Home » Legislation Proposed In California To Allow Children Age 12 And Up To Get COVID-19 Vaccine Without Parents’ Consent

Legislation Proposed In California To Allow Children Age 12 And Up To Get COVID-19 Vaccine Without Parents’ Consent


State Senator Scott Wiener has plans to introduce new vaccine legislation that would allow children age 12 and up to be vaccinated against COVID-19 without their parents’ consent.

There are about 74 million children between the ages of 0-17 in the United States. 727 have died of COVID-19, according to the CDC.

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What’s with democrats and kids? Leave the damn kids alone.

Yeah it’s terrible how democrats *checks notes* want children to live. True monsters. Not patriots like Matt Gaetz or Jim Jordan

“want children to live”…um, we ARE talking about the China virus which children 0-19 are at almost no risk with survival rate >98.98%…that virus?

And the “checks notes” thing is so stupid, go back to your Twitter bubble.

Well…..after reading all the responses, it appears there’s only ONE Wiener supporter stupid enough to swallow every last drop of democrat kool-aide.

@matt you clearly didn’t have any notes with that pathetic Reddit-esque response.

It’s pretty simple – Democrats don’t think the general public is intelligent enough to raise its own children. Therefore, they are attempting to take over raising our children one step at a time.

Well with all the Epstein heat falling on the Clintons and their cronies, I think we have our answer.

Crazy. What is the mechanism to sue the provider if something happens to the individual that has the rare side effect? Government should NOT be doing this. Today, you must have parental consent to get a tattoo, ears pierced, medication at schools etc, but no consent needed for an abortion and now this. It has to stop people!

Wiener is a disgusting pedo that is doing everything in his power to decriminalize the stigma of pedophilia. It’s disgusting . Our taxes pay his salary. He needs to be locked up .

How do you connect the virus and Covid to pedophilia? Having said that I’m not in favor of this, I think the parents should be able to decide. Children have to have certain vaccines to attend school, if the Covid vaccine becomes a requirement, then the parents have to make the choice between the vaccine and home schooling, or perhaps private school, but they will have and should have that choice.

For a virus that has a .0000% fatality rate for children that age. These ‘lawmakers’ need to hang.

Knowing this crazy liberal Democrat Weener….. he has an ulterior motive. ie: he probably wants children to be the sole decider if they can get a sex change operation, abortions, and probably ability to vote.
This is just a test push on the “envelope”.

What a crock of crap! Just another example of California politician overreach. Let’s take another decision away from parents since they obviously don’t know what is best for their own child. This state is going (has gone) to hell.

Agreed, Gremlin! A 12 year old has no mental capacity to make that decision…
“The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so.
In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.”

Absolutely not. Nope. Over my dead body.

@Wait a Minute

Why does our government think it’s ok to raise our children?

They want control of your children. Are you paying attention yet?


Parents unite! stand up and fight for your rights and protection of your children.
California has turned to Crap. Time to take our State back!

The government is trying to take away parents’ rights. Really? This is 100% wrong. This is more proof that California is being run by communists. All you people that keep voting for democrats, how bad and how wrong does life have to get here before you wake up?

Well that’s it, this state and it’s ridiculously stupid politicians trying to pass this garbage has gone over the edge.
Ok parents time to start the lawsuits over this stupid legislation, letting a 12-year-old decide for themself to get a vaccination with their parents input or intervention.
What the hell is a matter with politicians nowadays!!!
Weiner… you’re a pathetic individual to try to pass garbage like this and anyone else that is with him on this is just as pathetic, you morons need to be put out to pasture.

The state knows better than you, what’s best for your children.
SB-866 Minors: vaccine consent.
Text of bill https://tinyurl.com/2p9afmxb

IBD editorial https://tinyurl.com/4eecb6nv

New Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin a republican signed a few executive orders on first day in office.

“Parents, in fact, should have a say about whether their children should wear masks or not in school,” said Youngkin. “And I think that parents actually are guaranteed that right under the constitution and our laws and so we know that respecting parents priority over their kid, the fundamental right that parents have to make decisions in regards of their children’s education and their wellbeing, that’s a fundamental right that we’ll protect.”
NBC12 TV Richmond, VA https://tinyurl.com/mr2d2vmc

“…restore excellence in education by ending the use of divisive concepts, including Critical Race Theory, in public education.”
NBC12 TV Richmond, VA https://tinyurl.com/mwtr9hst

Liberal politicians apparently believe they know better than you,
what’s best for your children.

I remember back in the days (1960’s -70’s), girls under 18 could go to Planned Parenthood to get the birth control pills without Parents. I didn’t know any that went for abortions, which I rather not see happen.

There are so many rights being taken away from Parents.
Not saying they make the best decisions all the time.
But Minors (children) have less life experience, to make some choices.

In the Very Early birth control days … I’m thinking ’60 ’61… A married woman had to have her husband sign consent for her to get The Pill prescribed. Things like THAT led to marching, bra-burning and Women’s Re-Entry education, etc.
Which takes us into the OTHER hot story today…. The State taking control of who should raise our kids.
Moms went to work, Moms needed their own car, Moms wanted the bigger house, Moms left their kids for someone else to raise.

