The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Mt. Diablo Education Association teachers’ union (MDEA) and the Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is set to expire on Jan.31.
MDEA and the MDUSD District negotiation team last met on Thursday Jan.20 to discuss the expiring MOU, however, no major decisions were made during the meeting.
To read the 11 page MOU, which covers everything from face masks to COVID-19 related benefits, please click HERE.
What does this mean? Are they going to strike?
Funny – I see people working at Target and Macy’s and grocery stores. We took a vacation last week and saw flight attendants, bus drivers, waiters, etc, etc… There are thousands of people out there working and interacting with people every day. Yet, somehow teachers are the only ones in danger of catching Covid. The only ones, according to them, “risking their lives” to do their jobs. I’m feeling kinda sick of listening to them.
Union BS is what that is.
SF oh~
Thinking it has to do with Kids.
Like they are thinking the ones (under 12yrs. old) would be the major spreaders of covid without knowing they have it.
It’s time to educate the Kids before they fall too far behind.
How dare you question the heroic status of teachers! Who else is unwilling to ‘risk their lives’ so that children can thrive mentally, socially, academically and physically?
The world would be a better place if more people were unwilling to serve our next generation as much as the teachers are unwilling to do so. The teacher’s union has set the bar on selfishness, misdirection and social justice confusion. All the other people you mentioned, the grocery store clerks, the mail carriers, delivery people, medical workers….all a bunch of selfish jerks.
(I understand that not all teachers are bad, but until they stand up against their own unions and make a change, they’re guilty by association)
Go on the subreddit for teachers. It is extremely illuminating.
Many of them openly say they pray for a return to remote teaching because it was so easy for them, they made more money, and most of all, it kept them SAFE from the dangerous, lethal virus. The teachers rant on there about how exposed they are, how they have to constantly yell at children who don’t want to wear a muzzle.
It’s extremely interesting and illuminating, a peer into the mad mind of an American school teacher
Union BS. Teachers are hiding behind a powerful teacher’s union because they can. The kids need to be in school and so do the teachers. Virtual learning is to the detriment of children. They’re falling behind. I feel bad for the kids, academically and socially.
That was entertaining to get insight on how the teachers have resignation ideation.One comment from a new teacher that public education will be nonexistent after 2027–epiphany moment! Thanks for sharing the link.
I bet MDEA is going to try and shut down schools again.
If they try, then just stop paying the portion of the property tax that goes to schools.
There’s certainly no reason to keep paying if the schools are closed. And no reason to pay if the teachers strike or continue “teaching” the state’s and districts crap….including common core and their politics.
Time for home schooling and private schools.
I keep seeing these teachers protest with their stupid signs in front of Sequoia Middle School everyday around 2:35 – 2:55pm (school dismissal).
It is really annoying.
My eight grader told me in the car that the students are nothing but pawns…sad when the kids start to understand it.
So sorry to annoy you….what should annoy you is that the teachers at your kids’ MDUSD schools haven’t gotten any sort of raise in almost 5 years. Most employers at least give a cost of living increase. MDUSD offered teachers 0% to start off this year. How kind after a year of offering us little to no support in distance learning and then pulling the contract they agreed to ratify in 2020 and then backed out of at the last minute. We don’t want to return to DL, we want a fair wage increase and respect from our employer.
Perhaps directing your annoyance at the useless school board would be a better investment of your energy. We teachers need parents to voice their concerns. Claycord isn’t the best forum to do that. So you’ll continue to see us teachers with signs until the district decides we are worth something to them.
Zoogirl- you can go walk off a short bridge. MDUSD teachers do NOT want to teach. You have abused our kids and hidden behind a terrorist union. YOU are the enemy and everyone that thinks like you. Instead of holding the district accountable for money mismanagement, you just want them to waste money so you can continue to suck on the teat of the American taxpayer and keep actively harming kids. YOU are the problem, not the parents and not the kids. I hope every single district in our area fails and you are all out of a job when School Choice passes. STOP abusing our kids. This is why I pulled for private.
Until YOU stand up to your terrible union, you will NEVER have my support. The board won’t listen to parents because they get money from YOUR union. I have tried my hand at making comments, and they just don’t care, your union doesn’t care, and the teachers don’t care. To hell with the lot of you.
A “fair” wage increase….
Zoogirl – @ohplease hits the nail on the head. The west contra costa teachers are now threatening to strike . Don’t tell me “what should annoy me….” And don’t think you’re “sorry to annoy” anyone.
Bunch of lazy a$$es want to “teach” remotely, and your “teaching “ is nothing more than throwing out your liberal BLM/defund the police bull$hit. You can NEVER convince anyone that the teachers are “working hard” and want to “ensure” the students safety. What a crock. BLM signs posted at some of the schools? Virtual classrooms with maybe a 20 percent participation?
Why do you think more people are going with home schooling or private schools? Public schools are garbage, from the board and administration all the way to the teachers.
If they ever decide that educating children is their primary goal, let me know. The fact is that you can’t wait this one out (Xi Corona Virus). The only way to get through this pandemic is to live and work, enjoying life as much as possible. We go to Church, shopping, visit friends, etc… mask-free with no ill effect. That’s pretty much the way things work here. We are triple-vaccinated and not afraid in the least. If we get infected by the Communist Chinese Bioweapon I will blame no one except the Communist Chinese.
