Home » State Announces Mandatory Water Restrictions For All California Residents

State Announces Mandatory Water Restrictions For All California Residents


The California Water Resources Control Board has adopted emergency water restrictions that will apply to all water users statewide.

The mandate includes prohibitions overwatering yards, washing cars without a shutoff nozzle, hosing down sidewalks or watering grass within 48 hours after rainfall.

The restrictions will apply to all water users, including individuals, business and public agencies and will be enforced through warning letters, water audits or fines, according to a news release issued by the board.

The emergency regulation takes effect within 10 days, once approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State.


The restrictions are similar to what was in place during the state’s last severe drought and come in spite of recent rains, but state officials said they are still needed.

“Prohibiting wasteful water practices increases awareness of water as a precious resource no matter what type of weather we are experiencing in a given moment, because weather extremes are now part of our climate reality,” said E. Joaquin Esquivel, board chair, in a statement.

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I wonder how many are going to post how they’re going to waste water now that Governor Nuisance and the state agencies have stated we’re still in difficult circumstances. Probably the same ones who threaten to burn wood on STA days, even though asthma sufferers and other people with health issues pay the price. One can only hope they’re just angry and are blowing smoke, but then again the events of last year prove some of them act on their selfish, illegal ideas.

yes Phil, I will continue to use my water as I have always have.

We use our dishwasher as that uses less water than hand washing dishes. Our lawn is green, but none of my sprinklers touch anything but lawn. So yes, I will continue.

As for wood burning … so your asthma is my concern? You must be special. I burn high quality wood with minimal smoke and lots of heat (Madrone, Black Oak, Almond, etc). The folks I know personally who have asthma, none of them believe it is my responsibility to not burn wood to protect them.

And lastly, STA days … you mean the ones they recently called when it was raining? That is a laugh …

I’m pro-environment. I ride my bike to work the vast majority of days, I do organic gardening, compost my food scraps and recycle. As I write this, my backyard is underwater due to the massive rains we have been receiving. What orders like this do is erode the trust in the government that “Emergencies” are truly not “Emergencies”. We do not have an emergency water situation and I predict that this Spring we are releasing water from reservoirs due to snow run-off (as they are already doing at Folsom). This order is about money and control, not a water crisis.

Phill, time for your pill.

@vindex- I will also add the word “emergency” to yesterdays question on Claycord about words we don’t want to hear any more. Just like everything is “breaking news” everything is an “emergency “. Just like the boy who cried wolf.

Looters and rioters acted numerous times on their selfish, illegal ideas, and it wasn’t only during 2021.

We burn nice dry almond and what you and I do with our wood and water is not any of Phil’s business.

“Increasing awareness” is their goal
The narrative is more important than reality
CA is part of the Great Reset zone along with NY and east coast with EU and Australia/NZ so expect this kind of dimwit propaganda in gov press memos
Most other countries have rejected the reset agenda Russia, China, India, Japan and the global reset is now fracturing into a smaller zone
The reset is essentially hybrid warfare (information, economic, legal) by EU politically active billionaires like Zuckerberg, Rothschild, Steyer, Bloomberg and especially Klaus Schwab of the WEF
They are literally trying to destroy the industrial economy and financial system of the world and replace with their new system of oligarchy/communism
The Democrat party is wholly controlled by them
This is why it seems the democrats are ruining everything
They are and it’s on purpose
Fortunately there are enough responsible republican lawmakers to stop the agenda from attaining any legal legitimacy and we will see about SCOTUS and illegal vaccine mandates

It’s even more insidious than you think it’s much more than a goal of destroying our economy. Why would you trust the Republicans at this point they’re basically Democrats in the late 90’s. They went back to bush era politics it’s a joke of a party. They don’t care about you or me. The Dems are goin full re re and Republicans ain’t doin a thing because they are complicit and obviously serve the same puppet masters that pull the Democrat strings. What have the conservatives conserved in the last 65 years let alone 100

