Home » The Water Cooler – How Long Have You Lived In Your Current Home?

The Water Cooler – How Long Have You Lived In Your Current Home?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


How long have you lived in your current home, and do you think you’ll ever move into another home in the same city (or a nearby city)?

Talk about it….

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Seventeen years February 2022. I see one of two scenarios. Love property and home I’m in, so likely stay and continue to upgrade. Second scenario: When other properties in the family are sold, perhaps consider Clayton as a purchase where a family member lived years back. I don’t see going anywhere further. Love it here and may always keep the home I’m currently in even if I did purchase again.

30 years and the only place we’re moving is out of California…

I have lived in Martinez for over 15 years.

That’s about to change in 3-4 months. My family & I will be headin’ over to the Foothills.

We have lived in our current home for 11 years. Soon we will be leaving this cesspool and moving to free America in Texas. I will never set foot in California again.

“Fair” being the operative word; it used to be great.

Thirty-seven years. If I ever move, it will definitely not be in the same city. I’ve been giving some thought of moving to a small town in the Gold Country, or somewhere up north in Lassen or Shasta Counties.

I love the Gold Country, Columbia, Murphy’s, Sonora. For years the Scandinavian Club had a fall week end to Sheepranch, we stayed at the Pioneer Inn, which have 15-16 bedroom. We brought food and cooked a nice meal Saturday night and dressed up in period clothing. Sheepranch has a population of about 35 inhabitants, our group was usually between 25 and 32-34. I’m toying with the idea of moving up to Sonora or Placerville, Placerville is a little more centrally located. However, all my friends are in this area, so I feel tied to this area. I have lived in Concord for since 2008, except for a short stay on the Peninsula. I would love to live in Benicia again where I lived for 10 years.

Hanne, I really like Placerville, if it wasn’t such a tourist town, I’d consider moving there too. Murphy’s is a nice, quiet little town, I have a friend that lives there.

….almost 57 years. Our children and married grandchildren have welcomed our going to live with them on the Eastern Seaboard… so maybe to North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, or southeastern Pennsylvania. That would be fun… but “we’ll see”.

Anlter that is a long time in one house. You must live in a great neighborhood.

I hate moving!
One way or another, they’re going to have to carry me out of here.

17 years and still loving it

We have been our home 43 years. We have been talking about moving, but do not know where. There are needs I want, to be met if we move, like 2 bathrooms, which we do not have now. If Hubby agrees to improvements this house, then I would be happy to stay.

33 years. No reason to move at the moment – nice size yard and home; plus, the improvements we have made have made the house perfect. If the children ever move far away, we will either move and/or purchase another home to be closer to them and the grandkids.

Moved here May 1974

20+ years. The move will be to a city outside of California, to where liberty, self-reliance and less confiscation of property are. Need to wait a few years, but looking for new real estate now.

15+ yrs.

23 Years come May in Cordelia. Wanted to stay in Concord/Pleasant Hill but couldn’t afford it so moved up here in ‘99. Loved growing up in Concord but it’s not the one I remember.


My mom lives in Cordelia. Just around the corner from the Thompson corner and, small fire, station.

I live not far the there, there area’s not perfect but it’s a nice place to live.

About 24 years, house and property has the functionality we need, planning to stay. The area works great for me, open space access, easy trips to ocean, wine country, mountain and great local produce. Even though I could cash out and move to another area, those areas don’t offer the same lifestyle.

Four years and we’ve had enough already. We’re moving to the foothills with acreage and a community with more reasonable people and values.

Wow, there are so many old people here!

32 years.

15-years in this house, 30-years in Concord, and 36 years in CC County. As soon as we can, we’re out of this polluted cesspool. No respect, no responsibility (especially from our elected officials) and now our rights have been taken away by a bunch of fools voted in by a bigger bunch of fools. 30-years ago, CA, SF, and CC County was a very nice place to live and enjoy. And we did. Now…it’s a joke and cesspool.

I’ve been at this house 21 years. I like the area but not the taxes and cost of living. Changing states comes with other problems too as it’s much easier to move in-state. I also don’t need a house this size but moving comes with a lot of house cleaning if you know what I mean and I think you do.

58 yrs. Living in the house I grew up in.

32 years, same house in Concord.
Don’t really want to move anywhere.
But we are feeling pressure to move out of CA.

Just not seeing value for our money remaining here.
Just look at roads, schools, the list goes on and on.

If I see one more CA cash give away I’m going to scream.


I lived in Foster City from 1982 to 1998. When my daughter went off to college, I sold my townhouse and bought a condo in Benicia. Friends would say why are you moving so far away. However, I found Benicia very centrally located, I had friends in Concord and Walnut Creek. I like to go to Tahoe and Clear Lake, from Benicia you are already out of the Bay Area traffic. When friends visited instead of driving into San Francisco for dinner we would go to Napa. Yes, getting to the City was a bit further than from Foster City, you have to cross 2 bridges, but when I moved to Benicia I didn’t go to the City every Friday that I use to do when I lived on the Peninsula. I found people on Peninsula were kind of snobbish, and turn their nose up at the East Bay. I found both Benicia and Concord to be friendlier and more neighborly than the Peninsula. Even if I won the lottery big I would not move back to the Peninsula. I prefer Benicia and would love a week end house in the Gold Country.

You’re not kidding about the snobbish people on the Peninsula. When I was 15 my dad bought a house in San Carlos. My sister and I got along fine with the kids in high school until they found out we were from San Francisco, then, all of a sudden, they didn’t want to have anything to do with us. I convinced my dad to move back to the City. I was so happy that my dad listened to me, all my friends lived in the City, and San Carlos was unfriendly and boring.

24 years.
No. I’m either heading to Calaveras County or a rural property near Lake Sherman, Texas.

37 yrs. Raised our kids in this wonderful community. We have the BEST neighbors. We decided to age-in-place in this single-level home. Completely remodeled. It’s perfect.

I’ve lived here for 20 years. Great community, neighborhood and neighbors. Love my house and I’ve done quite a bit of work to it over the years to “make it my own”. However, I am looking at moving out of this dumpster-fire of a state at some point.

My family has been in the same house in Concord since 1974. Custom built still nice. My second home since 1994 is on the Concord Clayton boarder. And yes we live in both houses. It works for us.



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