary surplus money Gavin said the State had? Why are we borrowing money?? The computer system used by EDD is as trustworthy as the voting machines. How do some idiots continue to vote Democrat? This crap could have been fixed last September, but brainwashed liberals listened to their God (the TV) and believed Elder is in Trump’s pocket. All the MSM had to do was mention Trump, and the Dems took the bait, hook line, and sinker. SMH

If this were a real job Newsom would be fired.
He’s a carny cat; and without the Getty’s he’d be running crooked bingo at the old folks home. And somehow people vote for him; unbelievable.

Gavon is impulsive and has many psychological disorders. He acts first then thinks later. He should have been recalled.

Newscum “thinks” later?

He’s genetically incapable of thinking.

Sounds like criminal negligence that the Attorney General should be investigating. Oh wait, he’s part of the problem!!!

Both my husband and i had scammers file disability claims in our names. I don’t know if they got my husband’s social security number, but they have mine. Just try to get through by phone to notify EDD of the fraud. It’s impossible. The system actually hangs up on you because there are so many callers. AFter some looking around, I found a specific number to call to report the fraud, and left a message. I also found a page to fill out a form to report the fraud.

I called the police as well. The officer took a report, and said it will be months before my case works its way through the stack at EDD.

So much for that supposed budget surplus. I think the twelve year old in our house could do math better than anyone at the state capitol.

Wait, borrowing $20 billion to cover unemployment? I thought Gavin said we had such a HUGE surplus. That’s how he justified throwing billions out the window. Mind boggling.

Astonishing incompetence or complicit fraud? Where is the FBI? The little rodent Merrick Garland is sitting on his hands while his son is hustling CRT software to schools across the nation. The Obama goons politicized the FBI along with many of the bureaucracies and this is the result. The entire top levels of the FBI need to be purged.

The FBI (Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity) has long since gone out the window. They need Sheriff Andy and Deputy Barney to straighten things out .

The estimates of the fraud are $20 billion, and divide that by the California population of 40 million, and you get $500 of fraud paid per man, woman and child in California. What is wrong with these people voting for Gavin and the Democrats? Voting is not your entertainment.

What I find really humourous, is they paid out hundreds of millions to fraudsters in 🚒 gn countries. The state & Newsom probably will not report this because they are too embarrassed. So how does one living in Romania or Lebanon qualify? Just asking for a friend.

The governor NEEDS the Fraud claims so he can cover up what he and his lib friends stole

and the hot air from Newsom continues “…Saenz “spearheaded important reforms at the Department to better serve working Californians, prevent fraud and hold bad actors to account,” the governor said in a statement.

Hey Gavin, people stole 20B under her watch and you just canned her. Why isn’t he having a press conference about the “progress” he is making on the fraud and how he is borrowing money to cover his a…

My husband was/is one of those whose identity SS# were used to try and file a Disabilty Claim. We got a letter from “EDD” asking for more information from a claim filed in December of 2021? Nope hubby has been working straight thru same company for 20 years.(even during Covid) . I tossed it it the trash. Then his company got paperwork asking for more information from “EDD.”. It was all a fraud. We’ve had to file several reports online and freeze our credit. This just happened this week.



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