Yes I agree with your point mostly but I think there are a small number of republicans like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Manchin? in the Senate and of course republican Governors around the country who are responsible and not afraid of the media or financial blackmail from international capital
The Build Back Better bill failure and the voting rights bill failure are because of these leaders and a unified republican resistance in the Senate
The situation in CA is hopeless for now because of systemic vote fraud
We need a national revival to help us purge the state gov

The search term you guys are looking for is “sustainable development”.
Almost every city, county and state is in bed with the UNITED NATIONS. It doesn’t matter left, right, red, blue, Democrat, or republican. Your country is sold out fully. Your local government is responsible. The council knows. They get money from the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. Yes CITY OF CONCORD is a part of it. How else do you think these idiots get resources? It’s the same thing around the world. Guess what happens if a country doesn’t take the cheddar? Regime change time baby.
THIS IS AGENDA 2021-2030-2050 in real time. COVID HOAX is all part of it. Understand, to these people, we are the virus. We exhale what? Oh the number one cause of climate change CO2. It’s time people put their big boy pants on and call the LOCAL GOVERNMENT OUT. Trump, Biden and governors are all a distraction. EVERYTHING goes down at the local level.

I heard about this on the radio yesterday and they made a big deal about reporting people who waste water.


Let’s all tattle tale on our neighbors.

Government agencies should be working to provide the water the people need rather than restricting water usage with illegal mandates.

I’m going to change my lawn to Black Beauty with Micro Clover this spring.

Another government agency wants to be empowered by declaring an emergency with no end date or criteria for exiting the “emergency”.

The democrats love to give power to unelected agencies. That way the legislature never has to vote on unpopular rules.

Next up: a “racism” emergency to justify more racism, an “abortion” emergency to justify more abortion….

Then they better stop watering the golf courses, business parks and government facilities.

How about getting rid of about 25 million people from California? There is enough water for remaining 15 million. (I used those numbers based on my recollection of water restrictions in the mid-1970s and the state’s population growth since then. 20 million, or the state’s population in 1970, is too many.)

How about closing the border and deporting people who aren’t Americans? How about stop selling water to Arizona and using the proceeds as a democrat pet project slush fund and to pay off politicians in a completely corrupt “super majority” circle jerk?

My camera is ready. To hold Blackhawk, Danville, Alamo. To the same standards. I see this every morning 6:30 am . I can,t not water my grass. But you have to conserve water.

Jealous much!? 😂😂😂😂
I will indeed keep my vineyard well watered!!!

Been said a hundred times before: We need more dams! Government is fighting with itself. The Environmentalists don’t want any more dams in CA. It is a simple solution. They want it all. Water & No Dams! This was known a hundred years ago! You need Dams to contain water for future use. Plus, a few weeks ago during the heavy rain, Folsom Dam was spilling that precious water. This State is just sick! Sick people running the State of California! Just look at what happened to Sites Reservoir! Out in the middle of nowhere!!!

Neighbors tattling? My neighbors wouldn’t have a clue how I’m using my water and if they try to snoop and cause a scene that would be their first and last mistake for sticking their nose in my business.
Newscum and anyone else pushing this bs mandate can kiss my butt. Water restriction mandates don’t mean a damn thing to us, the state has had 50 years to figure this out..

It’s been raining every day for a month and we had the biggest storm in Tahoe in 57 years. I’m always careful with water, but at some point this is a management problem.

Everything’s an emergency now – just like the boy who cried “wolf.” I don’t trust any of the bureaucrats – elected or appointed.

And for those that say “well, follow the science”…. Remember that science once said the earth was flat. Science is ALWAY to be questioned.

Bring in more illegals ! That’ll help with our lack or resources!!!

Low hanging fruit, makes it look like your doing something. How about creating more water storage, recharging ground water, recycling and desalination projects. Didn’t they get a bunch of money for some of those projects but haven’t started them yet? I wash my car with a pressure washer which uses a fraction of the water and burn a hot fire in a wood burning store.

I 100% agree! Take the money from the stupid “bullet train”, and put it towards all those ideas, but I guess that would make too much sense.

What they are asking for is not a big deal. The big deal is they do nothing else to resolve the problem. That will lead to someday them demanding a big deal.

Same rules as last time so I don’t need to change what I do with my water.

