California teenagers would be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 without needing their parents’ permission under a bill introduced this week by state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco.
Senate Bill 866 would allow children ages 12 and up to receive any vaccine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices without having to provide parental consent.
Wiener argued that teenagers across the state are already allowed to receive certain medical treatment without a parent’s consent, including the HPV and hepatitis B vaccines and reproductive and mental health care, and said that COVID vaccines should be no exception.
“COVID-19 is a deadly virus for the unvaccinated, and it’s unconscionable for teens to be blocked from the vaccine because a parent either refuses or cannot take their child to a vaccination site,” he said in a statement.
The bill would also apply to the measles vaccine, Wiener said, as current state law only allows teenagers to get vaccinated without parental consent for illnesses that are sexually transmitted.
Several other states and jurisdictions already allow teenagers to get vaccinated without parental consent, including Alabama, South Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island and Washington, D.C.
“Our San Francisco teens have some of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates in the state and nation with more than 90 percent fully vaccinated, and they are now getting boosted,” San Francisco Director of Health Dr. Grant Colfax said. “This age group has been a critical part of our response to ending the pandemic.”
Wiener introduced the bill Thursday with Sen. Dr. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, both of whom are part of the newly assembled Vaccine Work Force of state legislators.
Other members of the workforce — Sen. Josh Newman, D-Fullerton, and Assembly members Buffy Wicks, D-Oakland, Evan Low, D-Campbell, Dr. Akilah Weber, D-San Diego, and Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, D-Winters — are co-authors of the bill, as is Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco.
We are held responsible for the safety and well being of our children till they are 18. It’s not right to allow the government to take that away from us.
We are in Weimar Republic territory now (look it up if you’re not familiar) and Scott Wiener is pushing to be the first politician to be held accountable when the people finally wake up.
@Yertle the Turtle, I have noticed over several months that you TRULY know the TRUE history of the world, not to mention, the specific tribe responsible for the push to enslave society in this NEW NORMAL and dysopian society. I appreciate you waking people up to who these 2%’s truly are! Thank you! Let’s hope we beat these Weimar Repuplic Communist beasts whose logos appear on thousands of our food products!
@Kelly Clarke
Like Arnold said, “screw your freedom”.
Scott Wiener & friends.
He has no idea the kind of backlash this bill could cause.
I disagree, I think the whole purpose of this bill is to cause backlash. They truly want to destabilize everything. This is another step closer to removing the age of consent. These people are sick pedophiles. They want the children.
OMG !!!
Just turn your children over to the government!
The slippery slope theory. “already allowed to receive certain medical treatment without a parent’s consent, including the HPV and hepatitis B vaccines and reproductive and mental health care, and said that COVID vaccines should be no exception.” Just does not make it right!!! Let parents be parents! What is next on this this slope.
The government feels juveniles are intelligent and responsible enough at
12 to make their own decisions about health care. Ok, then they should abolish all laws related to crimes committed by juveniles 12+ years old. For every criminal act they will be tried and sentenced as adults. Their records for crimes committed under the age of 18 will not be sealed. They will go to adult facilities to serve time. No more excuses that they’re not mature enough to know the consequences of their actions. If they’re competent at that age to decide on their health care – then they’re able to know the difference between right and wrong.
Good point, SF oh! A 12 year old is wondering if they should start shaving, wearing deodorant or what it feels like to kiss…subjected to peer pressure…prefrontal cortex is immature which plays a role in impulse control. For heaven’s sake, how can they decide to take an EUA therapeutic without their parents input?
12 is not a teen!
And all of the liberal/democrat voters here are all in favor of this!
No? Then why did vote those idiots into office?
Until you stop voting these controlling idiots in office it will continue.Wake up people and change this government.If it needs to come to physically taking over oh well.
Weiner is an evil person IMO. His chicken hawk SF buddies keep voting him in so he can screw over the state.
So what happens if the teen gets sick from the vaccine like many do . It’s short lived but if you are unaware your child had a vaccine then they run a fever, have a headache and chills. What happens when the latest challenge for kids in social media is to see how many booster you can get? What happens if you kid has some other reaction that can’t identifiable with this knowledge. I’m vaccinated, I’m against mandates but how can you justify this. What if the parent wants to vaccine their child and the child is against it? Do they also have the freedom to not get the vaccine. A child should not be able to make this decision without their parents knowledge.
“What if the parent wants to vaccine their child and the child is against it? Do they also have the freedom to not get the vaccine.”
That’s a great question, and I bet I can guess the answer.
Any child over the age of 11 has the right to their own medical care. So if a parent wants the child to get it and the child does not want it , if they are 12 and up, they do not have to get it. The medical professionals are required to have the child’s consent if 12 and over.
What happens? The same thing that happens if the teen has an abortion and gets complications, whatever that is.
