Home » Walnut Creek Police Investigate Attempted Carjacking Near Walnut Heights Elementary School

Walnut Creek Police Investigate Attempted Carjacking Near Walnut Heights Elementary School


The Walnut Creek Police Department is continuing its investigation into an attempted carjacking that took place shortly before 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan.23.

A Walnut Creek man was sitting in his car parked near Walnut Heights Elementary School, waiting to meet a friend, when three unknown suspects approached the victim and attempted to steal his car, according to police.

One of the suspects pointed a handgun at the driver and ordered him to exit his vehicle.


The victim was able to drive away quickly and was not injured.

The victim drove to a safe location before calling the police to report the crime.

Officers conducted a thorough search of the area, which included assistance from the CHP Air Unit, but no suspects were located or identified.

The three suspects were described by police as:


  • Black male approximately 17-18 years old, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt.
  • Hispanic male approximately 17-18 years old, wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt.
  • Black male approximately 17-18 years old with a light complexion. Unknown clothing description.

It is unknown if the suspects arrived on foot or had another vehicle.

If you have any information, saw the three suspects around the school, or have video surveillance in the neighborhood, please contact Detective Kim Gerstner at gerstner@walnutcreekpd.com

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Deal gone dirty?

…. raise your hand if you’re surprised….. hmmmm don’t see any raised hands…

You guys thought you’d be safe in your little suburban out-of-the-way neighborhoods from this little revolution. You were wrong.

There will be more of this. Maybe not in this neighborhood, but in others. You vote for democrats, you vote for this. Legalize crime, call policing racist, decline prosecuting criminals… it’s all quite predictable. The predators know it’s open season, and if you aren’t the predator, you are the prey.

Glad to see these WC folks getting some of what they voted for. I cannot believe how many signs I saw in these yards supporting Newsome, BLM, etc. They want to vote in a way that harms the most people? Alright. Buckle in. Coming to YOUR town now. Their virtue signaling is about to display consequences.

I believe it really is about as simple as that.

WageSlave and Ohplease are right! Nailed it!
Those that don’t think so still have their head in the sand. Most of the rest of us are waking up now to this connection.

Wow, the amazing thing is we got a fairly accurate description.

What does a Hispanic look like?

This one seems a little weird. That school is in the middle of a residential area. There isn’t much in the way of off street parking. Waiting for a friend to exit their home?
Further, and I mean this in a most respectful way, you don’t see gentleman of color in that area. There is probably a lot more to this story. That said, it’s probably smart to be prepared for carjacking style violence from now on in Walnut Creek.

Because everyone sits in their car near Walnut Heights…I think not! Drug deal gone bad.

Isn’t a drug deal already bad?

I had the same thought.

We have a winner. Someone’s drug buy did not go as planned.

Pretty isolated spot for a random carjacking. Not surprising that some of that blighted neighborhood’s latchkey kids took up the criminal lifestyle. With parents are too busy struggling to pay off their houses they couldn’t really afford in the first place, there’s no time to raise kids to act right.

Mr. Pines is right…

If it was a drug buy, why would the “almost” victim run to the police?

Seems odd abit odd, but back in Oct. a man walking home on Homestead at 5:41pm was robbed at gunpoint and his phone and briefcase were stolen. I know a lot of people don’t want to open their eyes to it but the Diablo Valley isn’t what it once was. It’s not the safe place I grew up in, it’s still a great area but nowadays you’ve gotta be vigilant, even in residential areas.
That area is on the edge of WC and unincorporated WC. Unincorporated county areas do not have the same level of police patrols as cities. My guess is it’s covered by one deputy as it was years ago, if so that one deputy covers unincorporated areas all over the Diablo Valley.
I do believe the soft on crime and anti police movement has caused a lot of it but it’s also a reflection of society now. Just seems there is a big percentage of people that fail to see what’s going on or flat out argue it’s not happening until it touches them directly.

Random crime + no prosecution = Even More Crime

The math is simple, but the voters are ignorant!

I must say this is becoming more and more regular in WC. We live not too far away near Indian Valley and have noticed “sketchy” looking people wandering the streets. When I grew up in WC that was usually the newspaper salesperson now it’s a carjacker.
Too bad CHP could not track them. I am sure that helicopter was nearby…its actually our creepy neighbor that likes to fly around stalking the neighborhood.

Is this one of those things that make you go “hmmm…”?

You combine a liberal City Council with a DA like Becton and this is what you get. Be prepared citizens of WC. Me, I’m passing out new training manuals to the WCPD officers.




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