The price of bottled water is outrageous. Our drinking water is not safe with all the chemicals in it and probably has Moronis virus in it too.
Let’s go take a look at Newsom’s yard and time his family showers. Pffft!
Kermudgin California at it again.

That’s why i purify my water thru a modified leaf blower!

oops,,,Ccurmudgeon Balifornia

The CARB (Calif Air Resource Board) tried getting the public to report smoking vehicles and even went so far as to spread the word into businesses by way of a pad of these on paper forms to fill out as to where you saw said vehicle and at what time and the license plate number, then mail this back to CARB in SF which just happened to be the same address as the EPA.
How low can they go with this bovine excrement?

No way, Jose! Gotta keep the grease money flowing in this big government bureaucratic waste machine. The California Water Resources Board just received millions of federal funding for non-payers of their water bills…seems best to not pay your bills in this golden state!

“Through $985 million in federal funding allocated by the state legislature, the State Water Board is creating a new program to provide relief to community water and wastewater systems for unpaid bills related to the pandemic. The funding will cover water debt from residential and commercial customers accrued between March 4, 2020 and June 15, 2021.”


SO STOP BUILDING IF WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH WATER! And yes I will continue to say the same thing. It just truly does not make sense!! But again thats our government!! And it’s super frustrating as I am doing my damnedest to save water yet you drive to Sacramento and there is soooooo much construction happening!!

+1 +1 +1

…water restrictions to give water to al the new housing developments that WE have to pay for … meanwhile Newsom spends BILLIONS of our tax surplus not to pay for water retention or generation projects (desalination) but to fund his pet projects to keep his favorites voting for him to keep him in office… but the blue Cali doesn’t want to hear or see that 🙁

I’ve cut my water use by 75%. I may smell a little but so what.

We have been meaning to tell you.

My smell is a gift Ricardoh. Embrace it !!!

Soon we’ll be greeting one another, not with a handshake, but by sniffing one another like animals do. Cute!

Nothing says “It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood “ or “Will you be my friend” than ratting out your neighbors to the Virtue Police.

Whenever water conservation proponents cry about consumer water usage I refer them to this chart from LLNL.


As you can see, domestic water usage is a drop in the bucket (pun intended) compared to industrial and agricultural usage. Any savings made by consumers will not affect the greater water supply and in fact, will most likely result in increased water rates as it did in the early 1990s, when people were very conscientious about saving water.

People were so conscientious that lawns died and cars were covered in dirt for a year and CC water district profits decreased. They asked for a rate increase and they got it. And consumers paid more for less water.

Are our memories so short that we forget, in the end, the consumer always foots the bill for a profit shortfall?

What incentive do we have to be suckered again?

Great point with consumer water usage.

Same with consumer energy usage vs industrial/commercial.

Stand in the middle of the Vegas strip and talk to me about turning off my lights at home.

If there’s water to grow pot, there’s water for my lawns and trees!

What does that have to do with anything? Anyone can get water if they want it bad enough. Mandating water restrictions has no meaning to most people such as us. We use what we use anytime we want on anything we want and our gardens will be watered no matter if they are vegetables or pot.
Get a clue Gomer..


It won’t go into effect until 10 days after approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State. So, there’s still time to wash down the driveway, the car, or anything else still dirty from last yea’rs drought.

Trump was actually right. California needs to build several more large reservoirs or dams to save all the water that happens every wet year which is about every 4 to 5 years. We would never have water problems again. Plus we could generate clean electricity from the dams. But the environmentalist in this state will have none of this common sense.

I’ve got a well on the west side & a river on the east side (the water is pretty fresh too). You can have your drought without me.

Sorry it took so long to respond, I spit coffee all over my keyboard while reading this originally and had to get a new one.

I’d like to recommend those 78,000 new IRS employees that the Biden Brainwash “Build Back Better” program plans on hiring be assigned to audit every federal agency in the United States. This is “OUR” money, and I want it spent wisely and those that do spend it be held accountable for it.

Oh, and if you believe this will happen, your alarm clock is ringing!

all government is theft. and you are the victim, the sap.



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