Home » A Student Was Exposed To COVID-19 At School: What’s Next? (From The CoCo Health Dept.)

A Student Was Exposed To COVID-19 At School: What’s Next? (From The CoCo Health Dept.)


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Talk about overly complicated.

Take his temp.

Normal? Send him back to school.

High? Send him to bed until he’s better.

Then send him back to school.

The End.

Hey what is wrong with you for using common sense. We need to have Men. Women and Children running down the street in a severe panic mode.

I totally agree cellophane!
you wouldn’t believe how stupid some of these parents are. Quite a few kids have shown up to my kids schools sick and tested positive but parents sent them anyway.
It’s truly insane

What a mess…

Not a mess, a circus 🎪. That’s what you democrats voted for all these years.

@ Duh…..look who’s advising others to keep quiet! LoL

Reminds me of a guy I was checking up on who lived in total squalor in a run down little shack in a trashy neighborhood….. the guy starts giving me stock market tips! What to buy & when to buy it.

I cut his dosage in half.

“You Democrats?” I’m not a Democrat.

Then I’m not talking to you…but I do remember something out of you that wasn’t on the level.

Incinerate the student. Two weeks to flatten the student population, and then you can go about your lives again.

Signed, Moloch

Bravo, Chuckie.

Don’t run with scissors, don’t eat yellow snow, look both ways before crossing the street, and don’t piss in the wind.

These over paid idiots must be bored. They desperately need to be relieved of duty…for their own good.

@Sam….”and don’t tug on Superman’s cape”.



If you are sick, stay home. If you aren’t go about your life .

Control what you can control. The insanity ends when we stop treating healthy people as sick.

Restore normalcy in Contra Costa. Sign the petition! -https://restorecontracosta.com

When will Contra Costa County come to their senses?

“As we enter the third year of the pandemic, every child age 5 and up is eligible to receive a COVID vaccine in the United States. Oddly, this has been accompanied by increased pressure on kids to wear masks in school. Some private schools have gone beyond cloth-masking and mandated N95 (or equivalent) masks for children as young as 4. The Berkeley Unified School District recently began transitioning students to N95-level masking. This isn’t a matter of protecting children, their teachers, or their grandparents; it’s delusional and dangerous cult-like behavior.”

Writeup from Tablet Magazine:

Just think our tax dollars paid for someone to make these cute little charts every other week

That is quite the flow chart…luckily, they didn’t complicate it for us peons with a third level of ‘vaccinated and boosted.’ According to Dr. Tzvieli when he spoke at the BOS meeting on 1/18/22 there are about 1:10 Contra Costa County residents walking around with Covid…that equals to 116,592! This sounds about right, as he also stated, “there are 3-4 times positive cases than what is on dashboard (today 32,579).” They have no way of capturing the data from home tests so now they will use hospitalizations with data from the state as influencers to driving their decisions…they are aware that 50% of the numbers are incidental (although I’ve read that it’s more like 70-75%). I concur with Cellophane that they are over complicating this–it’s time to stop sacrificing those that have borne the burden in this pandemic, our children!

Did someone really make a flow chart for this??????

At last…a reason to learn to use that over-price flowchart software that nobody ever bothered to learn to use before. OK. Now put it away until the next panic-demic.

They should also make a Flowchart like this for criminals.

Was the item you stole over $950?
No Yes

Good one!

No schools are following this any longer. Last week the CDPH also released group tracing.

There is zero purpose to this. Everybody will see this virus. Just test kids who are sick. That’s it. End of plan.

Give kids their lives back. Kids in other countries, most states, many private schools are living fully and getting an actual childhood. Parents need to demand it. You aren’t protecting anybody with this stuff: everyone has had the option to get vaccinated, which turns this into a cold for almost everybody. Heck, it *is* a cold for kids, almost without exception, even before vaccines. Kids have suffered enough for adult fears.


This guy is sane: a pediatrician at Children’s hospital in Philly and runs a policy advising program. You can’t stop the spread by test and trace when omicron is so contagious and so mild in kids; kids are not at significant risk of a severe outcome at this point (if they ever were), so all the hassle is causing more harm than good.

Oh, and also, pediatric wards are not overrun, they aren’t seeing more kids in the hospital than usual.

The Liberal Politician-Media-Tech Complex is not going to let the facts get in the way of a good* crisis.

With that chart, I think we can legitimately say that somebody is “overthinking” it.

Well considering most masks offer almost ZERO protection against a virus AND the FACT vaccinated catch/transmit the virus, this bureaucratic, overly-complicated flow chart is ridiculous, anti-SCIENCE, and documents discrimination against unvaccinated children.



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