Look at the Board – you have two far left activists i.e BLM, one catatonic member, and two mediocre players. Look at the track record they have in appointing leadership i.e. Superintendent ( the last two hired for their ethnicity rather than substance). Unless parents demand some actual change like moving kids into classrooms, teaching substantive material, and getting it together MDUSD will continue a slide into an abyss and the students will suffer. It all starts at the board level and, sadly, the current board can’t, or won’t , handle it.
The best thing we can do is hope that the district fails. Starting from scratch would be better than this crap show. NOTHING will change until the district is formally insolvent.
Teachers work with one of the least at risk groups of people yet they’re the ones still supporting distance learning. Or at least they’re not fighting the unions to get back to the classroom. “we have to wait until we have the vaccine.” They get the vaccine, then it’s, “we need to wait until they have the vaccine for kids.” It’s never ending, they like working from home, who wouldn’t? But that’s not what they signed up for.
Grocery workers, nursing home staff, hospital workers, etc have been on the job working with the most at risk groups all along that has put them in harms way. If they can be at work then so can teachers. It’s time for teachers to put on their big girl panties and put the education and mental health of their students above their fears.
I read the Reddit comments.
Funny that permissive behavior in the class leads to disruptive behavior as do permissive attitudes about committing crimes but this state continues to let behavior run off the rails.
Teachers jumped in front of the line for the vax and then don’t want to be in the classroom. No problem going to Mexico, Hawaii Florida etc…
If you don’t like the system change it. But Go To Work or quit. Sick of the whining!
If you assume that the state still has the best interests of taxpayers/residents in mind… well, that is a mistake. It’s all political, all about campaign donations, all about power, and all about avoiding responsibility or integrity.
The pro BLM billboards at district schools marked a turn to direct Marxist activism by the MDUSD. These people have stopped working for CC parents and students and now work for international left wing ideologues.
Somehow a black communist activist from Berkeley with no relevant experience was “elected” last year to the board and that should be a wake up call. With motor voter laws in place for several years illegal immigrants have been registered to vote when they go to get drivers licenses. It has been estimated that there are 2-10 million illegals in CA. Their illegal votes are cancelling out the votes of the legal 6 million republicans. That is before any issues of mail in ballot fraud are taken into consideration!
It is clear that the Marxists are using vote fraud to attain power and are corrupting and ruining the education system and the economy.
Until the voters learn to vote with their minds instead of their “feelings “, you’ll continue to get the same liberals in office that want to tax you for their pet projects.
California itself is a PERFECT example. Same with the counties. Same with the cities. Same with the school districts.
If you’re fed up with the liberal BS, you can do one of two things … vote the democraps out or move.
Fire the teachers who refuse to go back to in-person classes. All of them.
Another example of why education in California is circling the drain.
District looking hard for Substitutes.
Union preparing Strike Teams.
Interesting; or not. ???
If they strike, fire them.
If you know the politics of your childrens’ teachers, fire them.
Lazy a$$e$.
Good, good. Everything is going as planned. The dismantling of the corrupt, fascist, communist state of California is collapsing and we will build it back for the people, by the people.
If you don’t understand the democrat super majority/ Teachers union connection…pay attention. The schools are directly responsible for the state of the state. From homelessness to drugs to unAmerican ideas, this current school indoctrination system will be disassembled.
Wow, so many hateful, misguided comments towards educators. I don’t anyone who is making such negative comments about teachers would last a day in a classroom. Other professions have unions( healthcare workers, police, etc..) yet teachers catch so much crap because they want better for themselves. Teachers do not want to go back to online learning, and do not make more money by doing so. Anyone who doesn’t believe in the efforts of hard working teachers don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Ridiculous.
I’m hearing the same as above from teachers that are friends. I just listen, but good teachers are disappointed with teachers that are hiding behind the teacher’s union. Tenure is a common denominator in every conversation. The teachers I know want to be in the classroom, but it’s not always the norm.
To bad, so sad. The good teachers must be the silent teachers because the only ones who speak out are the commies. These fools had more then enough opportunities to do the right thing. The union and idiotic belief systems has ruined education period.
You “don’t know anyone who is making such negative comments about teachers that would last a day in a classroom.”
You’ve got a lot of nerve making such a sweeping claim. Guess your circle of friends/colleagues is pretty tiny and you know NOTHING about people posting negative comments here.
I suspect you’re just another incompetent “teacher” hiding behind the union. Learn to teach. Don’t bother “teaching” your politics or your opinions. You want to “teach” from home? I’ve seen plenty of examples of “teachers” who have spent no more than 1-2 hours/day online , while claiming to be “working” 8-10 hours/day… and they’re just copying last year’s work.
Go cry somewhere else. Why do you think we’ve gone to home schooling or private schools. We want quality education without your BS politics.
Not listening until tenure is revised or eliminated.California public education is big auto in the 80’s producing an inferior product.
I just read an article (a media source that I was not aware of. so dunno its credibility) that suggests activating National Guard as Substitutes.
What say you?
Let the banter begin….
Well , I would believe that they would be respected a hell of a lot more than the “teachers” the district has now. They’re certainly more willing to teach facts and not opinions.