Scott Weiner has done more to destroy California than anyone in Sacramento except Gavin.

agree 100% WC

Maybe Wiener should just go all the way and do what he really wants to do…confiscate all children in CA the minute they are born and have them raised by the state. He can call them California Youth. Has a nice ring, doesn’t it?

Ah yes the same guy who Made knowingly giving somebody aids a misdemeanor instead of a felony yeah this guys a real smart one. Real class act here “hey kids go against your parents wishes”. Way to to break down the family unit here Scott. Someone investigate this guy already. Like the scene from braveheart “he wasn’t right in the head” comes to mind when thinking of anyone in politics these days

California State Sen. Scott Wiener Pulls Bill Banning Surgeries on Intersex Children

A loser, much like Nancy Skinner.
Weiner is a Democrat creature, educated at Harvard and nurtured in the San Francisco DA’s office and the Board of Supervisors. Check his history of legislation he’s introduced. Owned by Big Real Estate:


At this point, why not. 13-year-olds can get an abortion with their parents consent like grabbing a burger from nations. California has left us, It is time to leave it.

According to the Hoover Institute, +360,000 people left California in 2021. +180,000 left in 2020. No telling how many illegal aliens too their place. Also leaving: Businesses (employers for far-Left readers). And lots of Conservative states are welcoming those businesses with open arms.

Having made the move last year, I suggest that you do a lot of research, take some scouting vacations to likely destinations, and get a feel for what life might be like in other places. We made a list of must-haves, would-like-to-haves, and do-not-wants. We ended up hitting a Grand Slam. Your results might vary.

Good advice, we’re making our list now, about 5 years sooner than originally planned but the state has forced our hand. Where did you end up?

Pete V
Recognize the lyrics “Please come to Boston for the Springtime” We are living where HE was from.

But our son was already here, or we might have ended up elsewhere. Real estate prices have increased here and availability for some kinds of housing is low. Cash offers are golden. It really is a lot of work to move: Logistics, timing everything right, etc… we arranged for a Real Estate agent and looked at property online prior to driving here to make a purchase. We allowed 3 weeks for the process, but only needed 2. But living in a Free State is worth it.

I’ve also read that you need to look at your potential living place under different circumstances and angles. There are all sorts of stories of people who went on vacation somewhere at one time of the year and decided to move there not realizing how miserable it might be during other seasons with humidity or heat or cold. A long time ago we looked at houses in another state we liked but then found out the property taxes there were ridiculous.

@ chuckie,
Ha, that’s one of my favorite “yacht rock” songs, and fun fact, the singer/writer is cousin to one of the biggest pop stars of the 80’s. Your state is on our list, looking at the mountain-y areas, although for a couple reasons we may end up in TX for a few years before we settle for the long-term which short list are UT, ID, MT, TN.

I don’t think I agree with the proposed legislation, but, I do think when considering the risks and benefits of vaccinations for children, the statement “There are about 74 million children between the ages of 0-17 in the United States. 727 have died of COVID-19, according to the CDC.” seems intentionally crafted to imply that avoiding death is the only benefit of vaccination and the only factor to be considered. There are others.

This doesn’t have one damn thing to do with kids dying or other benefit factors of the vax. Not a single one.

Next up, CA will try to eliminate parents and have the State raise the kids. Thankfully, there are term limits so Wiener will term out. The problem is there are plenty of other morons waiting to take his place…

That’s not all that Scott Wiener wants to inject into your children without you knowing.

Pure Evil!


Weiner doesn’t care about Covid. This bill is a Trojan horse intended as a stepping stone toward adolescent gender reassignment surgery without parental consent.

Absoutely correct

Mentioning Weiner and Trojan in the same sentence brings up all sorts of images I would rather not see!

Oh my goodness…

I can’t imagine what kind of parent wouldn’t want Weiner in charge of their child’s education, health care, etc…

So….0.00098% fatality rate? Yeah…thats enough to completely destroy parental authority in their children’s lives.

This is utter nonsense.

Great tune, great singer, great message highlighting the message at hand:
(On Rumble)

These deviant pedos are true demons who will NOT leave our kids alone.

727 children under 18 have died WITH Covid, but we will never know how many actually died FROM Covid.

Do we know how many children under 18 have been hospitalized, permanently harmed or died after/because they were vaccinated?

As an adult, I made an informed decision and got vaccinated. My wife is aware of this and can let doctors know should anything go wrong. But imagine being a parent, your child is vaccinated without your knowledge/consent, and then they have a reaction to the vaccine. This could lead to delays in treatment with fatal consequences.

Will the Weiner from San Francisco face legal and civil consequences if this happens?

The courts must not allow this.

How about contacting CA state senator Steven Glazer and let him know what you think of SB-866. Minors: vaccine consent

Scott Wiener is a socialist and extremist… a danger to you, me, and all Californians.
He loves big government edicts from Sacramento that usurps local decision-making, personal liberties, and personal freedoms.

If you as the parent object, complain or sue the school district you will be labeled a Domestic Terrorist. See how this is going to go?

People need to send a message.

Complaining here won’t do anything.

Look at what the rest of the world is doing.

People are marching.

Is it time to start that here?

Write State Senator Dodd (Senate District 3) letting him know this insane proposal – Senate Bill 866 – is absolutely unacceptable. You can contact Senator Dodd here: https://sd03.senate.ca.gov/contact



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