Representatives Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) and Barbara Lee (CA-13) announced they will host a virtual town hall on Thursday, January 27 at 7:15 p.m. to discuss Congressional Democrats’ work to protect the right to vote in the face of “Republican attacks on voting rights across the country.”
The event will be held on Zoom and will be streamed live on Representative DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.
Representatives DeSaulnier and Lee will provide an update on the latest efforts to ensure every American’s voice is heard at the ballot box and what comes next. Event participants will have the opportunity to submit questions before the event and live during the town hall.
I have never heard a word out of his mouth worth listening to.
Some reminders for the people: the federal government was created by the states. The STATES elect the President. The states individually cast their electoral votes for the candidate the PEOPLE in their STATE voted for.
Not gonna let these silver tongued snakes misinform people anymore for their own personal gain.
Even if they are dead…ID to get a burger … ok,
ID to vote racist…..CLOWNS
This guy is a clown. Another town hall to complain about the “far right extremists”? That’s right, requiring an ID to vote is racist now, amirite progs? Anything to appease the lunatic liberal fringe here to help him get reelected. Can’t we get this guy primaried/voted out of office?
What a joke. Who is suppressing what now? You don’t even need an ID to vote in this state. You just show up they asked for your address and that’s it and sign your name. Seriously.
What a load of garbage!
Total BS.
It’s not about “rights”. It’s about accommodating lazy liberals and Democrats to ensure their candidates win.
I wonder if he supports Kyrsten Sinema’s right to vote.
Best way is to keep democrats out of the counting room. Or you end up with Biden getting 82 million votes. I will never believe Biden got that many votes ever.
Voters rights?
American citizen in good standing? Over 21?
American citizen not in good standing? (felon etc)
No vote.
How hard is that?
Voter ID?
If someone is so irresponsible that they can’t figure out how to get an ID they don’t deserve the right to vote.
Agree completely!
Nowhere does desaulnier say a citizen, he states American and to him illegal is a American. He has a different idea what a American is and it isn’t a citizen.
Nowhere does desaulnier say a citizen, he states American and to him illegals are Americans. He has a different idea what a American is and it isn’t citizens.
I’m a convicted felon and I’m registered to vote
neener neener neener!!!!!!!!!!
Felons can vote in California.
Waste of time, you get demonized by his groupies. I would ask only 2 questions, (1) What is wrong with Voter ID ? (2) Instead of trashing the Filibuster and a House cram down, go get some GOP votes, you’re elected as a politician, politicians Negotiate, Compromise, Deal and Pursade … Democrats have done none of this … Are CCC Voters fed up with a goose stepping Progressive ? I sure am.
Lazy and/or stupid people should not vote.
If people live off welfare, they should not be able to vote to keep taking our money.
@Oh, please. I totally UNDERSTAND your sentiment, though I don’t agree with your policy prescription. We could move your policy proposal from the micro to the macro level. Not just for the individual, but if your entire STATE is a “welfare state”, you don’t get to cast any electoral votes. This would benefit us. States like California, that understand capitalism, that pay more to the feds than they receive, and carry water for the “welfare queen” states, would get to vote. States like Mississippi and West Virginia, that are perennially on the dole, drag down the rest of the nation, and just don’t seem to know what to do with freedom and liberty, they wouldn’t get to vote until they make some economic reforms and demonstrate that they understand such bedrock American ideals like self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship. We’ve tried the carrot for too long. It’s time to use the stick on these deadbeat states.
@Rolaids by that logic the federal government doesn’t get to cast a vote on anything including laws, funding the government, pass executive orders, Supreme Court confirmations, etc..
The federal government is literally the biggest welfare queen of all, so according to you the federal government has no right to do anything, which is to say it has no right to exist at all.
Nice argument, and I agree it’s time take the stick to the federal government.
DeSaulnier, Weiner, and Skinner: Hero’s of the stupid.
They assume people of color are too dumb to have an ID or find their way to a voting booth. How absolutely racist…….
This must be brought on by their fear of systemic climate change……….
So they tell you you have to have a vaccination card and I’d to go in and eat but not to vote?
These people really think we’re all really stupid.
They are used to the liberals who ARE stupid enough to believe their lies.
Should read – “Protecting the right to vote as many times as you can”
They want every American to vote. Especially the dead ones and the illegals that are not American.
How can they protect the right to vote when they won’t even allow open discussion on the subject?
DeCLOWNier spelled “make it harder to cheat” wrong.
Mark the Town Clown. Honk Honk Honk
It’s just another Democrat manufactured fake crisis, to cover up for their complete and absolute inability to do anything good for middle class working people and for the country.
The democrats’ sole claim is the “disenfranchisement “ of voters by requiring ID.
Never have I heard such bull$hit. Show a valid drivers license or state ID and you’re good to go. Unfortunately, the current absentee voting process is ripe for fraud. Whether there is/was fraud, we can’t say … because nobody is willing to take that on – it’s just playing politics on both sides. The feds attempting to take it over is just another power grab by the current political party in power.
Like I said, it’s time to clean house of all incumbents AND staffers.
Of course – Lee is also on the “town hall.” WTH does she have to do with contra costa county?????????
Clean the swamp.
>>>”protect the right to vote in the face of “Republican attacks on voting rights across the country.” So this was a stage to bash the other side and talk about Jan 06. Geez really moving things forward. I’m white and will not vote out of guilt, well unless they will provide food and water to me in the voting line.
I do have the right o vote. And I use it to vote against Mark every time he comes up for election.
My comment may belong in the Politics section of CLAYCORD but all these town hall affairs is to give all these illegals and their activist supporters ammo to provide huge “voter” base to get these Demos and liberals re-elected.
Did anyone see that news blurb that Pelosi is intending to run for another term ?? What a crock!!
Democrats want to nationalize what they did in CA by giving illegals the ability to get drivers licenses where they are registered to vote automatically. The so called motor-voter law. Also the mail in ballots where there is ample opportunity to create fraudulent ballots using records from past elections.
County voter rolls have not been updated in years and are out of compliance with federal voting standard. The republican voters of CA including especially CC are the ones who have been disenfranchised because their votes are cancelled out by illegal immigrants and vote fraud.
Democrats represent fraud and anti white reverse racism.
The evidence is right here in the county election office.
Will Mitchoff and the board address the issue before midterms?
Well it seems not since they just got their marching order from Mark.
What a joke…
They must be gearing up to cheat and steal our votes big time. Like we don’t know what they do.
I need to show my ID here in California when I take my aluminum cans to get recycled. My car license plate gets recorded too. Is that racist?
The politicians who say ID that requirements for voting are “Jim Crow” are either themselves racist (because of the ID requirements for recycling that the Left permits in California) OR they are lying to us about what is racist. I don’t see any other options. It’s one or the other.
More like a “Right to fraud” virtual meeting! Find a person who can’t vote because they don’t have an ID, just one! I’ll wait!