I am so glad my children are grown. It was bad enough when the library starting telling me that, while I was still fiscally responsible for fines on my pre-teenaged children’s library cards, they would not tell me what the books were so I could go look to see if they had been put back in the stacks at the library and just not logged back in (which happened all the time)
Lawsuits will pour in and rightfully so! This is absurd!
What is it with men in public office named Wiener and kids? This guy is sick!
Interesting that both West and East Coast have their Weiner. Scott Weiner and Anthony Weiner and kids. Hmmmmm
this is a solution waiting for a problem, the Teenagers I’ve polled (and I’ve had a House full) have no interest in getting a shot, they believe this just removes the parental barrier so Schools can pressure them to get a shot (pretty smart for kids that work at Fast Food places)
Thank God I moved out of Concord. This virus is no joke but ya’ll keep laughing until it hits you or your family. The teens you speak of that have no desire to get the vaccine have obviously been tainted by their parents. Ridiculous!! Go Dems!!! 🙌🤛💪
And Concord also thanks God that Teresa moved out.
@Teresa you Karen’s are something else.
Most of my family has already had it, including my elderly parents, and they’re all just fine now. The family members who are in their teens barely even felt sick.
If there was a vote who to blindfold and walk to the middle of the GGB and push I’d put this pathetic Weiner at the top of the ballot, and every other person voting for this bill to line up right behind them and we can have a group push off the bridge.
I am continuously amazed how stupid the voters are in California to put these kind of people in office and they remain in office… Yes the majority of the California voters are mental cases they shouldn’t even be allowed to vote because they’re reasoning is ridiculous.
Great! The government thinks that some of us can’t decide that what is good for ours children😡 just because they can’t force us to get the children vaccinated. What’s next? Are they going to make it harder to own guns?
Another nail in the coffin for California!
We leave at the end of the school year, bitter sweet, love California the state, its just beautiful, but its ugly politics and economics (direct result of the politics) has made us decide to leave!
You are not alone. The ugly politics of this state are really out of control but the population keeps voting for these people/policies so it leaves those of us that are firmly against the direction that this state is heading with no choice but to leave.
Think about all of the times our government has made a bad decision. That’s why I object to mandates, abrogation of parental rights and attacks on the US Constitution.
Funny how they want to keep the government out of our bedroom, and yet they can’t keep their hands off our kids.
So at 12 they can choose what legally goes into their bodies … gotcha.
So they can drink alcohol?
Smoke? Cigs or Weed.
They should be treated as an adult in court.
They should be allowed to get a job without having to get a work permit.
If we are going to let them choose what medications they can take, then why not?
Now, for all you who missed that, that was SARCASM on my part.
This is stupid and beyond crazy that they would allow this. Unfortunately, I have too much family out here to leave right now, but even the wife is finally asking, where could we move to that is smarter than California? My response was, there are 49 other states better off right now.
Uh, 48. You don’t want to go to New York…
Time to Sprout a Backbone
Senator Wiener (D-SF) is a continuous menace to personal liberty and decision-making.
Scott Weiner is also responsible for SB132, which was quietly passed by the state legislature at end of 2020 & went into effect in January 2021. It allows men to transfer into a womens prison by merely stating that they gender identity is female. No surgery required, no hormones required. Doesn’t matter what your crime is. Just say you are a woman & you get to be housed in a womens prison. Currently there have been over 40 men transferred into womens prisons & another 400 have submitted applications. No one gets denied. Some of these men are incarcerated for serious sexual assaults against women or children.
SO, Scott Weiner is an irresponsible woke fool. Just a public service announcement.
There is this theme running through Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 of “communal families” sort like the communes of the 1960-70s where everyone shared raising the children. Looks like that’s what they’re trying to implement and it will go over like a lead balloon.
Man … supreme court ganna have a lotta work this year … sighhhhh
What could possibly go wrong. If it wasn’t for bad ideas Democrats would have no ideas at all
Well, i guess if you haven’t raised your kids to do what you say by the time they are 12, then you probably weren’t disciplining them enough before so what’s the difference —- they’ll do something else the parents won’t like either -just to spite them
“The population keeps on voting for the stuff”…”we are all leaving”… I’m reading a lot of this… guys I keep telling you they imported all these people to vote for this bs… the only way you’re going to reverse it is reverse immigration policies! However they’re not gonna let you reverse them because they’re (politicians) all bought and paid for by the people that employee these slave laborers. Prop 187 was voted for by the people in the 90s and then a Latino judge (the irony) over turned it. The solution could be ugly but the Financial system and food supplies have to dwindle before anybody’s gonna actually get up and do anything about this right now they are getting away with genocide in America through immigration and most don’t seem to notice the decay or the root causes nor will they do anything. Nihilism has infected the population in mass.